

Type: Geometry

 Hierarchy: Freezable  Animatable  PathSegment 

     <ArcSegment         LargeArc="true|false"         Point="5,5"         Size="10,10"         SweepFlag="true|false"         XRotation="45" /> 


     <ArcSegment         LargeArc="true|false"         Size="10,10"         SweepFlag="true|false"         XRotation="45">         <ArcSegment.Point>             <Point X="5" Y="5" />         </ArcSegment.Point>       </ArcSegment> 

<ArcSegment .../> should be a child of PathFigure. It represents an elliptical arc between two instances of Point (Figure 9-2). ArcSegment does not contain its start point location because the start point is assumed to be the current Point of the parent PathFigure.

Figure 9-2. ArcSegment


LargeArc (optional)

This Boolean value determines whether the arc should be drawn with an angle of 180 degrees or greater.


The arc will be drawn with an angle greater than 180 degrees.


The arc will be drawn with an angle less than 180 degrees.

Point (required)

This attribute describes the end point of the arc. This attribute can be described as a Point either explicitly or using abbreviated markup syntax.

Size (required)

This attribute describes the x- and y-radius of the arc as a Size.

SweepFlag (optional)

This Boolean value determines whether the angle of the arc is drawn in a positive-angle or negative-angle direction.


The angle is drawn in a positive-angle direction.


The angle is drawn in a negative-angle direction.

XRotation (optional)

This Double value indicates how the arc should be rotated relative to the current coordinate system.

XAML in a Nutshell
XAML in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596526733
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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