Switching Between Views

Next, go back to our Light Table and make this hero image larger to set it apart. That way, any time we open the Light Table for these images, we'll quickly be able to identify the hero.


Press F to switch back to the Light Table and then click the tropical 12 image to make it the primary selection.


Enlarge tropical 12 so that it's about twice its original size. Don't worry if the images overlap; you will fix that next.


Drag across the tropical-shot favorites group to select all of the images in it. Any images that are hidden behind the large hero image will also be selected.


Control-click and choose Arrange from the contextual menu. The images are rearranged into a neat layout. Resize the Light Table, using the Zoom slider if necessary, so that you can see all of the images in the group.

Now let's go back to Full Screen mode to choose our sidewalk hero image.


Press N and drag the Navigator hot area to the right until the sidewalk favorites group is centered in the Light Table area.


Select the images in the sidewalk favorites group and then press F.


Press Option-U to return to Multi view. You should be looking at the three favorite sidewalk shots in Full Screen mode.


If you accidentally deselect any of the images in the group, press F or Esc to return to the Light Table, reselect your favorites group, and then press F again to return to Full Screen mode.


Select sidewalk 1 and press Option-R to switch to Primary view.

You are looking at your second hero shot. It has a good attitude, and the dress looks fabulous. As we did with our first hero image, let's resize this one in the Light Table.


Press F to switch to the Light Table.


Drag a handle to resize the hero image to about twice its original size.


Select all the images in the sidewalk favorites group and then Control-click and choose Arrange from the contextual menu. You may want to manually adjust both sets of favorites into custom layouts.

The hero image is now set apart and easy to identify.


Press Shift-A to fit all of your images in the Light Table.

Excellent. You have now selected a hero image for each garment and background, and you've set those images apart in the Light Table. It's always nice to have a hard copy of your work. Let's look at printing options for the Light Table.

Apple Pro Training Series(c) Aperture 1.5
Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 1.5
ISBN: 0321496620
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 190

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