Recipe 7.1. Setting a Line Style


You want to set the line style properties.


Use the lineStyle( ) method.


Before you can draw programmatically, you must set the line style properties for a Graphics object. If you don't set the line style properties, the default line style is undefined and lines and fills won't render. You can set the line style properties by using the lineStyle( ) method of a Graphics object.

The lineStyle( ) method accepts up to eight parameters, all of which are optional. The parameters are as follows:


The thickness (in pixels) for a line. The default value is 1. The valid values range from 0 to 255. 0 is a hairline. Values outside of the valid range are adjusted to the nearest valid value.


The color for the line. The default value is 0x000000.


The alpha value for the line. The valid range is from 0 to 1. The default value is 1.


A Boolean value indicating whether or not the lines ought to snap to whole pixels. The default is false.


One of the constants from the flash.display.LineScaleMode class. The constants are NORMAL (default), NONE, VERTICAL, and HORIZONTAL. When the value is set to NORMAL, the line thickness scales when the object within which the line is drawn is scaled. For example, if a sprite containing a 1-pixel line is scaled 200 percent, the line thickness scales to 2 pixels. If you set the scale mode to NONE, then the line thickness never scales. If you set the scale mode to VERTICAL, then the line thickness does not scale when the object is scaled only in the vertical direction (though it scales when the object is scaled horizontally). Likewise, if you set the scale mode to HORIZONTAL, the line thickness doesn't scale when the object is scaled only in the horizontal direction.


A string specifying the end caps to use for the line. The value can be one of the flash.display.CapsStyle constants. The constants are NONE, ROUND (default), and SQUARE.


A string specifying the type of joints between connecting line segments. The value can be one of the flash.display.JointStyle constants. The constants are BEVEL, MITER, and ROUND (default).


When the joint style is set to MITER you can optionally specify a miter limit. The default value is 3. The valid range is from 1 to 255. The miter limit determines how far beyond the point at which the line segments join that the miter joint extends. The effect of a miter limit is determined by the value as well as the line thickness and the angle between the line segments.

Since all the parameters are optional, you can minimally call the lineStyle( ) method, as in the following example:  );

You can call the lineStyle( ) method at any point to change the line style. For example, you can set the line style to a 20 pixel green line, draw a line segment, set the line style to a 10 pixel blue line, and then draw a second line segment with the new line style.

You must set the line style again after calling the clear( ) method. Calling the clear( ) method effectively resets the line style to the default undefined state.

ActionScript 3. 0 Cookbook
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers
ISBN: 0596526954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 351 © 2008-2017.
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