Section A.14. Chapter 14: Generics and Collections

A.14. Chapter 14: Generics and Collections

A.14.1. Quiz

Solution to Question 141 .

Indexers are unnamed. You use the this keyword to create an indexer:

 public string this[int index] 

Solution to Question 142 .

Any type can be used, although it's most common to use integers.

Solution to Question 143 .

The elements of the array must implement IComparable .

Solution to Question 144 .

Generics allow you to create type-safe collections without specifying the type the collection will hold when you create the collection.

Solution to Question 145 .

It allows your collection to support a foreach loop.

Solution to Question 146 .

The size of an array is fixed when you create it. A List<T> expands dynamically when you add more elements.

Solution to Question 147 .

A List is like an expandable array. A Stack is a "Last In, First Out" collection, a Queue is a "First In, First Out" collection, and a Dictionary is a collection of key/value pairs where you can retrieve the value given a key.

A.14.2. Exercises

Solution to Exercise 14-1 .

Create an abstract Animal class that has private members weight and name , and abstract methods Speak( ) , Move( ) , and ToString( ) . Derive from Animal a Cat and Dog class that override the methods appropriately. Create an Animal array, populate it with Dogs and Cats , and then call each member's overridden virtual method.

 using System; abstract public class Animal {    protected int weight;    protected string name;    public Animal(int weight, string name)    {       this.weight = weight; = name;    }    abstract public  void Speak(  );    abstract public  void Move(  );    public override string  ToString(  )    {       throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");    } } public class Dog : Animal {    private string breed;    public string Breed    {       get { return breed; }       set { breed = value; }    }    public Dog (int weight, string name, string breed):    base(weight,name)    {       this.breed = breed;    }    public override void Speak(  )    {  Console.WriteLine ("Woof"); }    public override void Move (  )    { Console.WriteLine ("Run, run, run, drool.");  }    public override string  ToString(  )    {       return "My name is " + + " I weigh " + this.weight +       " and I am a " + this.breed + "\n";    } } public class Cat : Animal {    public Cat (int weight, string name):    base(weight,name)    {}    public override void Speak(  )    {  Console.WriteLine ("Meow"); }    public override void Move (  )    { Console.WriteLine ("Run, tumble, nap.");  }    public override string ToString(  )    {       return "My name is " + + " I weigh " + this.weight +       " and I know how to purr!\n";    }    public void Purr(  )    {       Console.WriteLine("Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n");    } } public class Tester {    static void Main(  )    {       Animal[] myAnimals = new Animal[5];       myAnimals[0] = new Dog( 72, "Milo", "Golden" );       myAnimals[1] = new Cat( 12, "Shakespeare");       myAnimals[2] = new Cat( 10, "Allegra");       myAnimals[3] = new Dog( 50, "Dingo", "mixed breed" );       myAnimals[4] = new Dog( 20, "Brandy", "Beagle" );       foreach ( Animal a in myAnimals )       {          a.Speak(  );          a.Move(  );          Console.WriteLine(a);          Cat c = a as Cat;  // cast to cat          if ( c != null )   // if it is a cat          {             c.Purr(  );      // only cats purr          }       }    } } 

Solution to Exercise 14-2 .

Replace the array in Exercise 14-1 with a List . Sort the animals by size. You can simplify by just calling ToString( ) before and after the sort. Remember that you'll need to implement IComparable .

 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; abstract public class Animal : IComparable {    protected int weight;    protected string name;    public Animal(int weight, string name)    {       this.weight = weight; = name;    }    abstract public  void Speak(  );    abstract public  void Move(  );    public override string  ToString(  )    {        throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");    }    public int CompareTo( Object rhs )    {       Animal otherAnimal = rhs as Animal;       if ( otherAnimal != null )       {          return this.weight.CompareTo( otherAnimal.weight );       }       else       {          throw new ApplicationException("Expected to compare animals");       }    } } public class Dog : Animal {    private string breed;    public string Breed    {       get { return breed; }       set { breed = value; }    }    public Dog (int weight, string name, string breed):    base(weight,name)    {       this.breed = breed;    }    public override void Speak(  )    {  Console.WriteLine ("Woof"); }    public override void Move (  )    { Console.WriteLine ("Run, run, run, drool.");  }    public override string  ToString(  )    {       return "My name is " + + " I weigh " + this.weight +       " and I am a " + this.breed ;    } } public class Cat : Animal {    public Cat (int weight, string name):    base(weight,name)    {}    public override void Speak(  )    {  Console.WriteLine ("Meow"); }    public override void Move (  )    { Console.WriteLine ("Run, tumble, nap.");  }    public override string ToString(  )    {       return "My name is " + + " I weigh " + this.weight +       " and I know how to purr!";    }    public void Purr(  )    {       Console.WriteLine("Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n");    } } public class Tester {    static void Main(  )    {       List<Animal> myAnimals = new List<Animal>(  );       myAnimals.Add(new Dog( 72, "Milo", "Golden" ));       myAnimals.Add(new Cat( 12, "Shakespeare"));       myAnimals.Add(new Cat( 10, "Allegra"));       myAnimals.Add(new Dog( 50, "Dingo", "mixed breed" ));       myAnimals.Add(new Dog( 20, "Brandy", "Beagle" ));       foreach ( Animal a in myAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine(a);       }       Console.WriteLine( "\nAfter sorting by size..." );       myAnimals.Sort(  );       foreach ( Animal a in myAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine( a );       }    } } 

Solution to Exercise 14-3 .

Replace the list from Exercise 14-2 with both a Stack and a Queue, and see the difference in the order in which the animals are returned.

The animal definitions are unchanged; the Tester class has the changes:

 Using System.Collections.Generic; public class Tester {    static void Main(  )    {       Console.WriteLine(         "Adding in the order: Milo, Shakespeare, Allegra, Dingo, Brandy" );       Stack<Animal> myStackOfAnimals = new Stack<Animal>(  );       myStackOfAnimals.Push( new Dog( 72, "Milo", "Golden" ) );       myStackOfAnimals.Push( new Cat( 12, "Shakespeare" ) );       myStackOfAnimals.Push( new Cat( 10, "Allegra" ) );       myStackOfAnimals.Push( new Dog( 50, "Dingo", "mixed breed" ) );       myStackOfAnimals.Push( new Dog( 20, "Brandy", "Beagle" ) );       Queue<Animal> myQueueOfAnimals = new Queue<Animal>(  );       myQueueOfAnimals.Enqueue( new Dog( 72, "Milo", "Golden" ) );       myQueueOfAnimals.Enqueue( new Cat( 12, "Shakespeare" ) );       myQueueOfAnimals.Enqueue( new Cat( 10, "Allegra" ) );       myQueueOfAnimals.Enqueue( new Dog( 50, "Dingo", "mixed breed" ) );       myQueueOfAnimals.Enqueue( new Dog( 20, "Brandy", "Beagle" ) );       Console.WriteLine( "The stack..." );       foreach ( Animal a in myStackOfAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine(a);       }       Console.WriteLine( "The queue..." );       foreach ( Animal a in myQueueOfAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine( a );       }    } } 

Solution to Exercise 14-4 .

Rewrite Exercise 14-2 to allow Animals to be sorted either by weight or alphabetically by name:

 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; // simplified to show comparision abstract public class Animal : IComparable<Animal> {    protected int weight;    protected string name;    public Animal( int weight, string name )    {       this.weight = weight; = name;    }    // ** new **    public static AnimalComparer GetComparer()    {       return new Animal.AnimalComparer();    }    public int CompareTo( Animal rhs )    {       return this.weight.CompareTo( rhs.weight );    }    // ** new **    public int CompareTo( Animal rhs,       Animal.AnimalComparer.ComparisonType whichComparison )    {       switch ( whichComparison )       {          case             return );          case AnimalComparer.ComparisonType.size:             return this.weight.CompareTo( rhs.weight );       }       return -1;  // gotta have all paths return a value    }    // nested class   ** new **    public class AnimalComparer : IComparer<Animal>    {       // how do you want to compare?       public enum ComparisonType       {          Size,          Name       };       private Animal.AnimalComparer.ComparisonType whichComparison;       public Animal.AnimalComparer.ComparisonType WhichComparison       {          get { return whichComparison; }          set { whichComparison = value; }       }       // compare two Animals using the previously set       // whichComparison value       public int Compare( Animal lhs, Animal rhs )       {          return lhs.CompareTo( rhs, whichComparison );       }       // required to fulfill implementation       public bool Equals( Animal lhs, Animal rhs )       {          return this.Compare( lhs, rhs ) == 0;       }       // required to fulfill implementation       public int GetHashCode( Animal a )       {          return a.weight.GetHashCode();       }    }     // end nested class }        // end class Animal public class Dog : Animal {    public Dog( int weight, string name, string breed ) :    base( weight, name )    {}    public override string ToString()    {       return "My name is " + + " I weigh " + this.weight;    } } public class Cat : Animal {    public Cat( int weight, string name ) :    base( weight, name )    { }    public override string ToString()    {       return "My name is " + + " I weigh " + this.weight;    } } public class Tester {    static void Main()    {       List<Animal> myAnimals = new List<Animal>();       myAnimals.Add( new Dog( 70, "Milo", "Golden" ) );       myAnimals.Add( new Cat( 10, "Shakespeare" ) );       myAnimals.Add( new Cat( 15, "Allegra" ) );       myAnimals.Add( new Dog( 50, "Dingo", "mixed breed" ) );       myAnimals.Add( new Dog( 20, "Brandy", "Beagle" ) );       Console.WriteLine( "Before sorting..." );       foreach ( Animal a in myAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine( a );       }       Console.WriteLine( "\nAfter sorting by default (weight)..." );       myAnimals.Sort();       foreach ( Animal a in myAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine( a );       }       Console.WriteLine( "\nAfter sorting by name..." );       Animal.AnimalComparer animalComparer = Animal.GetComparer();       animalComparer.WhichComparison =;       myAnimals.Sort( animalComparer );       foreach ( Animal a in myAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine( a );       }       Console.WriteLine( "\nAfter sorting explicitly by size..." );       animalComparer.WhichComparison = Animal.AnimalComparer.ComparisonType.size;       myAnimals.Sort( animalComparer );       foreach ( Animal a in myAnimals )       {          Console.WriteLine( a );       }    }     // end main }        // end tester 

Learning C# 2005
Learning C# 2005: Get Started with C# 2.0 and .NET Programming (2nd Edition)
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Pages: 250 © 2008-2017.
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