
Perform the following commands and view the responses on your computer:

ipconfig /all, winipcfg, and ifconfig -a (Not all TCP/IP stacks implement these.)


ping w.x.y.z Replace w.x.y.z with the IP address of your computer.

ping w.x.y.z Replace w.x.y.z with the IP address of another local computer.

ping w.x.y.z Replace w.x.y.z with the IP address of your default gateway.

ping w.x.y.z Replace w.x.y.z with the IP address of a remote computer.

 ping localhost 

ping If you are connected to the Internet and have a DNS server.


ping <hostname> Replace <hostname> with the your actual hostname.

arp -a or arp -g One or both might work. Wait a few minutes then repeat.

 netstat -s 

nbtstat -n Not all TCP/IP stacks implement nbtstat.

Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours (4th Edition)
ISBN: 0672329964
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 259
Authors: Joe Casad © 2008-2017.
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