61. Rename, Resize, Reformat, and Retouch a Group of Images Before You Begin 47 About Saving Images 59 About Size and Resolution 109 Apply a Quick Fix It's easier than you might think to collect hundreds, if not thousands, of digital photos before you realize it. Managing these photos can become a full-time job if you don't establish a method for dealing with common tasks that are part of the process. Establish a routine for processing new images that includes copying the files to your computer, backing them up onto CD-R or similar media, and converting those you want to work with to PSD format or some other lossless format, such as TIFF. You should follow a similar process for images you copy to the computer using your scanner. Luckily, the Editor provides a method for easily converting a group of files from one format to another all at once. In addition, you can rename the files (which you might want to do if they use generic names such as DSC01982.jpg), resize them (and even increase their resolution), and automatically adjust their brightness, contrast, and saturation. 1. | Choose File, Process Multiple Files
TIP | You can rename a single file in the Organizer by selecting the image and choosing File, Rename. You can resize a single image in the Editor by choosing the Image, Resize, Image Size command. To save a single image in a different format, with a different filename, or in a different folder using the Editor, choose File, Save As. | If you want to process selected files in a folder (rather than all of them), open the File Browser (choose Window, File Browser) and select those files first. In the Editor, choose File, Process Multiple Files from the menu bar. The Process Multiple Files dialog box opens.
| 2. | Select Files to Process
TIP | If you are processing files that are already in the catalog, you will need to update their thumbnails (if you retouch the images) and update their catalog information (if you rename them). If you copy the processed files to a new folder and prefer to use the new files over the ones already in the catalog, you must let the Organizer know their new location. After you've processed the files, in the Organizer, choose File, Reconnect, All Missing Files. See 13 Locate Moved Files. To update just the image (when you haven't moved or renamed a file), see 20 Update an Image in the Catalog. | To import images from your scanner, digital camera, or a PDF document for processing, from the Process Files From list, choose Import. Then select the source you want to use from the From list.
To process all the files that are currently open in the Editor's workspace, from the Process Files From list, choose Opened Files.
If the File Browser is open, and you have already selected the files you want to process, from the Process Files From list, choose File Browser.
To process all the images in a folder (and perhaps its subfolders), from the Process Files From list, choose Folder. Click the Browse button under Source, select the folder that contains the files you want to process, and click OK. You're returned to the Process Multiple Files dialog box. If you want to include images stored in subfolders of the folder you selected, enable the Include All Subfolders option.
| 3. | Select Destination Folder
NOTES | The Opened Files option is the only way you can process multiple files located in different folders, where one is not a subfolder for the other. The File Browser method is the best way to process selected files from the same folder. If the options under Quick Fix or Labels are not fully displayed, click the left arrow in front of Quick Fix or Labels to display the options. | If you want to save the processed files in the same folder in which they are now, enable the Same as Source option. If you choose this option, be sure to rename the files as well so that you don't overwrite your originals (see step 6). Otherwise, click the Browse button under Destination, select the folder in which you want to save the converted files, and click OK.
| 4. | Select Retouch Options
If you want to retouch the images automatically, select the adjustments you want to apply (such as Auto Levels) from the Quick Fix pane on the right side of the Process Multiple Files dialog box.
| 5. | Add Labels
You can add a watermark or caption to identify your personal images and to protect them from being used without your permission. To create a watermark, select Watermark from the drop-down list at the top of the Labels pane. Enter the text you want to use in the Custom Text box. Adjust the font, size, opacity, and text color as desired.
To add a caption, select Caption from the drop-down list at the top of the Labels pane. Then select the text you want to include in the caption: File Name, Description, and/or Date Modified. You can choose as many of these text elements as you likeeach will appear on its own line in the image. The Description, by the way, is the same description you can enter on the Description page of the File Info dialog box, or as an image caption in the Organizer. See 53 About Image Information and 31 Add a Text Caption or Note. Select a Position for the caption (such as Bottom Right), and adjust the font, size, opacity, and text color as desired.
KEY TERM | Watermark Slightly transparent text placed over the key part of an image, not only to identify its creator but also to protect the image from being used illegally.
| TIP | To enter the copyright symbol into the Custom Text box, press and hold Alt as you type 0169 on the numeric keypad. |
| 6. | Enter New Filenames
Digital photos straight from the camera have non-descriptive filenames such as MVC-413G.JPG. You can rename digital camera files to give them more understandable names. You can rename files from other sources as well. First, enable the Rename Files check box.
Below the Rename Files check box are two properties lists. By selecting items from one or both of these lists, you can use the existing properties of an image to create a unique filename. For example, you can use an image's date as part or all of its new name. You can also enter some text such as Jan's Birthday and add a sequence number, creating a unique filename for each imageJan's Birthday 01, Jan's Birthday 02, and so on.
Start by choosing a property you want to use from the first list box in the File Naming area. To enter some text for use in the filename (such as Jan's Birthday), simply type that phrase into the first list box. Choose a second property (such as 2 digit serial number) from the second list box if desired.
NOTE | If you're using a serial number as part of the filename, you can change the starting number by changing the value in the Starting serial# text box. | If you plan to use the converted files on a computer with a different operating system, select that system in the Compatibility area.
As you make your selections, a sample filename appears in the Example area.
| 7. | Select New Size
If you want to resize these images or change their resolution, enable the Resize Images option. Then enter new Width and Height values. Resampling will take place during resizing. To make sure that the images are not distorted as they are resized, enable the Constrain Proportions option. Enter a new Resolution if desired. See 60 Change Image Size or Resolution for more information.
NOTE | The Document Name property simply refers to the image's current filename. Selecting that property will enable you to use the existing filename and add something to it by selecting an additional property from the second list. This way, for instance, you can change the filename DCX0304987.jpg to Walt and Saundra's Wedding - DCX0304987.jpg if the original filename is important to you. Also, if you select document name from the list and the file is currently named BBQ Party.jpg, the file will be renamed bbq party.jpg; if you select DOCUMENT NAME, the file will be renamed BBQ PARTY.JPG, and so on. |
| 8. | Select New File Type
If you want to convert these images to a different file type (such as from GIF to PSD), enable the Convert Files to option, and then open the drop-down list and select the file type to which you want to convert the selected files.
| 9. | Start Processing
When you're satisfied with your choices, click OK. Each image appears briefly in the Editor window as it is being processed.
To save any error messages that appear during processing in a text file that you can review later, enable the Log errors that result from processing files option before clicking OK. This log file is saved to the destination folder you identified in step 3.
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