URL java.net

Java 1.0 serializable

This class represents a uniform resource locator and allows the data referred to by the URL to be downloaded. A URL can be specified as a single string or with separate protocol, host, port, and file specifications. Relative URLs can also be specified with a String and the URL object to which it is relative. getFile( ) , getHost( ) , getProtocol( ) and related methods return the various portions of the URL specified by a URL object. sameFile( ) determines whether a URL object refers to the same file as this one. getdefaultPort( ) returns the default port number for the protocol of the URL object; it may differ from the number returned by getPort( ) . Use openConnection( ) to obtain a URLConnection object with which you can download the content of the URL. In Java 5.0, you can explicitly specify a Proxy object through which the connection should be opened. For simple cases, however, the URL class defines shortcut methods that create and invoke methods on a URLConnection internally. getContent( ) downloads the URL data and parses it into an appropriate Java object (such as a string or image) if an appropriate ContentHandler can be found. In Java 1.3 and later, you can pass an array of Class objects that specify the type of objects that you are willing to accept as the return value of this method. If you wish to parse the URL content yourself, call openStream( ) to obtain an InputStream from which you can read the data.

Figure 12-27. java.net.URL

 public final class  URL  implements Serializable {  // Public Constructors  public  URL  (String  spec  ) throws MalformedURLException;        public  URL  (URL  context  , String  spec  ) throws MalformedURLException;  1.2  public  URL  (URL  context  , String  spec  , URLStreamHandler  handler  )          throws MalformedURLException;        public  URL  (String  protocol  , String  host  , String  file  )          throws MalformedURLException;        public  URL  (String  protocol  , String  host  , int  port  , String  file  )          throws MalformedURLException;  1.2  public  URL  (String  protocol  , String  host  , int  port  , String  file  ,          URLStreamHandler  handler  ) throws MalformedURLException;  // Public Class Methods  public static void  setURLStreamHandlerFactory  (URLStreamHandlerFactory  fac  );  // Public Instance Methods   1.3  public String  getAuthority  ( );        public final Object  getContent  ( ) throws java.io.IOException;  1.3  public final Object  getContent  (Class[ ]  classes  )          throws java.io.IOException;  1.4  public int  getDefaultPort  ( );        public String  getFile  ( );        public String  getHost  ( );  1.3  public String  getPath  ( );        public int  getPort  ( );        public String  getProtocol  ( );  1.3  public String  getQuery  ( );        public String  getRef  ( );  1.3  public String  getUserInfo  ( );        public URLConnection  openConnection  ( ) throws java.io.IOException;  5.0  public URLConnection  openConnection  (java.net.Proxy  proxy  )       throws java.io.IOException;        public final java.io.InputStream  openStream  ( ) throws java.io.IOException;        public boolean  sameFile  (URL  other  );        public String  toExternalForm  ( );  5.0  public URI  toURI  ( ) throws URISyntaxException;  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public boolean  equals  (Object  obj  );        public int  hashCode  ( );  synchronized  public String  toString  ( );  // Protected Instance Methods  protected void  set  (String  protocol  , String  host  , int  port  , String  file  ,  String  ref  );  1.3  protected void  set  (String  protocol  , String  host  , int  port  , String  authority  ,  String  userInfo  , String  path  , String  query  ,  String  ref  );   } 

Passed To

Too many methods to list.

Returned By

java.io.File.toURL( ) , Class.getResource( ) , ClassLoader.{findResource( ) , getresource( ) , getSystemResource( )} , Authenticator.getRequestingURL( ) , JarURLConnection.getJarFileURL( ) , URI.toURL( ) , URLClassLoader.{findResource( ) , getURLs( )} , URLConnection.getURL( ) , java.security.CodeSource.getLocation( )

Type Of


Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220

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