XML Syntax and Rules

Building an XML document properly means that you have to follow specific rules that have been established for the structure of the document. These rules of XML are defined by the XML specification found at w3.org/TR/REC-xml. If you have an XML document that follows the rules diligently, it is a well- formed XML document.

You want to make sure that the rules are followed closely because if the rules defined in the XML specification are observed, you can use various XML processors (or parsers) to work with your documents in an automatic fashion.

XML Parsers

You might not realize it, but you probably already have an XML parser on your computer. A number of computer vendors have provided XML parsers and have even gone as far as to include these parsers in applications that you use each and everyday. The following is a list of some of the main parsers.

  • q Microsoft's Internet Explorer XML Parser-The most popular XML parser on the market is actually embedded in the number-one browser on the market. Microsoft's Internet Explorer comes with a built-in XML parser-Microsoft's XML Parser. Internet Explorer 5.5 comes with Microsoft's XML Parser 2.5 whereas Internet Explorer 6.0 comes with the XML Parser 3.0. This parser includes a complete implementation of XSL Transformations (XSLT) and XML Path Language (XPath) and incorporates some changes to work with Simple API for XML (SAX2). You can get the XML Parser 3.0 via an Internet Explorer download, or you can download the parser directly from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=&displaylang=en

  • q Mozilla's XML Parser (also the Firefox XML Parser)-Like Internet Explorer, Mozilla includes support for XML parsing. Mozilla has the built-in capability to display XML with CSS.*

  • q Apache Xerces-This open source XML parser can be found online at http://www.xerces.apache.org/ and comes under the Apache Software License. This parser is available for Java, C++, and a Perl implementation that makes use of the C++ version. Apache Xerces was originally donated to Apache by IBM in 1999. Until 2004, Apache Xerces was a subproject of the Apache XML Project found at http://www.xml.apache.org/.

  • q IBM's XML Parser for Java-Also known as Xml4j, this parser has become the Apache Xerces2 Java Parser found at http://www.xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/.

  • q Oracle XML Parser-Oracle provides XML parsers for Java, C, C++, and PL/SQL through its Oracle XML Developer's Kit 10g found at http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/xml/xdkhome.html.

  • q Expat XML Parser-Written by James Clark, the tech-lead of the W3C's XML activity that created the XML 1.0 Specification, you can find the Expat parser as a SourceForge project found at http://www.expat.sourceforge.net/. Expat is currently in version 2.0.

XML Elements and Tags

When reading and conversing about XML, you come across the terms element and tag quite often. What's the difference between the two? Many individuals and organizations incorrectly use these terms interchangeably. Each term has a distinct meaning.

An XML element is the means to provide metadata around text to give it further meaning. For instance, you might be presented with the following bit of XML:

      <City>Saint Charles</City> 

In this case, the element is the entire item displayed. XML uses tags to surround text in order to provide the appropriate metadata. Figure 1-2 shows the pieces of this bit of code.

image from book
Figure 1-2

From this, you can see that everything from the starting <City> to the ending </City> is the XML element. An XML element is made up a start tag, which precedes the text to be defined, as well as an end tag, which comes at the end of the text to be defined. In this case, the start tag is <City> and the end tag is </City>.

Element Syntax

If there is text to be marked up with XML, then an XML element must contain start and end tags. XML is very strict about its rules, and you must follow them just as strictly if you want to ensure that your XML document is well-formed.

XML Elements Must Have a Start and End Tag

Unlike HTML, where you can bend the rules of the syntax utilized, XML requires a start and end tag if an element contains any text. The following shows two XML elements together.

      <City>Saint Charles</City>      <State>Missouri</State> 

Naming Conventions for Elements

You can choose any name that suits your fancy for the elements of your XML document. With that said however, certain rules do restrict the names that you can use for elements.

Element names must start with a letter from an alphabet of one of the languages of the world or an underscore. You cannot start an element name with a number or a special character (such as !, @, #, $, %, and so on).

Examples of improper naming of XML elements include the following:

  • q <123Industries></123Industries>

  • q <#Alpha></#Alpha>

  • q <!Yellow></!Yellow>

Examples of well-formed XML elements include these:

      <StLouisCardinals></StLouisCardinals>      <Item123></Item123>      <_Wowzer></_Wowzer>      <__></__> 

Element names cannot contain spaces. This means that the following XML element name is improper and not well-formed:

      <Bill Evjen></Bill Evjen> 

Element names cannot start with the word XML in any case. For example, the following element names are improper and not well-formed:

      <xml></xml>      <XML></XML>      <XmlLover></XmlLover>      <XML_Element1></XML_Element1> 

After you have defined the first character of your XML element, you can subsequently use numbers, periods, underscores, or hyphens. The following are examples of well-formed XML:

      <St.Louis_Cardinals></St.Louis_Cardinals>      <Item1></Item1>      <Address-Present></Address-Present> 

Immediately after the opening < and </ of the XML tags, you must start the element name. You cannot have a space first. This means that the following XML element is improper:

      < Item1></ Item> 

Although a space is not allowed preceding the element name, you can have a space trailing the element name before the closing of the tag. This use is illustrated in the following example:

      <Item1 ></Item1 > 

XML Elements Must Be Properly Nested

When XML documents contain more than one XML element (which they invariably do), you must properly nest the XML elements. You are required to open and close these elements in a logical order. When looking at the preceding XML fragment, you can see that the <City> tag is closed with a </City> tag before the <State> opening tag is utilized. The following fragment is not well-formed.

      <City>Saint Charles      <State></City>Missouri</State> 

However, you are not required to always close an element before starting another one. In fact, the opposite is true. XML allows for a hierarchical view of the data that it represents. This means that you can define child data of parent data directly in your XML documents; this enables you to show a relationship between the data points.

      <Location>         <City>Saint Charles</City>         <State>Missouri</State>         <Country>USA</Country>      </Location> 

The indenting of the XML file is done for readability and is not required for a well-formed document.

This XML fragment starts with the opening XML element <Location>. Before the <Location> element is closed however, three other XML elements are defined-thereby further defining the item. The <Location> element here contains three subelements-<City>, <State>, and <Country>. Being subelements, these items must also be closed properly before the <Location> element is closed with a </Location> tag.

You can also continue the nesting of these elements so that they are aligned hierarchically as deep as you wish. For instance, you can use the following structure for your nested XML fragment.

      <Person>         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Location>            <City>Saint Charles</City>            <State>               <Name>Missouri</Name>               <StateCode>MO</StateCode>            </State>            <Country>USA</Country>         </Location>      </Person> 

In this case, the <Person> element contains two child elements or subelements-<Name> and <Location>. The <Name> element is a simple element, whereas the <Location> element is further nested two more times with additional subelements.

Empty Elements

If the text or item you want to define in your XML document is null or not present for some reason, you can represent this item through the use of an empty XML element. An empty XML element takes the following format:


In this case, the XML element is still present, but is represented as an empty value through a single XML tag. When representing an empty element, you do not need an opening and closing tag, but instead just a single tag which ends with />.

In addition to the empty element representation shown here, you can also have a space between the word used to define the tag and the closing of the tag.

      <Age /> 

In addition to using a single tag to represent an empty element, you can also use the standard start and end tags with no text to represent an empty element. This is illustrated here:

      <Person>         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Age></Age>         <Location>            <City>Saint Charles</City>            <State>               <Name>Missouri</Name>               <StateCode>MO</StateCode>            </State>            <Country>USA</Country>         </Location>      </Person> 

Tag Syntax

Tags are defined using greater-than/less-than signs (<Tag>). A start tag has a textual name preceded with a < and ending with a >. An end tag must have the same textual name as its start tag, but it is preceded by a </ as opposed to a <. The end tag is finalized with a > just as the start tag is.

The words you use for tag names are entirely up to you, but some basic rules govern how you build tags. The first rule is that the case used for the start tag and the end tag must be the same. Therefore, the <Location> tag is not the same as <location>. For instance, this is considered improper or malformed XML:


Because XML is case-sensitive, the tags shown here are actually completely different tags and, therefore, don't match. For your XML to be well-formed, the XML tags must be of the same case.


Because XML does understand case, you could, theoretically, have the following XML snippet in your XML document:

      <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>      <name>Bill</name> 

Although completely legal, you shouldn't actually implement this idea because it causes confusion and can lead to some improper handling of your XML documents. Remember that you want to build XML documents that are easily understandable by the programmers who will build programs that process these documents.

XML Text

The text held within an XML element can be whatever you wish. The entire point of the XML document is to hold information using XML elements as markup. Remember a few rules, however, when you are representing content within your XML elements.

Text Length

You have no rules on the length of the text contained within your XML documents. This means that the content can be of any length you deem necessary.

      <Message>         This can go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on         and on and on ...      </Message> 


You might think that the content of an XML element is just text for humans to read, but an XML element really can contain just about anything. For instance, you can use binary code to represent an image or other document and then stick this item in your XML document. This is illustrated here with a partial element:

      <base64Binary>/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAgEASABIAAD/7RNoGUGhvdG9ZaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNAAQBIAAAAAQ       ABOEJJTQQNAAAAAAEAAAAAeDhCSu0D8 ...      </base64Binary> 

Spoken Languages

Of course, XML is for the world, and this means that you can write content in any language you want. Here are some examples of proper XML:

      <Message>       image from book              </Message>      <Message>_ ______ __ ______ _____.</Message>      <Message>Estoy hablando otra lengua.</Message>      <Message>   image from book         </Message> 

When working with an XML file that contains a fragment such as this, notice that the XML parser has no problem working with the content. See Figure 1-3.

image from book
Figure 1-3


Whitespace is a special character in its own right. Whitespace is the space, line feeds, tabs, and carriage returns within your XML document. An example XML document containing various whitespace elements is presented here:

      <Movies>         <Favorites>            <Title>Happy  Gilmore</Title>            <Title>Grease</Title>            <Title>Lawrence                   of                   Arabia</Title>            <Title>Star Wars -         The Empire Strikes Back</Title>         </Favorites>      </Movies> 

HTML parsers do a good job of ignoring the whitespace contained within a document. In fact, in HTML, if you want to force the HTML parsers to interpret the whitespace contained within an HTML document, you have to put <pre> tags around the text.

XML works in the opposite manner. All whitespace is preserved in XML documents. This means that if there are two spaces between two words, these spaces are maintained by any XML parser and, consequently, they pass to the consuming application. The consuming application can choose whether to process the whitespace. Certain applications or processes strip the whitespace from the document, and others do not.

For example, Microsoft's Internet Explorer receives whitespace from the XML document and then strips it out in the consumption process. The previous XML document produces the results shown in Figure 1-4 when it is viewed in Internet Explorer.

image from book
Figure 1-4

Entity References

Although you can put about just anything in the text part of an XML element, some characters cannot be contained as a value within an XML element. Take a look at the following code to see if you can tell where a problem might occur.

      Incorrect usage of text within an XML element      <Value>Do if 5 < 3</Value> 

You should be able to tell right away that a processing error will occur because of the character directly after the 5. The greater than sign is used to close an XML tag; but here it is used as a textual value within an XML element, and so it will confuse the XML parser. In fact, if you run this in Internet Explorer, you are presented with the error directly. See Figure 1-5.

image from book
Figure 1-5

You can see that a parsing error is automatically thrown because the XML parser thinks that the less than sign is actually the start of the closing tag of the element. The space behind the character causes the parser to throw an error because it sees a whitespace problem.

The trick is to encode this character so that the XML parser can treat it in the appropriate manner. Five characters that cause an error and, therefore, must be encoded are shown in the following table with their encoded values.

Open table as spreadsheet












With this knowledge, you can now write the XML element as follows:

      <Value>Do if 5 &lt; 3</Value> 

If you run this element in Internet Explorer, you get the correct output as presented in Figure 1-6.

image from book
Figure 1-6

The XML with the encoded character was passed to the XML parser used by Internet Explorer, and the XSL stylesheet then converts the encoded character to the format in which it should be represented visually.

CDATA Sections

One way to work with some of the character entities that XML parsers can't easily interpret is to encode the character.

      <Value>Do if 5 &lt; 3</Value> 

When you have a lot of items that need this type of encoding (especially if you are representing computer code within your XML document), you should check out the CDATA section capability found in XML.

Creating a CDATA section within the text value of your XML element allows you, with little work on your part, to use as many difficult characters as you wish. Representing the previous code within a CDATA section is accomplished in the following manner:

      <Value><![CDATA[Do if 5 < 3]]></Value> 

You can use this method to represent large content sets that might require a lot of escape sequences. This method is shown in Listing 1-3.

Listing 1-3: Representing text using the CDATA section

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Value>         <![CDATA[         <script runat="server">          protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)          {              string[] CarArray = new string[4] {"Ford", "Honda", "BMW", "Dodge"};              string[] AirplaneArray = new string[3] {"Boeing 777", "Boeing 747",                 "Boeing 737"};              string[] TrainArray = new string[3] {"Bullet Train", "Amtrack", "Tram"};              if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "Car") {                  DropDownList2.DataSource = CarArray; }              else if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "Airplane") {                  DropDownList2.DataSource = AirplaneArray; }              else {                  DropDownList2.DataSource = TrainArray;              }              DropDownList2.DataBind();              DropDownList2.Visible = true;          }          protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)          {              Response.Write("You selected <b>" +                 DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() + ": " +                 DropDownList2.SelectedValue.ToString() + "</b>");          }         </script>         ]]>      </Value> 
image from book

The start of the CDATA section is defined with <![CDATA[. After this entry, you can place as much text as you wish. The XML parser looks for a closing ]]> before ending the CDATA section. To make this work, be careful that you don't have this sequence of characters in your text. The previous XML document displayed in IE is shown in Figure 1-7.

image from book
Figure 1-7

The XML Document

Now that you have studied the pieces that make up an XML document, you can turn your attention to the entire XML document.

Creating an .xml File

Like all files, XML files have a file extension. In many cases, XML files have an .xml file extension, but this is not the only one used. Certain XML files have their own file extensions. For instance, if you have the .NET Framework installed on your computer, it includes many configuration files with a .config file extension. If you look at one of these .config files within Microsoft's Notepad, you see that they are indeed XML files. (See Figure 1-8.)

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Figure 1-8

XML file are created in a number of ways. Many outstanding tools are out there to help you with the construction and creation of XML files. Tools such as Altova's XMLSpy or Microsoft's Visual Studio 2005 give you what you need to get the job done. Because this is the first XML file you are working with, this example concentrates on building the XML file using Microsoft's Notepad.


XML tools are covered in Chapter 2.

Now, open Notepad and type the XML shown in Listing 1-4.

Listing 1-4: Creating an XML file

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Process>         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Address>123 Main Street</Address>         <City>Saint Charles</City>         <State>Missouri</State>         <Country>USA</Country>         <Order>            <Item>52-inch Plasma</Item>            <Quantity>1</Quantity>         </Order>      </Process> 
image from book

After your have typed this small XML document into Notepad, save it as myXMLfile.xml. Make sure you save it as presented in Figure 1-9.

image from book
Figure 1-9

Put the name of the file along with the file extension .xml in quotes within the Filename text box of the Save As dialog. This ensures that the file won't be saved with a .txt file extension. You also want to change the encoding of the file from ANSI to UTF-8 because this is the format used for many XML files. This enables any XML parsers to interpret a larger character base than otherwise.

After you do this, click the Save button and you can then double-click on the new .xml file. This opens up in Internet Explorer if you are using a Windows operating system. You might be wondering why Internet Explorer is the default container for XML files. You can actually manually change this yourself by going into the Properties dialog of one of your XML files. Figure 1-10 shows the Properties dialog of the newly created myXMLfile.xml.

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Figure 1-10

From the Properties dialog, you can see in the first section that the Opens with property is set to Internet Explorer. You can easily change the application used to open the file by clicking the Change button.

Internet Explorer produces the results presented in Figure 1-11.

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Figure 1-11

You can see that XML files are color-coded for easy viewing. IE is using the Microsoft XML parser and then applies an XSL stylesheet to beautify the results. The interesting part of the XML document as it is presented in IE is that you can expand and collapse the child nodes for easy readability. By default, the XML document is presented with the entire document expanded, but you can start collapsing nodes by clicking the minus button next to nodes that have children associated with them. Figure 1-12 shows various nodes collapsed in IE.

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Figure 1-12

Using Mozilla's Firefox for the same XML file produces the results presented in Figure 1-13.

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Figure 1-13

As you can see from Figure 1-13, Firefox also allows you to expand and collapse the nodes of the XML document.

Now that you understand a little more about the XML document, the next sections review the construction of the XML document.

The XML Declaration

Typically, you place a declaration at the top of your XML file stating that this is an XML file. It is called the XML declaration. It is recommended, but not required, that you use an XML declaration. The XML should be written in the following format:

      <?xml version="1.0" ?> 

In this case, the XML declaration starts with a <?xml and ends with a ?>. Within the declaration, you can include a couple of different key/value pairs to further define the XML document to help parsers understand how to process the forthcoming XML document.

If you include the XML declaration, the only required attribute is the version attribute. The other possible attributes are encoding and standalone. One difference between this set of attributes in the XML declaration and normal attributes that you would find in any other XML element is that version, encoding, and standalone are required in this particular order when other attributes have no such requirements.

The version Attribute

The version attribute allows you to specify the version of the XML used in the XML document.

      <?xml version="1.0" ?> 

This preceding XML declaration signifies that version 1.0 of XML is used in the XML document. All values defined by the version and other attributes in the XML declaration must be placed within quotes. It is important to note that at present, the only version you can use is 1.0.

The encoding Attribute

encoding explains how a computer interprets 1's and 0's. These 1's and 0's are put together to represent various characters, and the computer can interpret these digits in a number of different ways.

The United States and its computer encoding formats evolved around an encoding technology called ANCII. ANCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is very limiting in that it only allows 256 possible values. It works with the English language, but it is less effective when working with multiple languages with their many characters.

Because XML was developed by an international organization, it is uses Unicode for encoding an XML document. So far, you have seen the use of UTF-8 used for encoding some of the XML documents in this chapter.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 

The more common encoding formats used for XML documents are UTF-8 and UTF-16. The difference between the two is that UTF-8 can result in smaller file size because it can use either a single byte (mostly for English characters) or a double byte for other characters. UTF-16 uses a double-byte for all characters.

XML parsers must understand at least UTF-8 and UTF-16. If no encoding directive is provided, then UTF-8 is assumed. Some common character sets are presented in the following table.

Open table as spreadsheet

Character Set Code Name





Compressed Unicode


Compressed UCS


Microsoft Windows Western European


Microsoft Windows Central European


Microsoft Windows Cyrillic


Microsoft Windows Greek


Latin 1, Western European


Latin 2, Eastern European


Latin 3, Southern European


Latin 4, Northern European



The standalone Attribute

Another optional attribute that can be contained within the XML declaration is the standalone attribute. The standalone attribute signifies whether the XML document requires any other files in order to be understood or whether the file can be completely understood as a standalone file. By default, the value of this attribute is set to no.

      <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?> 

If the document does not depend upon other documents in order to be complete, set the standalone attribute to reflect this.

      <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> 

XML Comments

As in HTML, you can easily place XML comments inside your XML documents. Comments placed inside the XML document are ignored by any XML parser. Listing 1-5 shows how you can add comments to the XML document displayed in Listing 1-4.

Listing 1-5: Adding comments to the previous XML document

image from book
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Process>         <!-- Be sure to check name against customer database later -->         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Address>123 Main Street</Address>         <City>Saint Charles</City>         <State>Missouri</State>         <Country>USA</Country>         <Order>            <Item>52-inch Plasma</Item>            <Quantity>1</Quantity>         </Order>      </Process> 
image from book

An XML comment starts with a <!-- and ends with a -->. Anything found in between these two items is considered the comment and is ignored by the XML parser. You are not required to put XML comments on a single line. You can break them up in multiple lines if you wish. This is illustrated in Listing 1-6.

Listing 1-6: Adding comments on multiple lines

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Process>         <!--              Be sure to              check name against              customer database later         -->         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Address>123 Main Street</Address>         <City>Saint Charles</City>         <State>Missouri</State>         <Country>USA</Country>         <Order>            <Item>52-inch Plasma</Item>            <Quantity>1</Quantity>         </Order>      </Process> 
image from book

If you open the XML document in IE, you see that the Microsoft XML parser did indeed interpret the XML comment as a comment because it is shown in gray, unlike the other XML elements. This is illustrated in Figure 1-14.

image from book
Figure 1-14

XML Processing Instructions

An XML processing instruction lets you direct computer process reactions. You won't see XML processing instructions used in the XML documents you interact with mainly because they are not accepted by all parsers and are often difficult to deal with. An example of an XML processing instruction is illustrated in Listing 1-7.

Listing 1-7: Using XML processing instructions

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Process>         <?CustomerInput INPUT:Evjen?>         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Address>123 Main Street</Address>         <City>Saint Charles</City>         <State>Missouri</State>         <Country>USA</Country>         <Order>            <Item>52-inch Plasma</Item>            <Quantity>1</Quantity>         </Order>      </Process> 
image from book

In this case, the CustomerInput application that interprets this XML document can use the INPUT instruction and accomplish something with the Evjen value as provided by the XML processing instruction.

You would use the following syntax for processing instructions:

      <?[target] [data]?> 

The target part of the statement is a required item and it must be named in an XML-compliant way. The data item itself can contain any character sequence except for the ?> set of characters, which signify the closing of a processing instruction.


So far, you have seen the use of XML elements and tags and how they work within an XML document. One item hasn't yet been discussed-XML attributes. XML elements provide values via an attribute that is basically a key/value pair contained within the start tag of an XML element. The use of an XML attribute is presented in Listing 1-8.

Listing 1-8: Creating an XML file

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Process>         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Address type="Home">123 Main Street</Address>         <City>Saint Charles</City>         <State>Missouri</State>         <Country>USA</Country>         <Order count="1">            <Item>52-inch Plasma</Item>            <Quantity>1</Quantity>         </Order>      </Process> 
image from book

In this case, this XML document has two attributes-type and count. All attributes must include the name of the attribute followed by an equal sign and the value of the attribute contained within quotes (single or double). It is illegal not to include the quotes.

      Illegal XML Element      <Address type=Home>123 Main Street</Address> 

Naming Attributes

The names you give your attributes must follow the same rules that you follow when naming XML elements. This means that the following attributes are illegal.

      Illegal Attribute Names      <myElement 123type="Value"></myElement>      <myElement #type="Value"></myElement>      <myElement .type="Value"></myElement> 

Empty Attributes

If an attribute doesn't have a value, you can represent this empty or null value as two quotes next to each other as illustrated here:

            <Address type="">123 Main Street</Address> 

Attribute Names Must Be Unique

All attribute names must be unique within an XML element. You cannot have two attributes with the same name in the same element (as presented here):

      <Address type="Home" type="Mail">123 Main Street</Address> 

If you use this XML element, you would get an error when parsing the XML document-as illustrated in Figure 1-15.

image from book
Figure 1-15

This only applies to attributes that are contained within the same XML element. You can have similar attribute names if they are contained within different XML elements. This scenario is shown in Listing 1-9.

Listing 1-9: Creating an XML file

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Process>         <Name>Bill Evjen</Name>         <Address type="Home">123 Main Street</Address>         <City>Saint Charles</City>         <State>Missouri</State>         <Country>USA</Country>         <Order type="Express">            <Item>52-inch Plasma</Item>            <Quantity>1</Quantity>         </Order>      </Process> 
image from book

In this case, you can see that there are two attributes that use the name type, but because they are contained within different XML elements, you won't encounter any errors in their use.

The xml:lang Attribute

Two built-in XML element attributes can be used in XML documents-xml:lang and xml:space. The first of these, xml:lang, allows you to specify the language of the item represented as the value in the XML element.

You can use as a value either the ISO 639 standard (found at http://www.ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt), the ISO 3166 standard (found at http://www.ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso3166.txt), or the IANA language codes (found at http://www.iana.org/assignments/lang-tags/).

Listing 1-10 shows how you might represent the earlier XML fragment when using the xml:lang attribute with the ISO 639 standard.

Listing 1-10: Using ISO 639 with the xml:lang attribute

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <TranslatedMessages>         <Message xml:lang="jp">       image from book               </Message>         <Message xml:lang="ru">_ ______ __ ______ _____.</Message>         <Message xml:lang="es">Estoy hablando otra lengua.</Message>         <Message xml:lang="zh">    image from book         </Message>      </TranslatedMessages> 
image from book

You can see that the ISO 639 standard is simply a two-letter code that signifies the language to use. The problem with this standard is that it really only allows for 676 languages to be represented and a significant number more than that are used in the world. The ISO 3166 standard has a similar problem, but represents a country as well as a language (as presented in Listing 1-11).

Listing 1-11: Using ISO 3166 with the xml:lang attribute

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <TranslatedMessages>         <Message xml:lang="jp-JP">     image from book                  </Message>         <Message xml:lang="ru-RU">_ ______ __ ______ _____.</Message>         <Message xml:lang="es-ES">Estoy hablando otra lengua.</Message>         <Message xml:lang="zh-CN">   image from book          </Message>      </TranslatedMessages> 
image from book

The xml:space Attribute

When you really want to preserve your whitespace, one option is to also include the attribute xml:space within your XML elements where whitespace needs to be maintained. For instance, Listing 1-12 shows using the xml:space attribute for maintaining whitespace.

Listing 1-12: Using the xml:space attribute

image from book
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>      <Movies>         <Favorites>            <Title xml:space="default">Happy  Gilmore</Title>            <Title>Grease</Title>            <Title xml:space="preserve">Lawrence                         of                   Arabia</Title>            <Title xml:space="preserve">Star Wars -      The Empire Strikes Back</Title>         </Favorites>      </Movies> 
image from book

Two possible values exist for the xml:space attribute-default and preserve. A value of default means that the whitespace should not be preserved, and a value of preserve means that the whitespace should remain intact.

Notice that the XML parsers do not strip whitespace or act upon the whitespace in any manner because of these attribute settings. Instead, the xml:space attribute is simply an instruction to the consuming application that is can choose to act upon if desired.

Professional XML
Professional XML (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0471777773
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 215

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