Questions To Facilitate Transformative Learning

Questions are one of the most simple and powerful tools that we have at our disposal in our knowledge management toolkit, yet so often people use convergent (closed) questioning techniques, which do not provide such a rich source of data. An alternative approach is to practise using divergent questioning techniques. Some examples being:

Divergent questions


Questions to broaden awareness

What are you noticing or hearing at this point in time?

Questions to generate options

What are five ways you could approach this problem?

Questions to make new connections

What patterns are you noticing here?

How does this relate to. . .?

Questions to encourage thinking out of the box

If you were observing this problem from a helicopter how might you see it differently?

Imagine you are a gardener how might she/he approach this problem?

Managing the Knowledge - HR's Strategic Role
Managing for Knowledge: HRs Strategic Role
ISBN: 0750655666
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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