Creating the ExchangeObjectMgt Class Module


Creating the ExchangeObjectMgt Class Module

In this section, you will begin an exercise that will yield the creation of the MSExchAdmin.DLL COM server.

Example 11.3 Creating the MSExchAdmin.DLL COM Server Application: The ExchangeObjectMgt Module
  1. Create a new ActiveX DLL Visual Basic project.

  2. Set a reference to the Active DS Type Library by clicking the Project menu, selecting References , and placing a checkmark next to the "Active DS Type Library" entry. Click the OK command button to exit the References “Project1 dialog box.

  3. Rename Project1 as MSExchAdmin .

  4. Rename the Class1 class module as ExchangeObjectMgt .

  5. Enter the following code into the General Declarations section of the class module:

      Public Function CreateExchangeMailbox(ByVal ExchangeServerName As String, ByVal   ExchangeServerOrganization As String, ByVal ExchangeServerSite As String, ByVal   MailboxRelativePath As String, ByVal MailboxDisplayName As String, ByVal   MailboxFirstName As String, ByVal MailboxLastName As String, ByVal   MailboxMiddleInitial As String, ByVal MailboxAlias As String, ByVal UserDomain As   String, ByVal NTUserAccountToAssociate As String) As Boolean   Dim Mailbox As IADs   Dim MailboxParentContainer As IADs   Dim MTA As String   Dim MDB As String   Dim MailboxSMTPAddress As String   Dim MailboxX400Address As String   Dim MailboxCCMailAddress As String   Dim MailboxMSMailAddress As String   Dim SID As New ADsSID   Dim Security As New ADsSecurity   Dim SecurityDescriptor As IADsSecurityDescriptor   Dim DiscretionaryACL As IADsAccessControlList   Dim AccessControlEntry As New AccessControlEntry   MTA = "cn=Microsoft MTA,cn="&ExchangeServerName&   ",cn=Servers,cn=Configuration,ou="&ExchangeServerSite&",o="&   ExchangeServerOrganization   MDB = "cn=Microsoft Private MDB,cn="&ExchangeServerName&   ",cn=Servers,cn=Configuration,ou="&ExchangeServerSite&",o="&   ExchangeServerOrganization   MailboxSMTPAddress = MailboxAlias&"@"&ExchangeServerSite&"."&   ExchangeServerOrganization&".com"   MailboxX400Address = "c=US;a= ;p="&ExchangeServerOrganization&";o="&   ExchangeServerSite&";s="&MailboxLastName&";g="&MailboxFirstName&";i="&   MailboxMiddleInitial   MailboxCCMailAddress = MailboxLastName&", "&MailboxFirstName&" at "&   ExchangeServerSite   MailboxMSMailAddress = UCase(ExchangeServerOrganization&"/"&   ExchangeServerSite&"/"&MailboxAlias)   Set MailboxParentContainer = GetObject("LDAP://"&ExchangeServerName&"/o="   MailboxRelativePath)   Set Mailbox = MailboxParentContainer.Create("organizationalPerson", "cn="&   MailboxAlias)   Mailbox.Put "mailPreferenceOption", 0   Mailbox.Put "givenName", MailboxFirstName   Mailbox.Put "sn", MailboxLastName   Mailbox.Put "cn", MailboxDisplayName   Mailbox.Put "uid", MailboxAlias   Mailbox.Put "Home-MTA", MTA   Mailbox.Put "Home-MDB", MDB   Mailbox.Put "mail", MailboxSMTPAddress   Mailbox.Put "MAPI-Recipient", True   Mailbox.Put "rfc822Mailbox", MailboxSMTPAddress   Mailbox.Put "textEncodedORAddress", MailboxX400Address   Mailbox.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "otherMailbox", Array("CCMAIL$"&   MailboxCCMailAddress, "MS$"&MailboxMSMailAddress)   SID.SetAs ADS_SID_WINNT_PATH, "WinNT://"&UserDomain&"/"&   NTUserAccountToAssociate&",user"   sidHex = SID.GetAs(ADS_SID_HEXSTRING)   Mailbox.Put "Assoc-NT-Account", sidHex   Mailbox.SetInfo   Set SecurityDescriptor = Security.GetSecurityDescriptor(Mailbox.ADsPath)   Set DiscretionaryACL = SecurityDescriptor.DiscretionaryACL   AccessControlEntry.AceType = ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED   AccessControlEntry.Trustee = UserDomain&"\"&MailboxAlias   AccessControlEntry.AccessMask = ADS_RIGHT_EXCH_MAIL_SEND_AS Or   ADS_RIGHT_EXCH_MAIL_RECEIVE_AS Or ADS_RIGHT_EXCH_MODIFY_USER_ATT   DiscretionaryACL.AddAce AccessControlEntry   SecurityDescriptor.DiscretionaryACL = DiscretionaryACL   Security.SetSecurityDescriptor SecurityDescriptor   If Err.Number = 0 Then CreateExchangeMailbox = True   End Function   Public Function RemoveExchangeMailbox(ByVal ExchangeServerName As String, ByVal   ExchangeServerOrganization As String, ByVal ExchangeServerSite As String, ByVal   MailboxRelativePath As String, ByVal MailboxToRemove As String) As Boolean   Dim MailboxParentContainer As IADsContainer   Set MailboxParentContainer = GetObject("LDAP://"&ExchangeServerName&"/o="   & ExchangeServerOrganization&"/ou="&ExchangeServerSite&"/cn=Recipients"&   MailboxRelativePath)   Call MailboxParentContainer.Delete("organizationalPerson", "cn="&   MailboxToRemove)   If Err.Number = 0 Then RemoveExchangeMailbox = True   End Function   Public Function AddExchangeDLMember(ByVal ExchangeServerName As String, ByVal   ExchangeServerOrganization As String, ByVal ExchangeServerSite As String, ByVal   DistributionListRelativePath As String, ByVal DistributionListName As String,   ByVal DLMemberMailboxName As String) As Boolean   Dim DistributionList As IADs   Set DistributionList = GetObject("LDAP://"&ExchangeServerName&"/o="&   ExchangeServerOrganization&"/ou="&ExchangeServerSite&"/cn=Recipients/cn="&   DistributionListName)   DistributionList.Add ("LDAP://"&ExchangeServerName&"/o="&   ExchangeServerOrganization&"/ou="&ExchangeServerSite&"/cn=Recipients"&   "/cn="&DLMemberMailboxName)   DistributionList.SetInfo   If Err.Number = 0 Then AddExchangeDLMember = True   End Function   Public Function RemoveExchangeDLMember(ByVal ExchangeServerName As String, ByVal   ExchangeServerOrganization As String, ByVal ExchangeServerSite As String, ByVal   DistributionListRelativePath As String, ByVal DistributionListName As String,   ByVal DLMemberMailboxName As String) As Boolean   Dim DistributionList As IADs   Set DistributionList = GetObject("LDAP://"&ExchangeServerName&"/o="&   ExchangeServerOrganization&"/ou="&ExchangeServerSite&"/cn=Recipients"&   DistributionListRelativePath&"/cn="&DistributionListName)   DistributionList.Remove ("LDAP://"&ExchangeServerName&"/o="&   ExchangeServerOrganization&"/ou="&ExchangeServerSite&   "/cn=Recipients"&"/cn="&DLMemberMailboxName)   DistributionList.SetInfo   If Err.Number = 0 Then RemoveExchangeDLMember = True   End Function   Public Function DetermineExchangeDLOwner(ByVal ExchangeServerName As String,   ByVal ExchangeServerOrganization As String, ByVal ExchangeServerSite As String,   ByVal DistributionListRelativePath As String, ByVal DistributionListName As   String) As String   Dim DistributionList As IADs   Set DistributionList = GetObject("LDAP://"&ExchangeServerName&"/o="&   ExchangeServerOrganization&"/ou="&ExchangeServerSite&"/cn=Recipients"&   DistributionListRelativePath&"/cn="&DistributionListName)   DetermineExchangeDLOwner = DistributionList.Owner   End Function  
  6. Compile the code as MSExchAdmin.DLL.

  7. Save and close the MSExchAdmin project.


If you do not want to share your code between applications, you can enter the preceding code into a code module in any Visual Basic application .


You can download the Visual Basic 6.0 project or precompiled version of MSExchAdmin.DLL from

Using the Functions in ExchangeObjectMgt

With the ExchangeObjectMgt class module created, you can access the functions contained in the class module from any programming language that supports OLE automation, including Visual Basic, VBScript, and JavaScript.


To instantiate the object, follow the appropriate syntax found in Chapter 3. Substitute the ExchangeObjectMgt class name where necessary .

Use the Table 11.2 to help you use the proper syntax for each of the methods of the ExchangeObjectMgt interface.

Table 11.2. ExchangeObjectMgt Method Syntax
Action Syntax
Create a New Exchange Mailbox
 Debug.Print CreateExchangeMailbox ("Exchange_Server", "ADSITest", "Macmillan", "","Milan Kundera", "Milan","Kundera","-", "Milan.Kundera","UserDomain", "mkundera") 
Remove an Existing Exchange Mailbox
 Debug.Print RemoveExchangeMailbox ("Exchange_Server", "ADSITest", "Macmillan", "","Milan.Kundera") 
Add an Existing Mailbox as Member of an Existing Distribution List
 Debug.Print AddExchangeDLMember ("Exchange_Server", "ADSITest", "Macmillan", "", "DL_Senior_Management", "Julian.Barnes") 
Remove Member from Distribution List
 Debug.Print RemoveExchangeDLMember ("Exchange_Server", "ADSITest", "Macmillan", "", "DL_Senior_Management", "Milan.Kundera") 
Determine Distribution List Owner
 Debug.Print DetermineExchangeDLOwner ("Exchange_Server", "ADSITest", "Macmillan", "", "DL_Senior_Management") 


Windows NT. 2000 ADSI Scripting for System Administration
Windows NT/2000 ADSI Scripting for System Administration
ISBN: 1578702194
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 194
Authors: Thomas Eck © 2008-2017.
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