Section 8.2. Open Source Software

8.2. Open Source Software

Open source software (OSS) is a term applied to a collection of software development, licensing, and distribution practices. A lot has been written about OSS over the past decade, as various open source projects gain market importance and the license models demonstrate economic significance. Eric Raymond's original treatise[6] on the development practices remains relevant. The Open Source Initiative ( publishes the definition of the requirements a license must meet to be considered an "open source software" license. I will focus on a group of attributes of OSS projects that sets up the economic discussion to come.

[6] Eric Raymond, The Cathedral & the Bazaar (Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, 2001). The original essay was published in 1997.

OSS projects are interesting "buckets" of technology. Successful OSS projects share a number of attributes.

For instance, distributed communities with good software development practices develop technology packages that satisfy well-defined needs.

  • Software quality is a measure of community activity (i.e., the developer customers).

  • Contributions reflect the individual economic considerations of the contributor and are based on selfish asymmetric value propositions.

The projects reflect their Unix history of loosely coupled component architectures with well-defined interfaces that make it easy to assemble larger solutions (e.g., the LAMP stack is assembled from Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl/Python/PHP).

OSS projects develop software packages in a distributed community where the core developers that inspired the project act as a hub for the evolution of the software as a "benevolent dictatorship." Just like all successful software projects, successful OSS projects support a strong software engineering discipline and ethic at the project's core. Essentially, good software is developed by good software developers.

What makes the software "open source" is the licensing model. While a wide variety of licenses are considered "open source licenses," the basic common denominator (without relisting all the requirements from the Open Source Initiative) is that the software's source code is always freely available and users can modify it without restriction; however, requirements associated with distributing the software may exist. In similar fashion to standards efforts supporting a lack of discrimination (either in participation within the context of their community or in their intellectual property engagement goals), OSS licensing discriminates against no one. Anyone can participate in the community development of the software. Anyone is free to use the software. Anyone can see the source code. Anyone can distribute the software. In each case, requirements may be imposed by the license or reputation that must be earned in the community, which would lead some to not want to participate, but nothing inherent in the process prevents participation, use, or distribution.

An interesting dividing line in the licensing schemes is whether the license is considered "viral." A reciprocal license such as the GNU General Public License (GPL) attaches itself to new software by requiring that if the software is modified and distributed, the license is attached to the new software. This forces the "open" aspect upon new software, keeping the source code publicly available. A company may be wary of publishing the source code to its software, as it may contain trade secrets or other third-party licensed software for which it doesn't have the ability to publish the source. The classic permissive licenses arose in academic settings (e.g., the Berkeley license and the MIT Project Athena license) and had no requirement to associate new work with the license. This class of licenses was very liberal in what was allowed, and a company could easily take software, modify it, and not publish the new source code.

One of the most interesting aspects of OSS development is the economics of the community participation. Surveys have been run and much has been written about the rationale for participation.[7] The "simple" economics is that participants in a community get more than they give. It is a normal selfish asymmetric value proposition. To understand that statement, think about context for a moment. Many people in many walks of life use and value their skill sets differently in different contexts. A writer might be a technical writer or communications writer for a corporation as her paying job, but still use that same collection of writing skills teaching an English as a Second Language class in the evenings, working on a writing project with her child's class at school, and writing a sonnet to a loved one. In each case, she values her skill set differently, and the reward accordingly. Software developers are no different. The interesting aspect of community is that corporations are equally economically rational in their participation. Developers and corporations participate in OSS projects because of the same simple asymmetric value proposition. Many companies participate in OSS projects and draw upon the software to deliver the products and services upon which they base their revenue streams. We will look at this a little more closely in a moment.

[7] Most notable were the surveys by the Boston Consulting Group (, Dec. 15, 2004) and the broader FLOSS survey done at the University of Maastricht (, Dec. 15, 2004).

Coupling the license and distribution model that ensures the source code is freely available, with a core project team that is disciplined allows for the community effect of OSS development to shine. The community of interest in a particular project can directly contribute changes and bug fixes. While there may be orders of magnitude of difference in the number of bug reports submitted, down to the number of bug reports submitted with proposed fixes, down to the number of "good" fixes that meet the bar defined by the core project team, there is definitely a net gain for the project, both from a testing and a bug fixing point of view, as well as the opportunity to find new talent for the project that wants to participate.

Open Sources 2.0
Open Sources 2.0: The Continuing Evolution
ISBN: 0596008023
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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