SACD (Super Audio CD), 177
SafeAudio copy protection, 156–157
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty), 34
Sam's Big Play Maker (steganography software), 127, 128
SandMark (steganography software), 127–129
Schola Steganographica, 18–19
Schott, Gaspar, 18
Scramdisk (steganography software), 129
SDMI (Secure Digital Music Initiative), 170, 178
SealTronic Technology Inc., 159–160
Secret and Swift Messenger, The (book), 22
Secret messages, see Steganography
Secret Space (steganography software), 129
SecurDesk! (steganography software), 130
Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI), 170, 178
Secure Documents watermarking, 155
Semagrams, 8–9, 46
Semantic altering, 91
Semantic method, 56–57
Semantic nonaltering, 91
Semantic symbols, 8
Sharpening, of images, 79, 193
Shaved head, 17
Shoes, 47
Signal-to-noise ratio, 55
Signal-to-perceived noise ration, 55
SignIt! (watermarking software), 148–149
Signum Technologies, 161
Simple attack, 92
Slack space, 65–66
Snow (steganography software), 130
Soft bots, 93, 197
Softening of images, 79, 196
Software robots, 93
Sony Music, 172
Sound files, 5–6
Sound frequencies, 51–52
Spam Mimic (steganography software), 19, 38–39, 130–131
Sparta, 16–17
Spectra Systems Corp., 161–162
Spiders, 93, 197
Spread-spectrum encoding, 52–53
Spread-spectrum steganography, 11–12, 55
direct sequence, 41–42
frequency hopping, 42
and watermarking, 90
Spy films, 53
Spy messages, 3
Stamps, 32
Stars (quilt coding), 31
Star Trek, The Next Generation, 2
Statistical fingerprinting, 96
Statistical methods, 42
Statistical tests, 187
StealthDisk (steganography software), 131
Steganographic file systems, 57–60, 184–185
Steganography, 1
applied to different media, 53–57
attacks, 191–196
categories of, 39–42
vs. cryptography, 5–6
definition of, 5
detection, 187–191
future of, 199–200
history of, 15–34
illegal uses of, 199–200
and Internet, 179–180
legitimate uses of, 199
and PKI (public key infrastructure), 169
techniques in, 8–14, 37–39
types of, 42–53
vs. watermarking, 6
Steganography, uses of, 165–184
digital music, 169–170
DNA microdots, 166–167
intellectual property protection systems, 170–179
medical records, 165–166
monitoring of radio advertisements, 167
workplace communication, 166
Steganos 4 (security software), 152–153
Steganosaurus (steganography software), 131
SteganoSign (watermarking software), 156
Stegbreak (steganography software), 179, 189
Stegdetect (steganography software), 179, 187, 188
StegHide (steganography software), 131
Stego-key, 7
Stego medium
chosen-message attack, 79, 196
chosen-stego attack, 78, 195
known-cover attack, 77, 193
known-message attack, 78, 194
stego-only attack, 192
Stego-object, 7
Stego-only attack, 76, 191, 192
StegoTif (steganography software), 131
Stego Watch (steganography toolkit), 162–163
StegoWav (steganography software), 131–132
Still images, 53
StirMark attack, 92–93, 197
StirMark tool, 79
S-Tools (steganography software), 132
Analyze Disk option, 140
FDD (feature-driven development) module, 140
file size, 143
Fill Free Space option, 140
Hide File option, 142
hiding files with, 136–140
Reveal File option, 142–143
signature of, 144
tutorial, 132–136
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), 34
Substitution, 20, 37–38
Substitution cipher, 72
Substitution system, 39–41
Sung dynasty, 18
Super Audio CD (SACD), 177
Super MagicGate copyright protection technology, 174
SureSign software, 161
SYN (synchronize) packet, 66–67, 72, 73
Syntactic method, 56
SysCop (steganography software), 144, 162