

A RAS phonebook is nothing more than a collection of RASENTRY structures (or phonebook entries) that contain phone numbers, data rates, user authentication information, VPN strategies, and other connection information. On Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows CE systems, the phonebook is stored in the system Registry. On Windows NT systems, the phonebook is stored in files that typically have the file extension .PBK. A RASENTRY structure is defined as

typedef struct tagRASENTRY {     DWORD     dwSize;     DWORD     dwfOptions;     DWORD     dwCountryID;      DWORD     dwCountryCode;      TCHAR     szAreaCode[RAS_MaxAreaCode + 1];      TCHAR     szLocalPhoneNumber[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1];      DWORD     dwAlternateOffset;     RASIPADDR ipaddr;     RASIPADDR ipaddrDns;     RASIPADDR ipaddrDnsAlt;     RASIPADDR ipaddrWins;     RASIPADDR ipaddrWinsAlt;     DWORD     dwFrameSize;      DWORD     dwfNetProtocols;      DWORD     dwFramingProtocol;     TCHAR     szScript[MAX_PATH];     TCHAR     szAutodialDll[MAX_PATH];      TCHAR     szAutodialFunc[MAX_PATH];     TCHAR     szDeviceType[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1];     TCHAR     szDeviceName[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1];     TCHAR     szX25PadType[RAS_MaxPadType + 1];     TCHAR     szX25Address[RAS_MaxX25Address + 1];      TCHAR     szX25Facilities[RAS_MaxFacilities + 1];      TCHAR     szX25UserData[RAS_MaxUserData + 1];      DWORD     dwChannels;     DWORD     dwReserved1;      DWORD     dwReserved2; #if (WINVER >= 0x401)     DWORD     dwSubEntries;      DWORD     dwDialMode;      DWORD     dwDialExtraPercent;      DWORD     dwDialExtraSampleSeconds;      DWORD     dwHangUpExtraPercent;      DWORD     dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds;     DWORD     dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; #endif #if (WINVER >= 0x500)     DWORD     dwType;     DWORD     dwEncryptionType;     DWORD     dwCustomAuthKey;     GUID      guidId;      TCHAR     szCustomDialDll[MAX_PATH];      DWORD     dwVpnStrategy;  #endif #if (WINVER >= 0x501)   DWORD     dwfOptions2;   DWORD     dwfOptions3;   WCHAR     szDnsSuffix[RAS_MaxDnsSuffix];   DWORD     dwTcpWindowSize;   WCHAR     szPrerequisitePbk[MAX_PATH];   WCHAR     szPrerequisiteEntry[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1];   DWORD     dwRedialCount;   DWORD     dwRedialPause; #endif } RASENTRY;

As you can see, many fields make up this structure and we will not describe them here. For a complete description of all the fields, consult the Platform SDK.

When you call any RAS API that takes a phonebook file as a parameter (lpszPhonebook), you can identify the path to a phonebook file. As we mentioned earlier, this parameter must be NULL on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows CE systems because phonebook entries are stored in the system Registry. On Windows NT systems, this can be a path to a phonebook file. Typically, this phonebook file will have the extension .PBK. Also, the system default phonebook on Windows NT systems is located under %SystemRoot%\System32\Ras\Rasphone.pbk. If you specify NULL as the phonebook, you will use the system default phonebook file.

Adding Phonebook Entries

RAS provides four functions that allow you to programmatically manage phonebook RASENTRY structures: RasSetEntryProperties, RasGetEntryProperties, Ras-RenameEntry, and RasDeleteEntry. You can use the RasSetEntryProperties function to create a new entry or modify an existing entry. This function is defined as

DWORD RasSetEntryProperties(     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPCTSTR lpszEntry,     LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry,     DWORD dwEntryInfoSize,     LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo,     DWORD dwDeviceInfoSize ); 

The lpszPhonebook parameter is a pointer to a phonebook file name. The lpszEntry parameter is a pointer to a string used to identify an existing or new entry. If a RASENTRY structure exists with this name, the properties are modified; otherwise, a new entry is created in the phonebook. The lpRasEntry parameter is a pointer to a RASENTRY structure. You can place a list of null-terminated strings after the RASENTRY structure defining alternate phone numbers. The last string is terminated by two consecutive null characters. The dwEntryInfoSize parameter is the size (in bytes) of the structure in the lpRasEntry parameter. The lpbDeviceInfo parameter is a pointer to a buffer that contains TAPI device configuration information. On Windows 2000 and Windows NT, this parameter is not used and should be set to NULL. The final parameter, dwDeviceInfoSize, represents the size (in bytes) of the lpbDeviceInfo buffer.

The RasGetEntryProperties function, defined below, can be used to retrieve the properties of an existing phonebook entry or the default values for a new phonebook entry.

DWORD RasGetEntryProperties(     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPCTSTR lpszEntry,     LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry,     LPDWORD lpdwEntryInfoSize,     LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo,     LPDWORD lpdwDeviceInfoSize );

The lpszPhonebook parameter is a pointer to the name of a phonebook file. The lpszEntry parameter is a pointer to a string identifying an existing phonebook entry. If you set this parameter to NULL, the lpRasEntry and lpbDeviceInfo parameters will receive default values of a phonebook entry. Retrieving the default values is quite useful: when you need to create a new RAS phonebook entry, you can populate the lpRasEntry and lpbDeviceInfo fields with correct information about your system before you call the RasSetEntryProperties function.

The lpRasEntry parameter is a pointer to a buffer that your application supplies to receive a RASENTRY structure. As we described in our discussion of the RasSetEntryProperties function, this structure can be followed by an array of null-terminated strings identifying alternate phone numbers for the requested phonebook entry. Therefore, the size of your receiving buffer should be larger than a RASENTRY structure. If you pass a NULL pointer, the lpdwEntryInfoSize parameter will receive the total number of bytes needed to store all the elements of a RASENTRY structure plus any alternate phone numbers. The lpdw-EntryInfoSize parameter is a pointer to a DWORD containing the number of bytes that are in the receiving buffer your application supplies to the lpRasEntry parameter. When this function completes, it will update lpdwEntryInfoSize to the number of bytes actually received in lpRasEntry. We highly recommend calling this function with lpRasEntry set to NULL and lpdwEntryInfoSize set to 0 to obtain buffer sizing information. Once you have the appropriate size, you can call this function again and retrieve all the information without error.

The lpbDeviceInfo parameter is a pointer to an application-supplied buffer that receives TAPI device–specific information for this phonebook entry. If this parameter is set to NULL, the lpdwDeviceInfoSize parameter will receive the number of bytes needed to retrieve this information. If you are using Windows 2000, Windows NT, or Windows XP, lpbDeviceInfo should be set to NULL. The final parameter, lpdwDeviceInfoSize, is a pointer to a DWORD that should be set to the number of bytes contained in the buffer supplied to lpbDeviceInfo. When RasGetEntryProperties returns, lpdwDeviceInfoSize will return the number of bytes that are returned in the lpbDeviceInfo buffer.

The following code sample demonstrates how an application should use RasGetEntryProperties and RasSetEntryProperties to create a new phonebook entry:

#include <windows.h> #include <ras.h> #include <raserror.h> #include <stdio.h> void main(void) {     DWORD EntryInfoSize = 0;     DWORD DeviceInfoSize = 0;     DWORD Ret;     LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry;     LPBYTE lpDeviceInfo;     // Get buffer sizing information for a default phonebook entry     if ((Ret = RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, "", NULL,          &EntryInfoSize, NULL, &DeviceInfoSize)) != 0)     {         if (Ret != ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)         {             printf("RasGetEntryProperties sizing failed "                 "with error %d\n", Ret);             return;         }     }     lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, EntryInfoSize);     if (DeviceInfoSize == 0)         lpDeviceInfo = NULL;     else         lpDeviceInfo = (LPBYTE) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, DeviceInfoSize);     // Get default phonebook entry     lpRasEntry->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);     if ((Ret = RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, "", lpRasEntry,         &EntryInfoSize, lpDeviceInfo, &DeviceInfoSize)) != 0)     {         printf("RasGetEntryProperties failed with error %d\n",             Ret);         return;     }     // Validate new phonebook name "Testentry"     if ((Ret = RasValidateEntryName(NULL, "Testentry")) !=         ERROR_SUCCESS)     {         printf("RasValidateEntryName failed with error %d\n",             Ret);         return;     }     // Install a new phonebook entry, "Testentry", using      // default properties     if ((Ret = RasSetEntryProperties(NULL, "Testentry",         lpRasEntry, EntryInfoSize, lpDeviceInfo,          DeviceInfoSize)) != 0)     {         printf("RasSetEntryProperties failed with error %d\n",             Ret);         return;     } }

Deleting Phonebook Entries

Deleting phonebook entries is easy. To do so, you simply call the RasDeleteEntry function, which is defined as

DWORD RasDeleteEntry(     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPCTSTR lpszEntry );

The lpszPhonebook parameter is a pointer to a phonebook file name. The lpszEntry parameter is a string representing an existing phonebook entry. If this function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS; otherwise, it returns ERROR_ INVALID_NAME.

Managing User Credentials

When a RAS client makes a connection using a phonebook entry through RasDial, it can save the user's security credentials and associates them with the phonebook entry. The functions RasGetCredentials, RasSetCredentials, RasGetEntryDialParams, and RasSetEntryDialParams allow you to man- age user security credentials associated with a phonebook entry. The RasGetCredentials and RasSetCredentials functions were introduced in Windows NT 4. (They are also available on all Windows NT systems.) These two functions supersede RasGetEntryDialParams and RasSetEntryDialParams. Because RasGetCredentials and RasSetCredentials are not available on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows CE systems, you can use Ras-GetEntryDialParams and RasSetEntryDialParams for this purpose on all platforms.

The RasGetCredentials function retrieves user credentials associated with a phonebook entry and is defined as

DWORD RasGetCredentials(     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPCTSTR lpszEntry,     LPRASCREDENTIALS lpCredentials );

The lpszPhonebook parameter is a pointer to a phonebook filename. The lpszEntry parameter is a string representing an existing phonebook entry. The lpCredentials parameter, defined below, is a pointer to a RASCREDENTIALS structure that can receive the user name, password, and domain associated with the phonebook entry:

typedef struct {     DWORD dwSize;     DWORD dwMask;     TCHAR szUserName[UNLEN + 1];     TCHAR szPassword[PWLEN + 1];     TCHAR szDomain[DNLEN + 1]; } RASCREDENTIALS, *LPRASCREDENTIALS;

The fields of this structure are defined as

  • dwSize Specifies the size (in bytes) of a RASCREDENTIALS structure. You should always set this field to the structure size.

  • dwMask Is a bitmask field that identifies which of the next three fields in the structure are valid by using predefined flags. The flag RASCM_UserName applies to szUserName, RASCM_Password applies to szPassword, and RASCM_Domain applies to szDomain. There are more dwMask flags, but we will not describe them here.

  • szUserName Is a null-terminated string that contains a user's logon name.

  • szPassword Is a null-terminated string that contains a user's password.

  • szDomain Is a null-terminated string that contains a user's logon domain.

If RasGetCredentials succeeds, it returns 0. Your application can determine which security credentials are set based on the flags set in the dwMask field of the lpCredentials structure.

The RasSetCredentials function is similar to RasGetCredentials except that it lets you change security credentials associated with a phonebook entry. The parameters are the same except that RasSetCredentials features an additional parameter: fClearCredentials. RasSetCredentials is defined as

DWORD RasSetCredentials(     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPCTSTR lpszEntry,     LPRASCREDENTIALS lpCredentials,     BOOL fClearCredentials );

The fClearCredentials parameter is a Boolean operator that, if set to TRUE, causes RasSetCredentials to change credentials identified in the dwMask field of the lpCredentials structure to an empty string (“”) value. For example, if dwMask contains the RASCM_Password flag, the password stored is replaced with an empty string. If the RasSetCredentials function succeeds, it returns 0.

You can also use RasGetEntryDialParams and RasSetEntryDialParams to manage user security credentials associated with phonebook entries. Ras-GetEntryDialParams is defined as

DWORD RasGetEntryDialParams(     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPRASDIALPARAMS lprasdialparams,     LPBOOL lpfPassword );

The lpszPhonebook parameter is a pointer to a phonebook file name. The lprasdialparams parameter is a pointer to a RASDIALPARAMS structure. The lpfPassword parameter is a Boolean flag that returns TRUE if the user's password was retrieved in the lprasdialparams structure.

The RasSetEntryDialParams function changes the connection information that was last set by the RasDial call on a particular phonebook entry. RasSet-EntryDialParams is defined as

DWORD RasSetEntryDialParams(     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPRASDIALPARAMS lprasdialparams,     BOOL fRemovePassword );

The lpszPhonebook and lprasdialparams parameters are exactly the same as the first two parameters in RasGetEntryDialParams. The fRemovePassword parameter is a Boolean flag that, if set to TRUE, tells RasSetEntryDialParams to remove the password associated with the phonebook entry identified in the lprasdialparams structure.

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
Network Programming for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Professional Series)
ISBN: 0735605602
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 172
Authors: Anthony Jones © 2008-2017.
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