

When a RAS client application is ready to make a connection to a remote network, it must call the RasDial function. RasDial is quite complex, offering many call parameters that are used for dialing, authenticating, and establishing a remote connection to a RAS server. RasDial is defined as

DWORD RasDial(      LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS lpRasDialExtensions,     LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook,     LPRASDIALPARAMS lpRasDialParams,     DWORD dwNotifierType,     LPVOID lpvNotifier,     LPHRASCONN lphRasConn );

Based on values of the lpvNotifier parameter, RasDial can execute in two operating modes: synchronous and asynchronous. In synchronous mode, RasDial blocks until it either completes a connection or fails to do so. In asynchronous mode, RasDial completes a connection immediately, allowing your application to perform other actions while connecting.

Synchronous Mode

If the lpvNotifier parameter of RasDial is set to NULL, RasDial will operate synchronously. When the lpvNotifier parameter is NULL, the dwNotifierType parameter is ignored. Calling RasDial synchronously is the easiest way to use this function; however, you won't be able to monitor the connection progress like you can in asynchronous mode, which we will describe in a moment. The following code sample demonstrates how to call RasDial synchronously:

RASDIALPARAMS RasDialParams; HRASCONN hRasConn; DWORD Ret; // Always set the size of the RASDIALPARAMS structure RasDialParams.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS); hRasConn = NULL; // Setting this field to an empty string will allow // RasDial to use default dialing properties lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szEntryName, ""); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szPhoneNumber, "867-5309"); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szUserName, "jenny"); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szPassword, "mypassword"); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szDomain, "mydomain"); // Call RasDial synchronously (the fifth parameter // is set to NULL) Ret = RasDial(NULL, NULL, &RasDialParams, 0, NULL, &hRasConn);     if (Ret != 0) {     printf("RasDial failed: Error = %d\n", Ret); }

The sample calls RasDial by filling fields of the lpRasDialParams parameter. The lpRasDialParams parameter is a RASDIALPARAMS structure pointer that defines dialing and user authentication parameters that the RasDial function uses to establish a remote connection. It's defined as

typedef struct _RASDIALPARAMS {     DWORD dwSize;     TCHAR szEntryName[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1];      TCHAR szPhoneNumber[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1];      TCHAR szCallbackNumber[RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1];      TCHAR szUserName[UNLEN + 1];      TCHAR szPassword[PWLEN + 1];      TCHAR szDomain[DNLEN + 1] ;  #if (WINVER >= 0x401)      DWORD dwSubEntry;      DWORD dwCallbackId;  #endif } RASDIALPARAMS;

The fields of RASDIALPARAMS provide the basics for setting up a RAS connection and are described as

  • dwSize Should be set to the size (in bytes) of a RASDIALPARAMS structure. This allows RAS to internally determine which WINVER version you compiled with.

  • szEntryName A string that allows you to identify a phonebook entry contained in the phonebook file listed in the lpszPhonebook parameter of RasDial. This is an important parameter because phonebook entries enable you to fine-tune RAS connection properties, such as selecting a modem or selecting a framing protocol. However, specifying a phonebook entry to use RasDial is optional. If this field is an empty string (“”), RasDial will select the first available modem installed on your system and will rely on the next parameter, szPhoneNumber, to dial a connection. We will describe phonebook entries in more detail later.

  • szPhoneNumber A string representing a phone number that overrides the number contained in the phonebook entry specified in the szEntryName field.

  • szCallbackNumber Allows you to specify a phone number the RAS server can call you back on. If the RAS server permits you to have a callback number, the server will terminate your original connection and call back your client using the callback number you specified. This is a nice feature because it lets your server know where a user is connecting from.

  • szUserName A string that identifies a logon name used to authenticate a user on a RAS server.

  • szPassword A string that identifies the password used to authenticate a user on a RAS server.

  • szDomain Identifies the Windows NT domain where the user account is located.

  • dwSubEntry Optionally allows you to specify the initial phonebook subentry to dial for a RAS multilink connection. We don't describe the multilink feature in this chapter.

  • dwCallbackId Allows you to pass an application-defined value to a RasDialFunc2 callback function (which we'll also describe later). If you're not using a RasDialFunc2 callback function, this field is not used.

The previous sample fills in a RASDIALPARAMS with a number to dial, user name, password, and domain information for a RAS connection. The RASDIALPARAMS structure is then passed into the RasDial function, which will synchronously make the remote connection.

Asynchronous Mode

Calling RasDial asynchronously is a lot more complicated than calling this function in synchronous mode, but it offers greater flexibility when establishing a connection. If the lpvNotifier parameter of RasDial is not set to NULL, RasDial will operate asynchronously—the call returns immediately but the connection proceeds. Calling RasDial asynchronously is the preferred method for making a RAS connection because you can monitor the connection's progress. The lpvNotifier parameter can be either a pointer to a function that is called from RasDial when a connection activity occurs in RasDial or a window handle that receives progress notification via Windows messages. The dwNotifierType parameter of RasDial determines the type of function or window handle that is passed into lpvNotifier. Table 15-1 describes the values that you can specify in dwNotifierType.

Table 15-1 RasDial Asynchronous Notification Methods

Notifier Type



The lpvNotifier parameter causes RasDial to use the RasDialFunc function pointer to manage connection events.


The lpvNotifier parameter causes RasDial to use the RasDialFunc1 function pointer to manage connection events.


The lpvNotifier parameter causes RasDial to use the RasDialFunc2 function pointer to manage connection events.


The lpvNotifier parameter makes RasDial send a window message during connection events.

Table 15-1 also describes the three callback function prototypes you supply to RasDial in the lpvNotifier parameter that is called for receiving notification of connection events: RasDialFunc, RasDialFunc1, and RasDialFunc2. The first one, RasDialFunc, is prototyped as

VOID WINAPI RasDialFunc(     UINT unMsg,     RASCONNSTATE rasconnstate,     DWORD dwError );

The unMsg parameter receives the type of event that has occurred. Currently, this event can be only WM_RASDIALEVENT, which means that this parameter is not useful. The rasconnstate parameter receives the connection activity that the RasDial function is about to start. Table 15-2 defines the possible connection activities. The dwError parameter receives a RAS error code if one of the connection activities experiences failure.

Table 15-2 Asynchronous RasDial Operating States






A communication port is about to be opened.



The communication port is open.



A device is about to be connected.



The device has connected successfully.



A physical link has been established.



The RAS authentication process has started.



An authentication event has occurred.



The client has requested another authentication attempt.



The server has requested a callback number.



The client has requested to change the password on the RAS account.



The protocol projection is starting. (We'll describe RAS protocol projections later.)



The link speed is being calculated.



An authentication request is being acknowledged.



The authentication process after a callback is starting.



The client has completed the authentication successfully.



The line is about to disconnect to prepare for a callback.



The client is waiting for the modem to reset before preparing for a callback.



The client is waiting for an incoming call from the server.



The protocol projection is complete.



User authentication is being started or retried. (This applies to Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me only.)



The client has been called back. (This applies to Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me only.)



The client is logging on to a remote network. (This applies to Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me only.)



A subentry of a multilink phonebook entry has connected. The dwSubEntry parameter of RasDialFunc2 will contain an index of the subentry connected.



A subentry of a multilink phone- book entry has disconnected. The dwSubEntry parameter of RasDialFunc2 will contain an index of the subentry disconnected.



RasDial is awaiting new user credentials.



RasDial is awaiting a callback number from the client.



RasDial expects the user to supply a new password.



On Windows NT platforms, RasDial is awaiting a custom user interface to obtain user authentication information.



The RAS connection succeeded and is active.



The RAS connection failed or is inactive.

Table 15-2 shows the three operating states associated with connection activities in an asynchronous RasDial call: running, paused, and terminal. The running state indicates that the RasDial call is still in progress, and each running-state activity offers progress status information.

The paused state indicates that RasDial needs more information to establish the connection. By default, the paused state is disabled. On Windows NT–based operating systems, you can enable paused state notification by setting the RDEOPT_PausedStates option flag in the lpRasDialExtensions structure parameter of RasDial. When a paused state activity occurs, it indicates one of the following conditions:

  • The user needs to supply new logon credentials because the authentication failed.

  • The user needs to provide a new password because his or hers has expired.

  • The user needs to provide a callback number.

These activities pertain to information supplied in the RASDIALPARAMS structure described earlier in this chapter. When a paused state activity occurs, RasDial will notify your callback function (or window procedure). If the paused state is disabled, RAS will send an error to your notification function and RasDial will fail. If enabled, the RasDial function will be in a paused state that allows your application to supply the necessary information through a RASDIALPARAMS structure. When RasDial is paused, you can resume by calling it again with the original call's connection handle (lphRasConn) and notification function (lpvNotifier), or you can simply end the paused operation by calling RasHangUp (described later in this chapter). If you resume the paused connection, you will have to supply the necessary user input via the RASDIALPARAMS structure passed to the resumed RasDial call.


Do not resume the paused state by calling RasDial directly from a notification handler function such as RasDialFunc. RasDial is not designed to handle this situation, so you should resume RasDial directly from your application thread.

The final state—terminal—indicates that the RasDial connection has either succeeded or failed. It can also indicate that the RasHangUp function closed the connection.

Now that you have a basic understanding of how you can monitor the connection of an asynchronous RasDial call, we'll demonstrate how to set up a simple program that calls RasDial asynchronously. The following code shows this procedure. You'll also find an asynchronous RasDial example on the companion CD.

void main(void) {     DWORD Ret;     RASDIALPARAMS RasDialParams;     HRASCONN hRasConn;     // Fill in the RASDIALPARAMS structure with call parameters     // as was done in the synchronous example     ...     if ((Ret = RasDial(NULL, NULL, &RasDialParams, 0,          &RasDialFunc, &hRasConn)) != 0)     {         printf("RasDial failed with error %d\n", Ret);         return;     }     // If RasDial succeeds, it will complete immediately,     // leaving you the chance to perform other tasks while      // RasDial is processing     ... } // Callback function RasDialFunc() void WINAPI RasDialFunc(UINT unMsg, RASCONNSTATE rasconnstate,      DWORD dwError) {     char szRasString[256]; // Buffer for error string     if (dwError)     {         RasGetErrorString((UINT)dwError, szRasString, 256);         printf("Error: %d - %s\n",dwError, szRasString);         return;     }     // Map each of the RasDial states and display on the     // screen the next state that RasDial is entering     switch (rasconnstate)     {         case RASCS_ConnectDevice:              printf ("Connecting device...\n");             break;         case RASCS_DeviceConnected:             printf ("Device connected.\n");             break;         // Add other connection activities here         ...         default:             printf ("Unmonitored RAS activity.\n");             break;     } }

RAS also features a stand-alone function named RasConnectionNotification that allows your application to determine when an asynchronous RAS connection has been created or terminated. RasConnectionNotification is defined as

DWORD RasConnectionNotification(      HRASCONN hrasconn,     HANDLE hEvent,     DWORD dwFlags );

The hrasconn parameter is the connection handle returned from RasDial. The hEvent parameter is an event handle that your application creates using the CreateEvent function. The dwFlags parameter can be set to a combination of several activity flags. The most useful ones are

  • RASCN_Connection Notifies you that a RAS connection has been created. If the hrasconn parameter is set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, the event is signaled when any RAS connection occurs.

  • RASCN_Disconnection Notifies you that a RAS connection has been terminated. If the hrasconn parameter is set to INVALID_HANDLE_ VALUE, the event is signaled when any connection ends.

Note that these flags function the same way as the connection activity flags described in Table 15-2. If any of these activities occur during your connection, your event will become signaled. Your application should use operating system wait functions, such as WaitForSingleObject, to determine when the object becomes signaled.

Closing a Connection

Closing a connection established by RasDial is simple. All you have to do is call RasHangUp, which is defined as

DWORD RasHangUp(      HRASCONN hrasconn );

The hrasconn parameter is a handle that is returned from RasDial. Although this function is easy to use, you have to consider how connections are managed internally in RAS. A serial connection uses a modem port, and it takes time for the port to reset internally when a connection shuts down. Therefore, you should wait until the port connection closes completely. To do this, you can call RasGetConnectStatus to determine when your connection is reset. RasGetConnectStatus is defined as

DWORD RasGetConnectStatus(     HRASCONN hrasconn,     LPRASCONNSTATUS lprasconnstatus );

The hrasconn parameter is a handle that is returned from RasDial. The lprasconnstatus parameter is a RASCONNSTATUS structure that receives the current connection status. A RASCONNSTATUS structure is defined as

typedef struct _RASCONNSTATUS  {      DWORD        dwSize;     RASCONNSTATE rasconnstate;     DWORD        dwError;     TCHAR        szDeviceType[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1 ];     TCHAR        szDeviceName[ RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1 ]; } RASCONNSTATUS;

These fields are defined as

  • dwSize Should be set to the size (in bytes) of RASCONNSTATUS

  • rasconnstate Receives one of the connection activities defined in Table 15-2

  • dwError Gets a specific RAS error code if RasGetConnectStatus does not return 0

  • szDeviceType Receives a string representing the type of device used on the connection

  • szDeviceName Receives the name of the current device

We recommend that you check the state of your connection until you receive the RASCS_Disconnected activity status. Obviously, you might have to call RasGetConnectStatus several times until the connection is reset. Once the connection is reset, you can exit your application or make another connection.

Now that we have described the basics of setting up a RAS connection, we will describe how to set up phonebook entries that allow you to set up advanced communication properties for establishing a RAS connection.

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
Network Programming for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Professional Series)
ISBN: 0735605602
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 172
Authors: Anthony Jones

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