
A string of text characters. Methods and properties include:


Returns a reference to this instance of String.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a hello PS C:\> $b = $a.clone() PS C:\> $b hello PS C:\> $a hello PS C:\> $b = "world" PS C:\> $b world PS C:\> $a hello PS C:\> 


Returns a value indicating whether the specified String object occurs within this string.

 PS> [string]$a = "hello" PS> $a.contains("e") True 


Determines whether the end of an instance of String matches a specified string.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a.endswith("lo") True 


Determines whether two String objects have the same value.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> [string]$b = "world" PS C:\> $a.equals($b) False 


Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String or one or more characters within this string.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a.indexof("l") 2 


Inserts a specified instance of String at a specified index position in this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $b = $a.insert(2,"-st-") PS C:\> $b he-st-llo 


Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a.lastindexof("l") 3 


Gets the number of characters in this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "Hello" PS C:\> $a.length 5 


Left-aligns the characters in this string, padding the right with spaces or a specified Unicode character for a specified total length.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> "-" + $a.padright(8) + "-" -hello   - 


Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a.remove(3,2) hel 


Replaces all occurrences of a specified Unicode character or String in this instance with another specified Unicode character or String.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a.replace("l","p") heppo 


Returns a String array containing the substrings in this instance that are delimited by elements of a specified Char or String array.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "one,two,three" PS C:\> $b = $a.split(",") PS C:\> $b[0] one PS C:\> $b[1] two PS C:\> $b[2] three 


Determines whether the beginning of an instance of String matches a specified string.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a.startswith("f") False 


Retrieves a substring from this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $a.substring(2,3) llo 


Copies the characters in this instance to a Unicode character array.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "hello" PS C:\> $b = $a.tochararray() PS C:\> $b[0] h PS C:\> $b[4] o 


Returns a copy of this String converted to lowercase.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "Hello" PS C:\> $a.tolower() hello 


Returns a copy of this String converted to uppercase.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "Hello" PS C:\> $a.toupper() HELLO 


Removes all occurrences of a set of specified characters from the beginning and end of this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "  hello  " PS C:\> "-" + $a.trim() + "-" -hello- 


Removes all occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the end of this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "  hello  " PS C:\> "-" + $a.trimend() + "-" -  hello- 


Removes all occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the beginning of this instance.

 PS C:\> [string]$a = "  hello  " PS C:\> "-" + $a.trimstart() + "-" -hello - 

Windows PowerShell. TFM
Internet Forensics
ISBN: 982131445
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 289 © 2008-2017.
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