
 < Day Day Up > 


backups, universe files, 160, 388

Balance object, 217–218

base objects, 206

BCA (Broadcast Agent), 573–578

Action tab, 574–575

Categories tab, 574

Distribution tab, 577–578

General tab, 573

overview of, 573

query execution time, 108

query refresh option, 573

quick steps, 573

reports, 29

Scheduling tab, 575–577

benchmark reports, 388–393

BI (business intelligence)

analytic applications, 17–18

birth of, 5–9

data mining, 16–17

defining, 4

Extract Transform Load, 13–15

future of, 22–23

growth of, 12–13

history of Business Objects, 18–21

Internet influence, 10–12

OLAP and, 15–16

overview of, 4–5

queries and reporting, 15

Block Body, 460

Block Footers, 460

Block Headers, 460


adding formulas to, 520

cells in, 460

charts, 438–440

crosstabs, 440–443

modifying settings, 678–680

overview of, 424

tables, 434–437

types of, 433, 658–660

WebI v6.0 report style, 720–721

Blue Edge, 21

boolean formats, 456

BOPASS system variable, 219

Border tab, 458

BOTH condition operator, 626

BOUSER system variable, 219


analyzing table data and, 492

multiple, 500

options, 493–496

WebI and, 673–675

Broadcast Agent. See BCA (Broadcast Agent)

brown bag lunches, 63

business goals

BusinessObjects deployment and, 29–33

measuring success of, 34–35

project roles, 47–49

universe design aligned to, 71–73

business intelligence. See BI (business intelligence)

Business Miner, 16–17, 20

business questions, queries, 580–581

business term consistency, 343

BusinessObjects marketing, 53–66. See also markets/marketing

approaches to training, 64

customer segments, 64–65

elements of plan, 53

mix, 56–63

overview of, 52

situation analysis, 53–56

when to develop plan, 52


block types, 433

business goals, 29–33

charts, 438–440

corporate documents, 418

crosstabs, 440–443

Data Integrator, 15

Data Manager, 431–433

Data views, 427–428

default directory, 413–414

document components, 422–424

document storage, 413

experts, 48

functionality of, 22

history of, 18–21

IT goals, 26–29

launching, 21

login process, 409–410

Map view, 429–431

market, 12–18

master/detail reports, 444–445

as measures of success, 34–37

Metadata Bridge, 367

online vs. offline modes, 412–413

opening document repository, 415

opening local documents, 414–415

opening user documents, 416–417

overview of, 433

password settings, 410–411

report components, 424–426

Report Manager, 426–431

sample data, 408

saving reports, 446–448

scheduled documents, 418

security domains, 411–412

status bar, 418

tables, 434–437

toolbars, 420–422

user groups, 12

view options, 418–420

viewing documents, 647–648, 655–657

BusinessObjects Analytics, 21

BusinessObjects Explorer, 534

BusinessQuery for Excel, 42

BusinessQuery MD, 21, 42

 < Day Day Up > 

Business Objects(c) The Complete Reference
Cisco Field Manual: Catalyst Switch Configuration
ISBN: 72262656
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 206 © 2008-2017.
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