Real-World Example 1: Dynamic Drop-Down Lists on the Web

Real World Example 1 Dynamic Drop Down Lists on the Web

If you have ever built a serious Domino application for the Web, you know that a refresh can instantly kill the user's interest in the application in just less than 25 seconds. This is the average time it takes for the code bits to travel round-trip from the browser to the server and then back to the client browser with a new screen of data to present to the user . If you're lucky enough to have a high-bandwidth connection to the Internet, a super-wizzy Pentium IV or V PC, and 512MB RAM, this might not be a problem for you. However, statistics show that in real-world situations, most companies do not have full T1 line connectivity out to the Web, employee PCs average 64MB “128MB of memory, and typical PCs are Pentium IIs and IIIs, at best. Developers must create designs built around these facts, all while keeping the user in mind. As corporations roll out Web applications that challenge global languages, the design must also reflect global connectivity and technology issues faced in today's corporate world.

This particular example shows you how to use JavaScript to present dynamically selectable drop-down lists, preventing a refresh after each selection is made in a field by the user. With a twist, this example uses lists built from various fields on a form using one @DbColumn command and then building the other dynamic sublists using JavaScript from the main list. What's so powerful is that after a selection is made in the first field, the next field's list is built dynamically without a browser refresh. Let's get started by first reviewing each of the necessary fields on the form that are needed for this JavaScript example.

The JSExample1 Form Fields

Figure 17.1 shows the JSExample1 form in Domino Designer for the Yonder Produce Market Web site. To support the JavaScript function in this example, we will use one computed field named ProduceCatList and four other multivalue , editable text fields: ProduceCategories, ProduceCategoryItems, ProduceItemPrices, and ProduceItemDetails. These are shown on the form in Figure 17.1.

Figure 17.1. The JSExample1 form, as shown in Domino Designer 6.


The ProduceCatList field uses a @DbColumn formula to retrieve the list of values from column 1 of the (ProduceCatLookup) view, as shown in Listing 17.1.

Listing 17.1 @DbColumn Formula Used in the ProduceCatList Field

List := @Trim(@Unique(@DbColumn( "":"NoCache";"":"";"ProduceCatLookup"; 1)));
@If(@IsError(List) List = ""; ""; List)

The ProduceCatList field properties are set as Multivalue, Computed, and the multivalue separator options are both set to Semicolon Only. This field produces results that look like Listing 17.2.

Listing 17.2 ProduceCatList Resulting List Value

Fruits~Apples~2.49It's time for Grandma's apple pie! This week's special price make
them irresistible.; Fruits~Avocados~1.29Fresh sun-ripened Avocados can warm up any meal,
side dish, or salad! Get our avocado salsa recipe that is great with warm tortillas and
pepper-jack cheese! This week's special price makes them irresistible.;and so on...

Each value that make up the list is extracted from the respective fields for all the ProduceItem documents in the database by way of the first column in the ProduceCatLookup view. The first column uses the formula shown in Listing 17.3 to build the list and is shown in Designer in Figure 17.2.

Listing 17.3 ProduceCatLookup View Column 1 Formula

CatName+"~"+ItemName+"~"+@Text(Price) +"" + ItemDetails

Figure 17.2. The ProduceCatLookup view, as shown in Domino Designer 6.


This concatenated list allows the four other remaining fields to parse the list and grab only a subset of its items. This makes it easier for the JavaScript routine to render the sublist results more quickly. The ProduceCategories field properties are set to Multivalue, Editable, and the multivalue separator options are both set to Semicolon Only. Its HTML Attributes event uses the "Type="Hidden"" method to hide the field from the user and enables JavaScript to write to it even though the user can't see it. This field uses the default value formula shown in Listing 17.4 to build a subset of the main list that includes only the produce categories found in the ProduceCatList field.

Listing 17.4 ProduceCategories Field Default Value Formula

List := @Unique(@Trim(@Left(ProduceCatList;"~")));
@If(@IsError(List) List = ""; ""; List)

The resulting list for this field looks like this:

Fruits; Vegetables

This list's purpose is to populate the ProduceCat dialog box field with selection items on the JSExample1 form, as shown in Figure 17.1. This is where the user makes the first selection to determine what values are displayed in the ProduceItem field.

The ProduceCategoryItems, ProduceItemPrices, and ProduceItemDetails fields' properties are each set to Multivalue, Editable, and the multivalue separator options are both set to Semicolon Only. The HTML Attributes event for each field uses the "Type="Hidden"" method to hide the field from the user and enables JavaScript to write to it even though the user can't see it. These fields use the default formulas also shown in Table 17.1 to build a different subset of the main list values found in the ProduceCatList field.

Table 17.1. The Various Hidden JavaScript Fields and Their Formulas

Field Name Default Value Formula
List := @Unique(@Trim(@LeftBack(ProduceCatList;
@If(@IsError(List) List = ""; ""; List)

Resulting list looks like:

Fruits~Apples; Fruits~Avocados; Fruits~Bananas;
Vegetables~Garlic Braid; Vegetables~Green Beans;
List := @Unique(@Trim(@Left(@Right(ProduceCatList;
@If(@IsError(List) List = ""; ""; List)

Resulting list looks like:

Apples~2.49; Avocados~1.29; Bananas~1.69;
Garlic Braid~4.39; Green Beans~1.39; Onions~0.99
List := @Unique(@Trim(@Right(ProduceCatList;
@If(@IsError(List) List = ""; ""; List)

Resulting list looks like:

Apples~2.49It's time for Grandma's apple pie!
This week's
special price make them irresistible.; Avocados~1.
sun-ripened Avocados can warm up any meal, side
dish, or
salad! Get our avocado salsa recipe that is great
with warm
tortillas and pepper-jack cheese! This week's
special price
make them irresistible.; Bananas~1.69Jamaican
Bananas can
warm up any meal, side dish, or salad! Try our
Foster recipe that is a great ending to any meal!
week's special price makes them irresistible.;
and so on...

The ProduceCat field properties are set to Dialog List, Editable; its default value formula is shown in Listing 17.5.

Listing 17.5 ProduceCat Selection Field Default Value Formula

 selectedCat!=""&@IsDocBeingSavedselectedCat!="" & @IsDocBeingRecalculated;

The field's dialog list choices formula uses Use Formula for Choices with the formula shown in Listing 17.6.

Listing 17.6 ProduceCat Dialog List Choices Formula

List := ProduceCategories;
@If(List=""@IsError(List); "- No Items Found to Select -"; "- Select Type of Produce -" :

This field's dialog choices are derived from the values in the ProduceCategories list field and are used by the user to select a produce category ”in this case, the choice is either Fruits or Vegetables. If no choice is found in the main list or an error occurs, the No Items Found to Select choice is displayed. After a selection is made, the field's onChange event calls the populateItem() JavaScript function, shown in Figure 17.3, which populates the ProduceItems field with the respective Fruits or Vegetables selectable items. It also sets the hidden JavaScript selectedCat field at the bottom of the form.

Figure 17.3. The ProduceCat field's onChange event.


The ProduceItem field properties are set to Dialog List, Editable; its default value formula is shown in Listing 17.7.

Listing 17.7 ProduceItem Selection Field Default Value Formula

 selectedItem!=""&@IsDocBeingSavedselectedItem!="" & @IsDocBeingRecalculated;

This field's dialog box choices are built dynamically by the populateItem() JavaScript function, based on the user selection made in the ProduceCat field.

The field's dialog list choices formula is shown in Listing 17.8.

Listing 17.8 ProduceItem Selection Field Dialog List Choices Formula

List := selectedItem;
@If(List=""@IsError(List); "- Select an Item -" ; "- Select an Item -":List)

If no choices are found, meaning that a selection has not yet been made in the ProduceCat field or an error has occurred, only the Select an Item choice is displayed by default. After a ProduceItem selection is made, the field's onChange event calls the getItem() JavaScript function as shown in Figure 17.4 that, in turn , populates each of the selected item's detail fields on the form ”ItemDetails and ItemPrice, respectively. The selectedItem field is also set in the onChange event with the current selection value.

Figure 17.4. The ProduceItem field's onChange event.


The populateItem() JavaScript Function

The populateItem() function pulls this example all together. Listing 17.9 shows the function in its entirety. Figure 17.5 shows the populateItem() JavaScript function in Designer 6.

Listing 17.9 The populateItem() JavaScript Function

1. function populateItem(inForm,selected,ListFieldName,TargetFieldName) {
2. var tempString = inForm[ListFieldName].value;
3. var stringArray=explodeArray(tempString,";");
4. var x=0;
5. var y=1;
6. var selectedArray = new Array();
7. //Now for all the Items, go create an Item Array and match them up to the Produce
 a. for (k = 0; k < stringArray.length; k++) {
 i. var currItem = trim(stringArray[k]);
 ii. var currVal = trim(currItem.substring(currItem.length, (currItem.
 iii. var currCatName = trim(currItem.substring(0, (currItem.lastIndexOf('~'))));

 iv. if (currCatName == selected ) {selectedArray[x] = currVal;x=x+1;v. }
 b. }
 c. while (selectedArray.length < inForm[TargetFieldName].options.length) {
 i. inForm[TargetFieldName].options[(inForm[TargetFieldName].options.length -
1)] = null;
 d. }
 e. //Now create the new items list that the field will use for its selection choices
in the drop-
 field. For each list item that matches the category selected, the item will be
added to
 selectedArray list and then that list displayed in the TargetFieldName field
 f. eval( "inForm[TargetFieldName].options[0]=" + "new Option('- Select an Item -')"
 g. for (var i=0; i < selectedArray.length; i++) {
 i. eval("inForm[TargetFieldName].options[y]=" + "new Option('" +
selectedArray[i] + "')");
 ii. y=y+1;
 h. }
8. }

Figure 17.5. The populateItem() JavaScript function in the Programmer's pane in the Designer 6.


The populateItem() function is called from a field's onChange event, which provides the values for its parameters that are needed to run. These are inForm , selected , ListFieldName , and TargetFieldName , as shown in Line 1 of Listing 17.9. Listing 17.10 shows the code necessary to call the function from the onChange event in the ProduceCat field.

Listing 17.10 Calling the populateItem() JavaScript Function in a Field's onChange Event

var inForm = document.forms[0];
populateItem(inForm, inForm.ProduceCat.options [inForm.ProduceCat.selectedIndex].text,

The first parameter, inForm , passes the document.forms[0] string to the function. The second parameter, inForm.ProduceCat.options[inForm.ProduceCat.selectedIndex].text , passes the text value for the selected item name in the current field to the function. The third parameter, 'ProduceCategoryItems' , passes to the function the name of the field that contains the list of categories and items from where the items will be obtained. Finally, the last parameter, 'ProduceItem' , passes to the function the name of the field that will receive the new list of items based on the selection in the ProduceCat field.

Line 2 of Listing 17.9 sets the selected value to a tempString variable so that it can be used in line 3 to create a new stringArray using the explodeArray() JavaScript function. Lines 4 and 5 set variable integers to and 1 , respectively, which are used in the for loops later in the script. Line 6 creates the empty shell for a new array called selectedArray[] that will be used later in the script to create the list of items for the ProduceItem field. Line 7.a begins the for loop that loops through the stringArray[k] list, which we exploded earlier in the script, to grab all the items in the list that match the selected produce category ( selected ); it then places them in a new array called selectedArray[x] . The x=x+1 operation in line 7.a.iv.2 is used as a counter to renumerate the objects in the selectedArray[x] as they are found. Because the first instance in an array always begins at , x was initialized at in Line 4. The while loop in lines 7.c and 7.c.i redeclares each of the target field options in the list to null , to prepare for the new dynamic items. In simpler terms, this really just resizes the target field list so that it can fit the new items from the selectedArray[x] array that we are building in the script.

Line 7.f declares the first instance of [0] in the ProduceItem field as Select an Item. This means that the Select an Item choice always is the first item on the list. This is also why the y integer variable is initialized to 1 in line 5. Each item added to the field list after [0] begins at 1 and then goes to (y=y+1) thereafter, as shown in line 7.g.ii. This is an easy method to force an item to always be the first instance, [0] , in any given array, or merely the first item on any given list.

The FOR loop in line 7.g provides the means for the script to loop through each item in the newly created selectedArray[i] array and to add the item ( option[y] ) to the ProduceItem field in this case.

This script is really quite simple, but is very powerful. Let's see what this all looks like on the Web.

Figure 17.6 shows the JSExample1 form as displayed on the Web.

Figure 17.6. The JSExample1 form on the Web.


The first selection is made in the Select Type of Produce field. Figure 17.7 shows the Fruits selection made.

Figure 17.7. Making a selection in the first drop-down field.


After the selection is made in the first ProduceCat field, the values dynamically change in the second selection field, depending whether the item Fruits or Vegetables is selected. Figure 17.8 shows the ProduceItem field values when Fruits is selected in the first field.

Figure 17.8. Making a selection in the second drop-down field.


Let's change the selection in the first field to Vegetables and see the new choices in the second Produce Items field, as shown in Figure 17.9.

Figure 17.9. Changing the selection in the first drop-down field to generate new values in the second field.


What's more, after a selection is made in the second field, the item's associated details are also populated in the fields farther down in the document, as shown in Figure 17.10.

Figure 17.10. Changing the selection in the first drop-down field to generate new values in the second field.


If the second selection is changed, the item's details are also changed for the item selected, as shown in Figure 17.11.

Figure 17.11. Making a selection in the second drop-down field based on the selection made in the first field.


This example can be used by any set of selection fields as long as you provide the dialog box list fields and the parameters to the JavaScript function. This saves you from calling a refresh in the Web browser and irritating your users. One @ DbLookup command upon form load is much easier to manage than a 25-second form refresh on the Web.

Part I. Introduction to Release 6

Whats New in Release 6?

The Release 6 Object Store

The Integrated Development Environment

Part II. Foundations of Application Design

Forms Design

Advanced Form Design

Designing Views

Using Shared Resources in Domino Applications

Using the Page Designer

Creating Outlines

Adding Framesets to Domino Applications

Automating Your Application with Agents

Part III. Programming Domino Applications

Using the Formula Language

Real-World Examples Using the Formula Language

Writing LotusScript for Domino Applications

Real-World LotusScript Examples

Writing JavaScript for Domino Applications

Real-World JavaScript Examples

Writing Java for Domino Applications

Real-World Java Examples

Enhancing Domino Applications for the Web

Part IV. Advanced Design Topics

Accessing Data with XML

Accessing Data with DECS and DCRs

Security and Domino Applications

Creating Workflow Applications

Analyzing Domino Applications

Part V. Appendices

Appendix A. HTML Reference

Appendix B. Domino URL Reference

Lotus Notes and Domino 6 Development
Lotus Notes and Domino 6 Development (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672325020
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 288 © 2008-2020.
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