List of Outputs

Chapter 61: The REG Procedure

Output 61.1.1: Forward Selection Method: PROC REG
Output 61.1.2: Backward Selection Method: PROC REG
Output 61.1.3: Maximum R-Square Improvement Selection Method: PROC REG
Output 61.1.4: Forward Selection Summary
Output 61.1.5: All Models by the RSQUARE Method: PROC REG
Output 61.2.1: Height and Weight Data: Female Children
Output 61.2.2: Height and Weight Data: Male Children
Output 61.2.3: SSCP Matrix
Output 61.2.4: OUTEST Data Set
Output 61.3.1: ANOVA Table and Parameter Estimates
Output 61.3.2: ANOVA Table and Parameter Estimates
Output 61.3.3: Plot of Residual vs. Predicted Values
Output 61.3.4: Plot of Predicted vs. Size
Output 61.4.1: Simple Linear Regression
Output 61.5.1: C p Plot
Output 61.6.1: Controlling Plot Appearance and Plotting OUTEST= Statistics
Output 61.7.1: Plotting Model Diagnostic Statistics
Output 61.8.1: Normal Probability-Probability Plot for the Residuals
Output 61.8.2: Normal Quantile-Quantile Plot for the Residuals
Output 61.9.1: Prediction Intervals
Output 61.10.1: Using the RIDEGPLOT Option for Ridge Regression
Output 61.10.2: Ridge Traces Produced with ODS Graphics (Experimental)
Output 61.11.1: Using PROC REG to Plot the VIFs
Output 61.12.1: Fit Diagnostics For the Model Linear in Year (Experimental)
Output 61.12.2: Residual By Year For the Model Linear in Year (Experimental)
Output 61.12.3: Fit Plot with Confidence Band and Prediction Limits (Experimental)
Output 61.12.4: Fit Diagnostics For the Model Linear in Year (Experimental)
Output 61.12.5: Residual Histogram (Experimental)

Chapter 62: The ROBUSTREG Procedure

Output 62.1.2: M Estimates for Data with 10% Contamination
Output 62.1.3: MM Estimates for Data with 10% Contamination
Output 62.1.1: OLS Estimates for Data with 10% Contamination
Output 62.1.4: M Estimates for Data with 40% Contamination
Output 62.1.5: MM Estimates for Data with 40% Contamination
Output 62.1.6: S Estimates for Data with 1% Leverage Points
Output 62.1.7: MM Estimates for Data with 1% Leverage Points
Output 62.2.1: Overall ANOVA
Output 62.2.2: Model ANOVA
Output 62.2.3: Model Fitting Information and Summary Statistics
Output 62.2.4: Model Parameter Estimates
Output 62.2.5: Diagnostics
Output 62.2.6: Test of Significance
Output 62.2.7: ROBUSTREG Output
Output 62.3.1: OLS Estimates
Output 62.3.2: Model Fitting Information and Summary Statistics
Output 62.3.3: M estimates
Output 62.3.4: Diagnostics
Output 62.3.5: Goodness-of-Fit
Output 62.3.6: LTS estimates
Output 62.3.7: Diagnostics and LTS-Rsquare
Output 62.3.8: Final Weighted LS estimates

Chapter 63: The RSREG Procedure

Output 63.1.1: Coding and Response Variable Information
Output 63.1.2: Analyses of Variance
Output 63.1.3: Canonical Analysis
Output 63.1.4: Ridge Analysis
Output 63.1.5: Contour Plot of Predicted Response Surface
Output 63.2.1: Analysis of Variance Ignoring Covariates
Output 63.2.2: Analysis of Variance Including Covariates

Chapter 64: The SCORE Procedure

Output 64.1.1: Creating an OUTSTAT= Data Set with PROC FACTOR
Output 64.1.2: OUTSTAT= Data Set from PROC FACTOR Reproduced with PROC PRINT
Output 64.1.3: OUT= Data Set from PROC SCORE Reproduced with PROC PRINT
Output 64.2.1: Creating an OUTEST= Data Set with PROC REG
Output 64.2.2: OUTEST= Data Set from PROC REG Reproduced with PROC PRINT
Output 64.2.3: Predicted and Residual Scores from the OUT= Data Set Created by PROC SCORE and Reproduced Using PROC PRINT
Output 64.2.4: Listing of the Fitness2 Data Set
Output 64.2.5: Predicted Scores from the OUT= Data Set Created by PROC SCORE and Reproduced Using PROC PRINT
Output 64.3.1: Custom Scoring Data Set and Scored Fitness Data: PROC PRINT
Output 64.3.2: Custom Scored Fitness Data: PROC PRINT

Chapter 65: The SIM2D Procedure

Output 65.1.1: Conditional Simulation of Coal Seam Thickness

Chapter 66: The STDIZE Procedure

Output 66.1.2: Data Is Standardized by PROC STDIZE with METHOD=RANGE
Output 66.1.3: Data Is Standardized by PROC STDIZE with METHOD=AGK(.14)
Output 66.1.4: Data Is Standardized by PROC STDIZE with METHOD=SPACING(.14)
Output 66.1.5. Untransformed Data
Output 66.1.6. Data Is Transformed by PROC ACECLUS
Output 66.1.1: Data Is Standardized by PROC STDIZE with METHOD=STD

Chapter 67: The STEPDISC Procedure

Output 67.1.1: Iris Data: Summary Information
Output 67.1.2: Iris Data: Between-Class and Total-Sample SSCP Matrices
Output 67.1.3: Iris Data: Stepwise Selection Step 1
Output 67.1.4: Iris Data: Stepwise Selection Step 2
Output 67.1.5: Iris Data: Stepwise Selection Step 3
Output 67.1.6: Iris Data: Stepwise Selection Step 4
Output 67.1.7: Iris Data: Stepwise Selection Step 5
Output 67.1.8: Iris Data: Stepwise Selection Summary

Chapter 68: The SURVEYFREQ Procedure

Output 68.1.1: Data Summary and Stratum Information
Output 68.1.2: Two-Way Table of Department by Response
Output 68.1.3: Table of Department by Response with Row Percentages
Output 68.1.4: Wald Chi-Square Test
Output 68.2.1: Multiway Table of Department by SchoolType by Response
Output 68.3.1: ResponseTable Output Data Set
Output 68.3.2: ResponseSummary Output Data Set

Chapter 69: The SURVEYLOGISTIC Procedure

Output 69.1.1: Web Design Survey Sample (First 20 Observation)
Output 69.1.2: Web Design Survey, Model Information
Output 69.1.3: Web Design Survey, Testing the Proportional Odds Assumption
Output 69.1.4: Web Design Survey, Model Information
Output 69.1.5: Web Design Survey, Class Level Information
Output 69.1.6: Web Design Survey, Parameter and Odds Ratio Estimates
Output 69.2.1: 1999 Full-year MEPS (First 30 Observations)
Output 69.2.2: MEPS, Model Information
Output 69.2.3: MEPS, Number of Observations
Output 69.2.4: MEPS, Response Profile
Output 69.2.5: MEPS, Classification Levels
Output 69.2.6: MEPS, Parameter Estimates
Output 69.2.7: MEPS, Odds Ratios

Chapter 70: The SURVEYMEANS Procedure

Output 70.1.1: Data Summary and Class Information
Output 70.1.2: Stratum Information
Output 70.1.3: Statistics
Output 70.2.1: Company Profile Study
Output 70.2.2: Domain Analysis for Company Profile Study
Output 70.3.1: Estimate Ratios
Output 70.4.2: Analysis of Incomplete Ice Cream Data Treating Respondents as a
Output 70.4.1: Analysis of Incomplete Ice Cream Data Excluding Observations

Chapter 71: The SURVEYREG Procedure

Output 71.1.1: Summary of Regression Using Simple Random Sampling
Output 71.1.2: Regression Coefficient Estimates
Output 71.2.1: Regression Analysis for Simple Random Cluster Sampling
Output 71.2.2: Regression Analysis for Simple Random Sampling
Output 71.3.1: Use the Regression Estimator to Estimate the Population Total
Output 71.4.1: Data Summary and Stratum Information Fitting Model I
Output 71.4.2: Estimated Regression Coefficients and the Estimated Covariance Matrix
Output 71.4.3: Regression Results from Fitting Model II
Output 71.4.4: Regression Results for Fitting Model III
Output 71.5.1: Regression Estimator for the Total of CornYield under Model I
Output 71.5.2: Regression Estimator for the Total of CornYield under Model II
Output 71.5.3: Regression Estimator for the Total of CornYield under Model III
Output 71.6.1: Summary of Data and Regression
Output 71.6.2: Stratification Information
Output 71.6.3: Parameter Estimates and Effect Tests
Output 71.6.4: Summary of Data and Regression
Output 71.6.5: Stratification Information
Output 71.6.6: Parameter Estimates and Effect Tests

Chapter 72: The SURVEYSELECT Procedure

Output 72.1.1: Sample Selection Summary
Output 72.1.2: Customer Sample (First Stratum)
Output 72.2.1: Sampling Frame
Output 72.2.2: Sample Selection Summary
Output 72.2.3: Sample Hospitals
Output 72.3.1: Sampling Frame
Output 72.3.2: Sample Selection Summary
Output 72.3.3: Audit Sample

Chapter 73: The TPHREG Procedure (Experimental)

Output 73.1.1: Reference Coding of CLASS Variables
Output 73.1.2: Wald Tests for Individual Model Effects
Output 73.1.3: Inference about the Regression Parameters
Output 73.1.4: Overall Test for All Paired Cell -type Groups
Output 73.1.5: Hazards Ratios for All Paired Cell-type Groups

Chapter 74: The TPSPLINE Procedure

Output 74.1.1: Output from PROC TPSPLINE
Output 74.1.2: Plot of TPSPLINE Fit from the Partial Spline Model
Output 74.2.1: Output from PROC TPSPLINE with M=3
Output 74.2.2: Quadratic Surface Model: The REG Procedure
Output 74.2.3: Output from PROC TPSPLINE Using M=3 and DF=6
Output 74.3.1: Partial Output from PROC TPSPLINE for Data Set SO4
Output 74.3.2: GCV Function of SO4 Data Set
Output 74.3.3: Output from PROC TPSPLINE for Data Set SO4 with LOGNLAMBDA= ˆ 2.56
Output 74.3.4: Contour Plot of TPSPLINE Estimates with Different Lambdas
Output 74.4.1: Output from PROC TPSPLINE without the D= Option
Output 74.4.2: Output from PROC TPSPLINE with the D= Option
Output 74.4.3: Comparison of Two Fits with and without the D= Option
Output 74.5.1: Output from PROC TPSPLINE for the Melanoma Data Set
Output 74.5.2: TPSPLINE Estimate and 90% Confidence Interval of Melanoma Data
Output 74.5.3: Output from PROC TPSPLINE for the Melanoma Data Set
Output 74.5.4: Comparison of Bayesian and Bootstrap Confidence Interval for Melanoma Data

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 6)
SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 6)
Year: 2004
Pages: 127 © 2008-2017.
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