

G_ COLOR = parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 430
G_ COLORV= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 430
G_ DEP= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 430
G_ DEPTH= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 430
G_ DEPTHV= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 430
G_ DEPV= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 430
G_ GROUP = parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
G_ GROUPV= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
G_ INDEP= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
G_ INDEPV= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
G_ LABEL= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
G_ LABELV= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
G_ SUBGR= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
G100 option
BLOCK statement 790
HBAR and VBAR statements 805
G3D procedure 1295
ActiveX and Java support for 1537
generating default surface plot (example) 1314
generating simple scatter plot (example) 1318
input data sets 1298
PLOT statement 1301
rotating scatter plot (example) 1323
rotating surface plot (example) 1316
SCATTER statement 1305
shapes in (example) 1320
syntax and options 1300
tilting surface plots (example) 1317
G3GRID procedure 887, 1327
controlling observations in output data set 1336
GRID statement, G3GRID procedure 1333
interpolation methods 1329
simple contour plot, generating (example) 905
spline interpolation, partial (example) 1342
spline interpolation, with smoothed spline (example) 1339
spline interpolation (example) 1343
syntax and options 1332
using default interpolation method (example) 1337
GACCESS= graphics option 72, 296
GACCESS= option, GDEVICE procedure 296
GANNO procedure 601, 707
Annotate graphics in drill-down graphs (example) 719
producing multiple graphs (example) 715
scaling data-dependent output (example) 710
scaling graphs with DATASYS option 710
storing Annotate graphics (example) 713
syntax and options 708
Web output, generating 500
GAREABAR procedure 725
ActiveX and Java support for 1518
chart with numeric category variable (example) 731
chart with subgrouping and variable percentages (example) 735
chart with subgrouping (example) 733
simple area bar chart (example) 729
syntax and options 727
GASK routines
DSGI 1394
list of, reference 1404
GAXIS= option, HBAR and VBAR statements 805
GBARLINE procedure 739, 796
ActiveX and Java support for 1519
BAR statement 751
basic graph with styles (example) 768
interpolation methods 740
missing values 747
patterns and outlines 748
PLOT statement 765
SYMBOL statement 768
syntax and options 749
V6COMP graphics option 749
weighted statistics, calculating (example) 770
GCHART procedure 785
ActiveX and Java support for 1521
bar chart with sum statistic (example) 846
block chart with sum statistic (example) 842
BLOCK statement 787
BY-group processing with (example) 240
BY statement 144
discrete numeric variables , in star chart (example) 881
DONUT statement 818
drill-down functionality in bar chart (example) 856
DSGI viewport with (example) 1385
error bars in horizontal bar chart (example) 854
grouping and subgrouping in block chart (example) 844
HBAR and VBAR statements 796
legends for pie chart patterns and midpoints (example) 875
midpoints and statistics in horizontal bar chart (example) 851
missing values 779
PATTERN statement 169
patterns 171
patterns and outlines 174, 784
pie and donut chart slice labels (example) 873
PIE and PIE3D statements 818
pie chart with sum statistic (example) 842
star chart with sum statistic (example) 879
STAR statement 833
subgroup labels (example) 607
subgrouping in pie or donut chart (example) 848
subgrouping in vertical bar chart (example) 848
syntax and options 785, 888
V6COMP graphics option 785
GCLASS= graphics option 298
Gcolors window (GDEVICE) 931
GCONTOUR procedure 885
ActiveX and Java support for 1526
AXIS statement 886
contour levels, specifying (example) 908
missing values 887, 889
PATTERN statement 169
patterns 173
patterns and joins in contour plots (example) 910
PLOT statement 889
simple contour plot, generating (example) 904
spline interpolation (example) 1343
GCOPIES= graphics option 298
GCOPIES= option, GDEVICE procedure 298
GDDM device driver
device nicknames 299
patterns 181
writing ADMGDF or GDF files 262
GDDMCOPY= graphics option 299
GDDMTOKEN= graphics option 299
GDEST= graphics option 300
GDEVICE procedure 42, 916
ADD statement 921
COPY statement 924
creating or modifying device entries 934
custom device entry, creating (example) 936
default hardware fonts 79
DELETE statement 925
FS statement 925
LIST statement 926
Listing available drivers 44
MODIFY statement 926
QUIT statement 927
RENAME statement 928
syntax and options 920
windowing and program modes 917
windowing mode, using 928
GDEVICE windows 261
GDF files, writing with GDM driver 262
GDRAW function, DSGI 119, 1446
G_drill-down tags 412
GEND= graphics option 300
GEND= option, GDEVICE procedure 300
Gend window (GDEVICE) 933
$GEOREF format 1001
Gepilog field, device entries 336, 338, 339
GEPILOG= graphics option 301
GEPILOG= option, GDEVICE procedure 301
Gepilog window (GDEVICE) 933
Geprolog field, device entries 337
GFONT procedure 939
creating figures for symbols font (example) 964
creating fonts 940, 946, 951
displaying fonts 940, 943
displaying fonts and character codes (example) 962
syntax and options 942
GFONT0 library 941
GFOOTNOTE= option, ODS HTML statement 492
GFORMS= graphics option 302
GIF device driver 382
data tips for 568
developing web presentations 443
drill-down links in images 571
HTML files, generating 445
names for image output files 445
GIF output
generating with ODS (example) 450
hyperlinks in (example) 452
GIF presentations 377
GIFANIM device driver 378, 457
graphics options for presentations 459
sample programs 459, 463
GIMPORT procedure 969
adjusting graphics output (example) 979
basics of importing graphics 970
creating and importing CGM (example) 977
MAP statement 974
mapping colors 971
SCALE statement 975, 979
syntax and options 973
TRANSLATE statement 976, 979
GINIT function (DSGI) 1402
GKEYMAP data sets 987, 990
GKEYMAP procedure 983
asymmetrical maps 986
creating maps 990
modifying keymaps (example) 990
syntax and options 989
global statements 14, 27, 33, 123, 135
GMAP procedure 169, 996, 1006
ActiveX and Java support for 1527
assigning formats to response variables (example) 1049
BLOCK statement 1010
BY statement 144
CHORO statement 1017
creating maps using feature tables (example) 1069
drill-down functionality in maps (example) 1054
ID statement 1009
labeling U.S. states in choropleth map (example) 1061
midpoints in prism map, specifying (example) 1065
PRISM statement 1023
projecting an Annotate data set (example) 1180
response levels 1004
response levels in block map, specifying (example) 1047
rotating and tilting surface map (example) 1068
simple block map (example) 1045
simple choropleth map (example) 1053
simple prism map (example) 1063
simple surface map (example) 1066
specialty map data sets 1003
SURFACE statement 1030
syntax and options 1007
gnomonic projections 1167
emphasizing map areas (example) 1177
projection criteria 1172
when to use 1172
GOPTIONS procedure 1075
displaying graphics options without descriptions (example) 1079
displaying TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements (example) 1079
syntax and options 1077
using with GOPTIONS statement 1075
GOPTIONS statement 27, 123, 146, 261, 2
ActiveX and Java support for 1510
resetting options 348
testing with GTESTIT procedure (example) 1291
using with GOPTIONS procedure 1075
GOUT= option
GANNO procedure 709
GCHART procedure 786
GCONTOUR procedure 888
GFONT procedure 944
GIMPORT procedure 974
GMAP procedure 1008
GPLOT procedure 1089
GPRINT procedure 1149
GRADAR procedure 1185
GREPLAY procedure 1244
GSLIDE procedure 1280
GTESTIT procedure 1290
PROC statement 54
GOUT option, ? statement 1246
GOUT statement, GREPLAY procedure 1252
GOUTMODE= graphics option 302
GPLOT procedure 169, 1081
ActiveX and Java support for 1530
adding right vertical axis (example) 1124
BUBBLE statement 1090
BUBBLE2 statement 1098
BY statement 144
connecting plot data points (example) 1129
different scales of values (example) 1138
filling areas in overlay plot (example) 1134
generating overlay plot (example) 1131
generating simple bubble plots (example) 1121
input data set 1086
labeling and sizing plot bubbles (example) 1122
PATTERN statement 1120
plot basics 1085
PLOT statement 1101, 1117
PLOT2 statement 1115
plots with drill-down for Web (example) 1141
plotting three variables (example) 1135
plotting two variables (example) 1126
scaling graphs with DSGI windows (example) 1388
SYMBOL statement 204, 1114, 1120
syntax and options 1088
GPRINT function (DSGI) 1403
GPRINT procedure 1147
adjusting character size in output (example) 1156
adjusting output size 1150
external text files, about 1148
fonts 1152
specifying color text in output (example) 1153
syntax and options 1149
GPROJECT procedure 1161
basic usage 1172
clipping map areas (example) 1178
default projection specifications, using (example) 1174
emphasizing map areas (example) 1177
ID statement 1172
input map data sets 1163
projecting an Annotate data set (example) 1180
syntax and options 1168
types of map projections 1165
GPROLOG= graphics option 303
GPROLOG= option, GDEVICE procedure 303
Gprolog window (GDEVICE) 932
GPROTOCOL= graphics option 303
GPROTOCOL= option, GDEVICE procedure 303
GRADAR procedure 1183
ActiveX and Java support for 1535
assigning axis definitions to axis spokes (example) 1210
changing star type in radar charts (example) 1207
CHART statement 1185
color and line styles in radar charts (example) 1208
filling stars in radar charts (example) 1204
generating data set for (example) 1196
images in radar charts (example) 1205
multiple classification variables in radar charts (example) 1202
overlaying radar charts (example) 1199
producing basic radar chart (example) 1198
specifying mode for radar charts (example) 1209
syntax and options 1184
tiling radar charts (example) 1201
GRADIENTBACKGROUND= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
GRADIENTENDCOLOR= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
GRADIENTSTARTCOLOR= parameters, JAVA and ActiveX 431
Graph applet 372
disabling drill-down functionality 414
drill-down tags 412
Local drill-down example 415
Local drill-down mode 400, 401, 402, 405,,
parameters for, list of 424
Script drill-down example 416
GRAPH functions, DSGI 1456
Graph-N-Go 15
GRAPH window 49, 62
printing from 52
size of 50
graphics, importing 969
adjusting graphics output (example) 979
basics of importing graphics 970
creating and importing CGM (example) 977
MAP statement, GIMPORT procedure 974
mapping colors 971
SCALE statement 979
SCALE statement, GIMPORT procedure 975
syntax and options 973
TRANSLATE statement, GIMPORT procedure 976, 979
graphics catalogs 53
accessing 53
converting 59
duplicate entry names 1240
listing and managing entries 55
replacing 70
specifying/assigning 1252, 1253
graphics editor 55
Graphics Editor window, printing from 52
graphics elements, creating DSGI 119, 1446
graphics files, saving and printing 51
graphics options 14, 146, 261
animations, configuring 459
complete list of, alphabetical 262
displaying without description (example) 1079
ODS output with 493
overriding device parameters 46
resetting 348
graphics output 34, 48, 584
adjusting character size in output (example) 1156
Annotate data sets 601
Annotate graphics with 601
appending strings to records 300
appending to or replacing catalogs 302
background images 318, 319
body files 491
controlling with device drivers 45
default destinations for 291
destination for 307
display size, in lines 308
displaying 49
displaying images in 319
editing 55
erasing after display 285, 287
exporting 59, 62
file formats 60
generating for ActiveX 391
generating output for Java 398
how written, specifying 306
positioning 39
prefixing records 309
previewing as if on different device 52, 356
protocol module, specifying 303
queuing for log messages 345
relaying graphics output in templates 1272
replaying in templates 1270
resizing 975
reversing black and white 353
size 1150
specifying color text in output (example) 1153
suppressing display of 284
transporting and converting 56
graphics output, converting text files to 1147
adjusting character size in output (example) 1156
adjusting output size 1150
external text files, about 1148
fonts 1152
specifying color text in output (example) 1153
syntax and options, GPRINT procedure 1149
graphics output, importing 969
adjusting graphics output (example) 979
basics of importing graphics 970
creating and importing CGM (example) 977
MAP statement, GIMPORT procedure 974
mapping colors 971
SCALE statement 979
SCALE statement, GIMPORT procedure 975
syntax and options 973
TRANSLATE statement, GIMPORT procedure 976, 979
graphics output area 34
Annotate facility 598
border around 266
columns in 36, 274, 322, 332
maximum colors allowed 93, 324
multiple device output 40
offset between graphs and 314, 360
rows in 3, 36, 323, 344, 350,
size of 316, 361, 363, 364,
graphics output names 63
graphics output text
colors for 276
fonts 294
size of 316
GRAPHLIST function (DSGI) 1416
GRAPHRC= graphics option 305
graphs 4
background images 318
box plots 185, 187, 201, 233
BY lines 143
client vs. server rendering 584
creating interactively 395
displaying in timed series 310
enhancing with DSGI 1356
positioning 39
redrawing (overdrawing) 348
saving to files 66, 68
suppressing display of 284
gray scale color scheme 96, 99
GREDUCE procedure 1039, 1213
ID statement 1218
reducing map of Canada (example) 1220
specifying density levels 1218
syntax and options 1216
unmatched area boundaries 1215
GREMOVE procedure 1223
BY statement 1227
ID statement 1228
outline map of Africa, creating (example) 1232
removing U.S. state boundaries (example) 1228
syntax and options 1226
GREPLAY procedure 55, 1238
catalog entries, about 1239
creating templates and color maps 1268, 1270, 1274
device color limitations 105
how to use 1241
managing catalog entries 1267
relaying graphics output in templates 1270, 1272
replaying catalog entries 1268
switching between line more and procedure windows 1252
syntax and options 1243
TC statement 1258
GREPLAY procedure, statements of
? statement 1246
BYLINE statement 1247
CC statement 1247
CCOPY statement 1248
CDEF statement 1249
CDELETE statement 1250
CMAP statement 1250
COPY statement 1251
DELETE statement 1251
DEVICE statement 1251
FS statement 1252
GOUT statement 1252
GROUP statement 1253
IGOUT statement 1253
LIST statement 1254
MODIFY statement 1254
MOVE statement 1255
NOBYLINE statement 1256
PREVIEW statement 1256
QUIT statement 1257
REPLAY statement 1257
TCOPY statement 1258
TDEF statement 1259
TDELETE statement 1262
TEMPLATE statement 1262
TREPLAY statement 1263
windows for, using 1264
GRID option
BUBBLE statement 1095
PLOT statement, G3D procedure 1303
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 893
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1108
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1307
GRID statement, G3GRID procedure 1333
spline interpolation, partial (example) 1342
spline interpolation, with smoothed spline (example) 1339
spline interpolation (example) 1343
using default interpolation method (example) 1337
group brackets, bar charts 130
group heading
pie and donut charts 826, 833
star charts 839, 842
GROUP= option
BLOCK statement 790
HBAR and VBAR statements 805
PIE and DONUT statements 824
STAR statement 837
GROUP statement, GREPLAY procedure 1253
GROUP variable, Annotate facility 647
grouping abbreviations 141
grouping and subgrouping
block chart (example) 844
pie charts (example) 877
pie or donut chart (example) 848
vertical bar chart (example) 848
GRSEG catalog entries 1239
GSET functions, DSGI 1462
GSF (graphics stream file) 60, 64
assigning 72
closing 290
how output is written to 306
output format and destination 296
prompt messages to 308
protocol module, specifying 303
record length 305
saving graphics to files 64, 66, 68
where written, specifying 307
GSFLEN= graphics option 305
GSFMODE= graphics option 64, 306, 459
animated sequences, creating 458
GSFMODE= option, GDEVICE procedure 306
GSFNAME= graphics option 64, 307, 459
GSFNAME= option, GDEVICE procedure 307
GSFPROMPT= graphics option 308
GSIZE= graphics option 308
GSLIDE procedure 601, 1277
Annotate graphics, displaying 1278, 1283
data-dependent coordinates 1281
instead of GANNO procedure 707
producing text slides (example) 1282
syntax and options 1279
GSPACE= option, HBAR and VBAR statements 806
GSTART= graphics option 309
GSTART= option, GDEVICE procedure 309
Gstart window (GDEVICE) 933
GTERM function (DSGI) 1403
GTESTIT procedure 1285
LOG window 1289
managing colors list for device driver (example) 1291
syntax and options 1290
testing GOPTIONS statement (example) 1291
GTITLE= option, ODS HTML statement 492
GUNIT= graphics option 40, 310
GWAIT= graphics option 50, 310
GWRITER= graphics option 311

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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