Procedure Syntax

Requirements: Use statements other than the PROC GREPLAY statement only in a nonwindowing or batch environment, or with the NOFS option. In these environments at least one additional statement is required.

Note: You must have write access to a catalog in order to modify, add, or delete device entries. Only GRSEG entry types may be replayed with the GREPLAY procedure.

Supports: RUN- group processing Output Delivery System (ODS)


    • <CC= color -map-catalog >

    • <CMAP= color-map-entry >

    • <FS>

    • <GOUT=< libref. > output-catalog >

    • <IGOUT=< libref. > input-catalog >

    • <IMAGEMAP= output-data-set >

    • <NOBYLINE>

    • <NOFS>


    • <TC= template-catalog >

    • <TEMPLATE= template-entry >;

  • ? required “argument ;

  • BYLINE ;

  • CC color-map-catalog ;

  • CCOPY < color-map-catalog. > color-map-entry <.CMAP>;

  • CDEF color-map-entry

      • < color-definition(s) >

      • <DES= entry-description >;

  • CDELETE color-map-entry(s) _ALL_;

  • CMAP color-map-entry ;

  • COPY entry-id(s) _ALL_;

  • DELETE entry-id(s) _ALL_;

  • DEVICE device- name ;

  • FS ;

  • GOUT < libref. > output-catalog ;

  • GROUP entry-id(s) ;

  • IGOUT < libref. > input-catalog ;

  • LIST required-argument ;

  • MODIFY modify-pair(s) ;

  • MOVE entry-id-1 AFTER BEFORE entry-id-2 ;


  • PREVIEW template-entry(s) _ALL_;


  • REPLAY entry-id(s) _FIRST_ _LAST_ _ALL_;

  • TC template-catalog ;

  • TCOPY < template-catalog. > template-entry <.TEMPLATE>;

  • TDEF template-entry

    • < panel definition(s) >

    • <DES= entry-description >;

  • TDELETE template-entry(s) _ALL_;

  • TEMPLATE template-entry ;

  • TREPLAY select-pair(s) ;


Determines whether the procedure starts in a windowing or nonwindowing environment, and whether the session is used for catalog management or output presentation.



  • <CC= color-map-catalog >

  • <CMAP= color-map-entry >

  • <FS>

  • <GOUT=< libref. > output-catalog >

  • <IGOUT=< libref. > input-catalog >

  • <IMAGEMAP= output-data-set >


  • <NOFS>


  • <TC= template-catalog >

  • <TEMPLATE= template-entry >;


Each PROC GREPLAY statement option has an equivalent statement that you can use instead.


  • specifies that the BY statement information for the SAS catalog entries should be displayed. The BY statement information appears directly beneath the primary description of the entry. By default, the BY statement information is displayed.

CC= color-map-catalog

  • identifies the color map catalog to be used with the GREPLAY procedure. Use the CMAP= option to assign a current color map that is contained in color-map-catalog .

    To assign a current color map or create new color maps, you must assign a color map catalog with the CC= option.

    To replay graphics output using a color map, you must assign a color map catalog and a current color map with the CC= and CMAP= options.

  • Featured in: Example 3 on page 1274.

CMAP= color-map-entry

  • assigns a current color map to use when replaying graphics output, where color-map-entry names an existing color map in the catalog specified in the CC= option. If color-map-entry is not in the catalog, an error message is written to the SAS log. Color-map-entry must have a catalog entry type of CMAP.

    If you do not specify a color map catalog using the CC= option when using the CMAP= option, a warning message is written to the SAS log.

    To replay graphics output using a color map, you must assign a color map catalog and a current color map with the CC= and CMAP= options.


  • specifies that the GREPLAY procedure should use windows. By default, if your device supports windows, the GREPLAY procedure uses windows . If your device does not support windows , the procedure begins execution in line-mode and the FS option has no effect.

GOUT=< libref .> output-catalog

  • specifies the SAS catalog in which to save the graphics output that is produced by the GREPLAY procedure. In addition, catalog entries that contain graphics output can be copied to output-catalog . If you omit the libref, SAS/GRAPH looks for the catalog in the temporary library called WORK and creates the catalog if it does not exist. Output-catalog can be the same catalog that is specified in the IGOUT= option.

    To copy catalog entries, you must assign an input and, optionally , an output catalog with the IGOUT= and GOUT= options.

    See also: Storing Graphics Output in SAS Catalogs on page 53

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1272.

IGOUT=< libref .> input-catalog

  • specifies the input catalog to use with the GREPLAY procedure. The input catalog that you specify with the IGOUT= option should be a catalog that contains the graphics output that will be replayed. If you omit the libref, SAS/GRAPH looks for the catalog in the temporary library called WORK. Input-catalog can be the same catalog that you specified in the GOUT=option.

    To move, group, or delete catalog entries or to replay graphics output, you must assign an input catalog with the IGOUT= option.

    To copy catalog entries, you must assign an input and, optionally, an output catalog with the IGOUT= and GOUT= options.

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1272.

IMAGEMAP= output-data-set

  • must be used in conjuntion with the REPLAY statement (see REPLAY Statement on page 1257). The IMAGEMAP= option creates a temporary SAS data set that contains information about the graph that is replayed from the graphics catalog. The information in the image map data set includes the shape and coordinates of the elements in the graph, along with values that were associated with those elements in variables that were identified for that purpose in the HTML= and/or HTML_LEGEND= options. The image map data set can be used to generate an HTML image map in an HTML output file using the IMAGEMAP macro. The IMAGEMAP macro takes two arguments, the name of the image map data set and the name or fileref of an HTML output file, as shown in the following example:

     %imagemap(imgmapds, myimgmap.html); 

    See also: Adding Links with the HTML= and HTML_LEGEND= Options on page 574


  • suppresses the BY statement information for the SAS catalog entries. The BY statement information appears directly beneath the primary description of the entry. By default, the BY statement information is displayed.


  • specifies that the GREPLAY procedure should use line mode. By default, if your device supports windows, the GREPLAY procedure uses windows. If your device does not support windows, the procedure uses line mode, regardless of whether you used the FS option or the NOFS option.

  • Featured in: Example 1 on page 1270.


  • specifies that the GREPLAY procedure should open the PRESENTATION window and use the catalog specified by the IGOUT= option as the input catalog. The PRESENTATION option is often used in applications to prevent the application users from deleting or reordering the catalog entries. You can only replay graphics output from the PRESENTATION window; you cannot manage catalogs or create templates and color maps from this window.

    You must use the IGOUT= option when you use the PRESENTATION option. The PRESENTATION option overrides the NOFS option on full-screen devices.

TC= template-catalog

  • identifies the template catalog to use with the GREPLAY procedure. Use the TEMPLATE=option to assign a current template from template-catalog .

    To assign a current template or create new templates, you must assign a template catalog with the TC= option.

    To replay graphics output in a template, you must assign a template catalog and a current template with the TC= and TEMPLATE= options.

    Featured in: Example 1 on page 1270.

TEMPLATE= template-entry

  • assigns a current template to use when replaying graphics output where template-entry names an existing template in the template catalog that is specified in the TC= option. If template-entry is not in the catalog, an error message is written to the SAS log. Template-entry must have a catalog entry type of TEMPLATE.

    When you use the TEMPLATE= option, you must also specify the name of a template catalog with the TC= option. Otherwise, a warning message is written to the SAS log.

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1272.


When you submit the PROC GREPLAY statement, the mode of operation depends on both the environment in which the statement is submitted and whether the NOFS option is included, as shown in Table 43.2 on page 1245.

Table 43.2: Ways of Invoking the GREPLAY Procedure






GREPLAY procedure windows



line mode



line mode

You can switch back and forth between windows and line-mode within a session.

? Statement

Prints the current value of certain PROC GREPLAY options or of the current device driver.

Procedure output: Output is sent to the SAS log.

  • ? required “argument ;

  • required-argument must be one of the following:

    • CC

    • CMAP

    • DEVICE

    • GOUT

    • IGOUT

    • TC


Required Arguments


  • prints the name of the current color map catalog. If no color map catalog has been assigned, the GREPLAY procedure issues a message.


  • prints the name of the current color map. If no color map has been assigned, the GREPLAY procedure issues a message.



  • prints the name of the current device driver.


  • prints the name of the current output catalog. If you did not assign an output catalog, the GREPLAY procedure issues a message.


  • prints the name of the current input catalog. If you did not assign an input catalog, the GREPLAY procedure issues a message.


  • prints the name of the current template catalog. If you did not assign a template catalog, the GREPLAY procedure issues a message.


  • prints the name of the current template. If you did not assign a template, the GREPLAY procedure issues a message.

BYLINE Statement

Displays BY statement information directly beneath the primary description of the catalog entries when you list the contents of the input catalog.

Note: BY statement information is displayed by default.

See also: NOBYLINE statement

  • BYLINE ;

CC Statement

Specifies a color map catalog and allows you to change the color map catalog without exiting the procedure.

  • CC color-map-catalog ;

Required Arguments


  • identifies the SAS catalog where color maps should be stored or the name of a SAS catalog containing color maps.

CCOPY Statement

Copies a color map from another catalog to the color map catalog or creates a duplicate copy of a color map within the color map catalog.

Requirements: Assign a color map catalog before using the CCOPY statement.

See also: CC statement

  • CCOPY < color-map-catalog. > color-map-entry <.CMAP>;

Required Arguments

<color-map-catalog.>color-map-entry <.CMAP>

  • identifies the color map entry to be copied.

  • color-map-catalog

    • is the SAS catalog that contains the color map to be copied.

  • color-map-entry

    • is the name of the entry color map.

  • CMAP

    • is the catalog entry type.

If a color map of the same name already exists in the color map catalog, the GREPLAY procedure creates a new name.

See also: Duplicate Entry Names on page 1240


To copy a color map from another catalog to the color map catalog, use the CC statement to specify color-map-catalog as the catalog from which the color map should be copied. For example, the following statements copy HP.CMAP from the catalog named ONE.CCAT to the catalog named TARGET.CLRMAP:

 libname target '  SAS-data-library  ';  libname one '  SAS-data-library  ';  proc greplay nofs;     cc target.clrmap;     ccopy one.ccat.hp.cmap;  quit; 

To create a duplicate copy of a color map, simply omit color-map-catalog from your CCOPY statement. For example, to create a duplicate copy of the color map named HP.CMAP in the color map catalog, use the following statement:

 ccopy hp.cmap; 

CDEF Statement

Defines or modifies a color map in the color map catalog.

Requirements: Assign a color map catalog before using the CDEF statement.

See also: CC statement

Featured in: Example 3 on page 1274

  • CDEF color-map-entry

      • < color-definition(s) >

      • <DES= entry-description >;

  • color-definition has the following form:

    • color-number / from-color:to-color

  • color-definition has the following form: color-number / from-color:to-color

Required Arguments


  • identifies an existing or new color map. Color-map-entry is the name of a catalog entry.

  • If the color map name is not in the color map catalog, then the procedure creates a new color map. If the color map name is already in the color map catalog, then the procedure modifies or adds to that color map.


color-number / from-color:to-color

  • specifies a color pair and how it is defined.

  • color-number

    • specifies the number of a color pair.

  • from-color:to-color

    • defines the colors that are being mapped:

    • from-color

      • is the color to be mapped.

    • to-color

      • is the new color that replaces from-color in the replayed graphics output.

DES= entry-description

  • specifies a description of the catalog entry for the color map. The maximum length for the entry-description is 256 characters . By default, the GREPLAY procedure assigns a description of **** NEW COLOR MAP **** to the color map.

CDELETE Statement

Deletes one or more color maps from the current color map catalog.

Caution: The GREPLAY procedure does not prompt you to confirm your request to delete color maps.

Alias: CDEL

  • CDELETE color-map-entry(s) _ALL_;

Required Arguments


  • identifies one or more color maps that you want to delete from the color map catalog. You can submit a single entry or a list of entries in one CDELETE statement.


  • deletes all of the color maps from the color map catalog.

CMAP Statement

Assigns the current color map to be used when replaying graphics output.

Requirements: Assign a color map catalog before using the CMAP statement.

See also: CC statement

Featured in: Example 3 on page 1274

  • CMAP color-map-entry ;

Required Arguments


  • identifies an existing color map, contained in the color map catalog, to use when replaying your graphics output. If the color map is not in the current color map catalog, the GREPLAY procedure issues an error message in the SAS log.

COPY Statement

Copies one or more catalog entries containing graphics output from the input catalog to the output catalog.

Requirements: Assign an input catalog and an output catalog before using the COPY statement.

Note: You cannot use the COPY statement to create a duplicate of an entry containing graphics output in the same catalog. You can have only one copy of an entry containing graphics output in a catalog.

See also: GOUT and IGOUT statements

  • COPY entry-id(s) _ALL_;

Required Arguments

One of the following is required:


  • is the number or name of a catalog entry, or the number or name of a group of entries to be copied from the input catalog to the output catalog. Entries must contain graphics output. Multiple entry-id(s) can contain both numbers and names.


  • copies all of the graphics output entries in the input catalog to the output catalog.

DELETE Statement

Deletes SAS catalog entries containing graphics output from the current input catalog.

Caution: The GREPLAY procedure does not prompt you to confirm your request to delete an entry containing graphics output.

Alias: DEL

  • DELETE entry-id(s) _ALL_;

Required Arguments

One of the following is required:


  • is the number or name of a catalog entry, or the number or name of a group of entries to be deleted from the input catalog. Entries must contain graphics output. Multiple entry-id(s) can contain both numbers and names.


  • deletes all of the graphics output entries in the input catalog.

DEVICE Statement

Specifies the device driver.

Requirements: You must specify a device driver that your graphics device can support and that is available in your SAS session.

Alias: DEV

  • DEVICE device-name ;

Required Arguments


  • specifies the device driver to use when you replay graphics output. The device driver that you specify becomes the current device and is used for subsequent replays until you submit another DEVICE statement or change the device driver in another way.

FS Statement

Switches from line mode to the GREPLAY procedure windows.

Requirements: Your device must support windows.

See also: NOFS on page 1244

  • FS ;

GOUT Statement

Assigns the current output catalog used by the GREPLAY procedure.

Note: You may change the output catalog without exiting the procedure by using the GOUT statement.

  • GOUT < libref. > output-catalog ;

Required Arguments

< libref .> output-catalog

  • identifies the SAS catalog that you want to use as an output catalog. By default, the output catalog is WORK.GSEG.

GROUP Statement

Creates groups of entries in the current input catalog.

  • GROUP entry-id(s) ;

Required Arguments


  • is the number or name of a catalog entry that contains graphics output. All of the entries that are specified in the GROUP statement are included in a single group with a group header. You can submit a single entry or a list of entries with a single GROUP statement. A list of entries can contain both entry numbers and entry names.


You can manage and display groups of entries with the DELETE, COPY, and REPLAY statements in the same way that you manage single entries.

Only one group can be created per group statement. The default name for a group header is GROUP. The default description for the group header is *** new group ***. The GREPLAY procedure uses a naming convention to avoid duplicate names. See Duplicate Entry Names on page 1240 for more information on the naming convention.

To change the name (and description) of a group, use the MODIFY statement.

IGOUT Statement

Assigns the current input catalog used by the GREPLAY procedure.

Note: You may change the input catalog without exiting the procedure by using the IGOUT statement.

  • IGOUT < libref. > input-catalog ;

Required Arguments

< libref .> input-catalog

  • identifies the SAS catalog with entries that contain graphics output that you want to replay.

LIST Statement

Prints entries in the input, template, and color map catalogs, as well as the contents of templates and color maps.

Procedure output: The output from the LIST statement is sent to the SAS log.

Note: Entries are listed in the order of their creation date.

Featured in: Example 3 on page 1274

  • LIST required-argument ;

  • required-argument must be one of the following:

    • CC

    • CMAP

    • IGOUT

    • TC


Required Arguments

One of the following is required:


  • prints the color maps that are in the current color map catalog. If the catalog contains both templates and color maps, only color maps are listed.


  • prints the From and To color values in the current color map.


  • prints the number, names, and descriptions of the entries in the input catalog that contains graphics output. In addition, the type of graphics output (dependent or independent) is shown.


  • prints the templates in the current template catalog. If the catalog contains both templates and color maps, only the templates are listed.


  • prints the panel definition values of the current template.

MODIFY Statement

Changes the name, description, and BY statement information of entries or group headers in the input catalog.

  • MODIFY modify-pair(s) ;

  • modify-pair(s) has the following form:

    • entry-id / entry-description(s)

Required Arguments

entry-id / entry-description(s)

  • specifies the entry to modify.

  • entry-id

    • is the number or name of a catalog entry, or the number or name of a group of entries in the input catalog. Entries must contain graphics output. Multiple entry-id(s) can contain both numbers and names.

  • entry-description(s)

    • must be at least one of the following:

    • BYLINE= character-string

      • specifies a character string that can be used for additional information or for BY statement information. Character-string can be up to 40 characters long and must be enclosed in quotation marks. BY statement information appears directly beneath the primary description of the catalog entry.

    • NAME= entry-name

      • specifies the new name of the catalog entry for the graph. The maximum length for entry-name is eight characters. If the specified name duplicates the name of an existing entry, SAS/GRAPH software adds a number to the duplicate name to create a unique entry.

      • Note: The value for entry-name can be either with or without quotation marks.

    • <DES=' entry-description

      • specifies the description of the catalog entry for the graph. The maximum length for entry-description is 256 characters. The description does not appear on the graph.

MOVE Statement

Rearranges entries in the input catalog by moving entries either before or after other entries.

  • MOVE entry-id-1 AFTER BEFORE entry-id-2 ;

Required Arguments


  • is the name or number of an existing catalog entry or a group header that is to be moved.


  • is the name or number of an existing catalog entry or a group header. Entry-id-1 can be placed before or after entry-id-2 .


  • specifies whether entry-id-1 should be moved before or after entry-id-2 .


To move an entire group, use the name of the group for entry-id-1 . To move an entry into a group, move the entry after a group header or before or after an entry in the group. For example, this statement moves the entry CHART3 into the group that is named NEW_SALES:

 move chart3 after new_sales; 

NOBYLINE Statement

Suppresses BY statement information.

Note: By default, the BY statement information is displayed.

See also: BYLINE statement


PREVIEW Statement

Displays the panel outlines for one or more templates using the current device. Use the TC statement to specify the template catalog before using the PREVIEW statement.

Tip: When you preview a list of templates, press END or ENTER to preview the next template in the list.

Note: The graphics output produced when you preview a template is stored in a catalog named WORK.GTEM, which is deleted at the end of your session.

  • PREVIEW template-entry(s) _ALL_ ;

Required Arguments

One of the following is required:


  • identifies one or more template entries that are contained in the current template catalog. You can preview one entry or a list of entries with one PREVIEW statement.


  • previews all of the templates in the current template catalog.

QUIT Statement

Exits the GREPLAY procedure.

Aliases: END, STOP

  • QUIT ;

REPLAY Statement

Selects one or more entries for replay from the current input catalog.

Note: If any entries specified in a REPLAY statement are not found in the input catalog, PROC GREPLAY issues a message in the SAS log and continues to replay valid entries.

Alias: PLAY

  • REPLAY entry-id(s) _FIRST_ _LAST_ _ALL_ ;

Required Arguments

One of the following is required:


  • is the number or name of a catalog entry, or the number or name of a group of entries in the input catalog. Entries must contain graphics output. Multiple entry-id(s) can contain both numbers and names. For example, this statement specifies both the entry named GRAPH and the third entry in the catalog:

     replay graph 3; 


  • replays all of the entries in the input catalog.


  • replays the first entry in the input catalog.


  • replays the last entry in the input catalog.

TC Statement

Specifies the template catalog for the GREPLAY procedure.

Note: SASHELP.TEMPLT is the Institute-supplied template catalog.

Tip: Use the TC statement to change the template catalog without exiting the procedure.

  • TC template-catalog ;

Required Arguments


  • identifies the SAS catalog where templates are to be stored or identifies the name of a SAS catalog that contains templates.

TCOPY Statement

Copies templates from another catalog to the template catalog or creates a duplicate copy of a template within the template catalog.

Requirements: Assign a template catalog before using the TCOPY statement.

See also: TC statement

  • TCOPY < template-catalog. > template-entry <.TEMPLATE>;

Required Arguments

<template-catalog.>template-entry <.TEMPLATE>

  • identifies the template entry that is to be copied.

  • template-catalog

    • is the SAS catalog that contains the template that is to be copied.

  • template-entry

    • is the template entry name.


    • is the catalog entry type. If a template of the same name already exists in the template catalog, the GREPLAY procedure creates a new name.

    • See also: Duplicate Entry Names on page 1240


To copy a template from another catalog to the template catalog, specify template-catalog as the catalog from which the template should be copied. For example, if you want to copy NEWTEMP.TEMPLATE from the catalog named ONE.TEMPLT to the catalog named TARGET.TEMPLT, use the following statements:

 libname target 'SAS-data-library';  libname one 'SAS-data-library';  proc greplay nofs;     tc target.templt;     tcopy one.templt.newtemp.template;  quit; 

To create a duplicate copy of a template, simply omit template-catalog from your TCOPY statement. For example, to create a duplicate copy of a template named NEWTEMP within the template catalog, you could use the following statement:

 tcopy newtemp.template; 

TDEF Statement

Defines or modifies templates in the current template catalog.

Requirements: Assign a template catalog before using the TDEF statement.

See also: TC statement

Featured in: Example 1 on page 1270

  • TDEF template-entry

      • < panel-definition(s) >

      • <DES= entry-description >;

  • panel-definition has the following form:

    • panel-number / < panel-option(s) >

    • panel-option(s) can be one or more of the following:

      • CLIP

      • COLOR= border-color

      • COPY= panel-number

      • DEF

      • DELETE

      • LLX= x

      • LLY= y

      • LRX= x

      • LRY= y

      • ROTATE= degrees

      • SCALEX= factor

      • SCALEY= factor

      • ULX= x

      • ULY= y

      • URX= x

      • URY= y

      • XLATEX= distance

      • XLATEY= distance

Required Arguments


  • identifies an existing or a new template. If the template is not in the template catalog, the procedure creates it. If the template is already in the template catalog, the procedure modifies or makes additions to that template.

    Only template-entry is required, but if you specify only the template name without any options, no changes are made to an existing template and no new template is created.



  • specifies that any panels behind this panel should be clipped. If clipping is in effect for a panel, only the graphics output that is to be placed in that panel can appear in the space that the panel occupies, unless a previous panel occupies all or part of that space.

COLOR= border-color

  • specifies the color of the panel border. If you omit border-color , then no border is displayed around the panel when you replay graphics output in the panel. If you preview a template that contains a panel without a border color, the GREPLAY procedure uses the first color in the colors list as the outline for the border.

COPY= panel-number

  • specifies the number of the panel definition that is to be copied to this panel.


  • specifies a default panel. A default panel has the following characteristics:

    Panel Corner


    lower left


    upper left


    upper right


    lower right




  • deletes the panel.

<DES= entry-description

  • specifies the description of the catalog entry for the template. The maximum length for entry-description is 256 characters. By default, the procedure uses *** new template *** for the description.

LLX= x

  • specifies the X coordinate of the lower-left corner of the panel. Units for x are percentage of the graphics output area.

LLY= y

  • specifies the Y coordinate of the lower-left corner of the panel. Units for y are percentage of the graphics output area.

LRX= x

  • specifies the X coordinate of the lower-right corner of the panel. Units for x are percentage of the graphics output area.

LRY= y

  • specifies the Y coordinate of the lower-right corner of the panel. Units for y are percentage of the graphics output area.


  • identifies the number of the panel that is being defined or modified.

ROTATE= degrees

  • specifies the rotation angle for the panel. The coordinates of the panel corners are automatically adjusted.

SCALEX= factor

  • specifies the scale factor for the X coordinates in the panel. You can use this scale factor to increase or decrease the size of the panel in the X direction or to reverse the X coordinates for the panel.

SCALEY= factor

  • specifies the scale factor for Y coordinates in the panel. You can use this scale factor to increase or decrease the size of the panel in the Y direction or to reverse the Y coordinates for the panel.

ULX= x

  • specifies the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the panel. Units for x are percentage of the graphics output area.

ULY= y

  • specifies the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the panel. Units for y are percentage of the graphics output area.

URX= x

  • specifies the X coordinate of the upper-right corner of the panel. Units for x are percentage of the graphics output area.

URY= y

  • specifies the Y coordinate of the upper-right corner of the panel. Units for y are percentage of the graphics output area.

XLATEX= distance

  • specifies the distance to move the X coordinates of the panel. Units for distance are percentage of the graphics output area.

XLATEY= distance

  • specifies the distance to move the Y coordinates of the panel. Units for distance are percentage of the graphics output area.


Use coordinate values that are less than 0 and greater than 100 in the LLX=, LLY=, LRX=, LRY=, ULX=, ULY=, URX=, and URY= options to zoom in on the graphics output. That is, you can see only that part of the replayed graphics output in the range from 0 to 100 percent of the graphics output area.

The values that you supply for the SCALEX= and SCALEY= options are used to change the size and orientation of the panel. The scale factors are used for the corresponding X and Y coordinates of the panel. For example, if you specify

 scalex=.5  scaley=2 

the X coordinates are scaled to half the original size, and the Y coordinates are scaled to twice the original size.

If you supply a scale factor of 0, all of the coordinates are set to the same value. If you use a scale factor of 1, nothing happens. If you use a scale factor greater than 1, the values of the coordinates are increased and hence the size of the panel increases . If you use a scale factor less than 1 but greater than 0, the values of the coordinates are decreased and hence the size of the panel decreases. If you use a negative scale factor, the coordinates are reversed and hence the panel (and any graphics output replayed in the panel) is reversed .

TDELETE Statement

Deletes templates from the template catalog.

Caution: The GREPLAY procedure does not prompt you to confirm your request to delete templates.

Alias: TDEL

  • TDELETE template-entry(s) _ALL_;

Required Arguments

One of the following is required:


  • identifies a template that is to be deleted from the template catalog. You can submit a single entry or a list of entries in a single TDELETE statement.


  • deletes all of the templates in the template catalog.

TEMPLATE Statement

Assigns a current template to use when replaying graphics output.

Requirements: Assign a template catalog before using the TEMPLATE statement.

Note: If you specify a template that is not in the current template catalog or if you specify a template before you have assigned a template catalog, the GREPLAY procedure issues an error message.

Featured in: Example 1 on page 1270

  • TEMPLATE template-entry ;

Required Arguments


  • identifies an existing template to use when replaying graphics output. Use the TREPLAY statement to replay graphics output in the template.

TREPLAY Statement

Copies one or more entries from the graphics input catalog into a new entry in the graphics output catalog, using positioning information provided by the current template.

Requirements: Before issuing the TREPLAY statement, first specify a graphics input catalog with the IGOUT Statement on page 1253, assign a template catalog with the TC Statement on page 1257, and choose a template with the TEMPLATE Statement on page 1262.

Alias: TPLAY

Featured in: Example 2 on page 1272

  • TREPLAY select-pairs <DES=" entry-description " NAME=" entry-name ">;

  • select-pairs are of the following form:

    • template-panel-number1 : entry-id1 < template-panel-numberN : entry-idN >

Required Arguments

template-panel-number : entry-id

  • specifies the panel number and the name of a catalog entry.

  • template-panel-number

    • determines the postion of the graph in the new entry in the graphics output catalog, based on the position of the specified panel in the current template.

  • entry-id

    • specifies the name or number of the entry in the graphics input catalog that is to be added to the new entry in the graphics output catalog.


DES= entry-description

adds a description to the new entry in the graphics output catalog. The description is truncated after 40 characters.

NAME= entry-name

names the new entry in the graphics output catalog. The name must begin with a letter and continue with up to seven more letters , numbers, or underscores. If the NAME= option is not specified, the new entry is named TEMPLATE by default. If an entry named TEMPLATE already exists in the graphics output catalog, the new entry is named TEMPLAT x , where x is a unique number. This naming convention also applies if the value of the NAME= option already exists in the graphics output catalog.


When you replay existing GRSEG entries in a template, the GREPLAY procedure creates new graphics output that is stored in the output catalog.

You can replay as many entries as you want in a single TREPLAY statement as shown here:

 treplay 1:plot1 2:plot2 3:chart1; 

PLOT1 will be placed in panel 1 of the current template, PLOT2 will be placed in panel 2, and CHART1 will be placed in panel 3. You can use entry numbers in the place of entry names.

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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