Hashtable.Keys Property

Hashtable.Keys Property




   hashtablevariable   .Keys(  ) 
hashtablevariable (required; Hashtable object)

A reference to a Hashtable object

Return Value

An ICollection interface containing the keys in the hash table


Returns an ICollection interface that contains the keys in the hash table. There is not much we can do with an ICollection object except copy it to an array of Objects using its CopyTo method, as the following example illustrates.


 Dim hshStates As New Hashtable Dim iColl As ICollection Dim aKeys(  ), sKey As String hshStates.Add("NY", "New York") hshStates.Add("MI", "Michigan") hshStates.Add("CA", "California") hshStates.Add("WI", "Wisconsin") hshStates.Add("VT", "Vermont") hshStates.Item("WA") = "Washington" hshStates.Item("AK") = "Alaska" Redim aKeys(hshStates.Count - 1) iColl = hshStates.Keys iColl.CopyTo(aKeys, 0) for each sKey in aKeys    Console.WriteLine(hshStates.Item(sKey)) Next 

Programming Tips and Gotchas

You can work around the inconvenience of calling the ICollection object's CopyTo method to convert the interface to another object by defining a class that inherits from or implements ICollection .

See Also

Hashtable.Values Property


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503

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