

DACLs (discretionary access controls)
defining, 6 “7
Exchange s modifications to, 51 “52
overview of, 45
Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA), 18
Data Encryption Standard (DES), 18
data integrity, 4, 7
DCAR (discovery, compliance, archive, and retrieval), 403 “22
additional reading, 421
archival policy, 408
archiving mailboxes, 410 “11
capturing existing messages, 411
compliance policy, 407 “8, 419
deletion policy, 406 “7
disclosure, 405
discovery, 406
evaluating products, 413 “16
expiring materials, 419
indexing, 418 “19
key players, 409 “10
litigation and, 420
message journaling, 410 “11
ongoing surveillance, 408
overview of, 410
retention policy, 406 “8
sample case, 416 “17
security auditing, 443
storage hardware, 412
U.S. regulations, 403 “5
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model), 246 “47
DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, 65, 166
deactivation , mobile devices, 401
DEA (Data Encryption Algorithm), 18
attack vs., 64
in depth, 91
Certificate Services, 286 “87
constrained, 343 “44
direct model of, 135 “40
of individual properties, 143 “44
of mailbox permissions, 58 “59, 190
by property set, 140 “43
Delegation of Control Wizard
account management, 136 “38
by property set, 140 “43
Deleted Items Container, permissions, 485
archiving systems and, 411
expiring materials and, 419
litigation and, 420
retention policy and, 406 “7
Delivery Restrictions tab, SMTP connector, 161 “62
denial of service attacks. See DoS (denial of service) attacks
DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format, 222
DES (Data Encryption Standard), 18
Designing Secure Web-Based Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000 (Howard), 74
desktop, antivirus scanners , 205 “6
destination set, OWA, 375 “77
Devcon utility, 81
digest authentication, 340
digital certificates (digital IDs)
additional reading, 291
defining, 21 “22
enrollment into PKI, 268 “70
importing/exporting, 315 “16
issuing, 264 “68
lifetime, 265 “66
overview of, 249 “50
plumbing for, 23 “24
private key protection, 267 “68
renewal process, 266 “67
revocation, 270 “72, 288
server performance guidelines, 273
validity of, 22 “23
Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), 454
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), 300
digital signatures, 26 “30
algorithms, 29 “30
Authenticode, 255
overview of, 26 “29
S/MIME document and message, 254
Digital Signature Standard (DSS), 30
direct delegation model, 135 “40
account management power, 136 “38
mailbox management, 139 “40
on Users container, 137 “38
Directory permissions, 53
disaster recovery, 128
commercial products, 183 “84
event sinks, 182 “83
overview of, 182
securing Exchange messaging with, 445
DisclaimIt, 184
e-mail monitoring policies, 456
overview of, 405
litigation and, 420
overview of, 406
discretionary access controls. See DACLs (discretionary access controls)
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) format, 222
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), 246 “47
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, 65, 166
distribution groups, 47
DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act), 454
DNS block lists (DNSBL), 173 “76. See also block lists
DNS (Domain Name System)
Exchange connection filtering, 173 “76
firewall ports, 367
SMTP and, 147 “48
documentation, laws of security, 473 “74
Domain Admins group
defined, 48
Exchange permissions granted to, 53
Domain Computers group, 49
domain controllers
group, 49
installing Exchange on, 127 “28
domain local groups, 47 “48
Domain Name System. See DNS (Domain Name System)
domain naming, permissions, 486 “89
/ domainprep switch, 131 “32
adding restrictions to, 171 “73
blocking spam from, 166
designing Active Directory structure, 126
enabling TLS for specific, 224
installing Exchange and, 130 “32
Domain Users group, 48 “49
DoS (denial of service) attacks
account lockout settings and, 113
overview of, 65
STRIDE model, 71
driver, IPSec, 228
DSACLS command, 143 “44
DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm), 300
DSS (Digital Signature Standard), 30
dual authentication, 341
DumpEvt, 433

Secure Messaging with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Secure Messaging with MicrosoftВ® Exchange Server 2003 (Pro-Other)
ISBN: 0735619905
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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