The Trans.hpp File

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 // Trans. hpp: This header file contains the definition of the  // classes that make up the Transaction portion of this // application. The Transaction classes are interesting in that // they span both sides of the application, i.e., they are used by // both Bank classes and ATM classes. In fact, the transactions // used by the Bank classes do not need to look anything like the // transactions used by the ATM classes. In this implementation, I // have chosen to make them one in the same. The different public // interfaces are supported via #ifdef's using ATM_SIDE and // BANK_SIDE macros to differentiate them. #ifndef _TRANS_ #define _TRANS_ #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include ''consts.hpp'' // Forward references class Account; class AccountList; class ATM; // A TimeStamp object encapsulates the data and time of a // transaction. Its current implementation is that of a string // produced via the time and ctime library routines. The reader // should feel free to come up with something more elaborate. class TimeStamp{      char date_time[small_string*2]; public:      TimeStamp();      void print(FILE*); }; // All transactions have a TimeStamp, one account name, its PIN // number, and an amount. (Note: While Balance transactions do not // need an amount, they use it to carry back the balance value.) // Recall that protected accessor methods are perfectly // appropriate. The packetize method is used to turn the object // into a string suitable for shipping across the network. It // requires every transaction (derived classes included) to know // the format of this string, but the alternative is to have the // Transaction class grant friendship to the network or at least // provide a collection of accessor methods. The latter tends to be // problematic in that all classes gain access to the abstract // implementation of the Transaction class. This format knowledge // does not imply that a network needs to ship the format as is. It // implies only that they must use it to produce the final packets // they will ship. class Transaction{      TimeStamp timeStamp;      char source_account[small_string];      char pin[small_string];      double amount; protected:      Transaction(char* account, char* p, double a);    char* get_source_account();      double get_amount();    void set_amount(double new_amount); public:   virtual void print(FILE*);   virtual char* type() = 0; //Only ATM classes use the preprocess, postprocess, and update // methods. The Transaction class for the Bank side of the // application never compiles them into the object code.    #ifdef ATM_SIDE    virtual int preprocess(ATM*);    virtual void postprocess(ATM*);    virtual void update(char* info, int count);    virtual void packetize(char* buf); #endif // The process and verify_account methods are used only by the // classes on the Bank's side of the application. The Transaction // class for the ATM side of the application never compiles them // into the object code. #ifdef BANK_SIDE      virtual int process(AccountList* accounts) = 0;    int verify_account(Account*);    virtual void packetize(int status, char* buf); #endif }; // The following four classes are the derived classes of the // abstract Transaction class : Deposit, Withdraw, Balance, and // Transfer. class Deposit : public Transaction { public:      Deposit(char* account, char* p, double a);       void print(FILE*);             char* type(); #ifdef ATM_SIDE      int preprocess(ATM*); #endif #ifdef BANK_SIDE      int process(AccountList* accounts); #endif }; class Withdraw : public Transaction { public:      Withdraw(char* account, char* p, double a);             char* type(); #ifdef ATM_SIDE      int preprocess(ATM*);      void postprocess(ATM*); #endif #ifdef BANK_SIDE      int process(AccountList* accounts); #endif      void print(FILE*); }; class Balance : public Transaction {       double balance; public:       Balance(char* account, char* p);        void print(FILE*);              char* type(); #ifdef ATM_SIDE      void update(char* info, int count); #endif #ifdef BANK_SIDE       int process(AccountList* accounts); #endif }; // The Transfer class adds the additional data member of // target_account since the money needs to be transferred // someplace. class Transfer : public Transaction {       char target_account[small_string]; public:      Transfer(char* s_account, char* p, char* t_account, double a);      void print(FILE*);      char* type(); #ifdef ATM_SIDE      void packetize(char* buf); #endif #ifdef BANK_SIDE      int process(AccountList* accounts); #endif }; class TransactionList{      Transaction** TransList;      int transnum;      unsigned size; public:      TransactionList(unsigned sz);      ~TransactionList();      int add_trans(Transaction*);      void print(FILE*);      void cleanup(); }; #endif 
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Object-Oriented Design Heuristics
Object-Oriented Design Heuristics (paperback)
ISBN: 0321774965
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1996
Pages: 180 © 2008-2017.
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