packages, shipping

canceling, 192–193

described, 4, 177

first call, 178–180

process, 188–192

rate request, making, 186–187

registering, 177–178

returns, accepting, 196–198

services, available, 181–185

test environment, 178

tracking, 193–196

XML, 178

packaging, FedEx, 182–183

page widget, 56

parent element, XML, 11

parentheses (()), 41

parse_url() function, 35–36, 86

password, 315–316

Password Safe tool, 200

paths, ending with / (forward slash), 36

pattern grouping, 41

payment badge, PayPal, 237–239

PaymentMethods, eBay, 228

PayPal API

developer sandbox, 236–237

encrypting, 239–240


combining code, 245–248

enabling, 240

hold shipment while pending, 241–242

POST request, 240–241

product information, confirming, 243–244

regular order system, passing off to, 244–245

validating, 242–243

MassPay, 258–260

payment badge, 237–239

server, contact from, 236

transaction details request

cURL object, 250

modular approach, improving code, 255–256

NuSOAP, inability to use, 248

refund, sending, 253–255

response, 250–253

SOAP query, 248–249

transaction search request (by email address), 257–258

PayPalEmailAddress, eBay, 228

Pending status, PayPal orders, 247


caching data, 300

database queries, smarter use of, 300

described, 299

PHP accelerators, 301

response caching, 300

period (.)

links starting with, 37, 38

regex search, single-character matching, 41

Perl, 20, 65

Permanent URL, Perl, 20, 65

Personal Offer auction, 206

personal store

Amazon API

keywords, populating by, 173–175

list, populating by, 171–172

ASIN, 170


accelerators, 301

basic HTTP authentication, 277

database access function (common_db.php), 315–318

image library, 232


Tidy, installing, 47–48

web feed, 25


phpinfo() development system, 333–334

Tidy, enabling, 47–48

web feed, consuming, 24

phpinfo() development system

Apache, 334–335

cURL, 335

GD, 335

OpenSSL, 335

PHP Version 5.0.4, 333–334

SimpleXML, 336

Tidy, 336

ZLib, 336

pickups, FedEx return packages, 197–198

PICS rating, RSS feed, 327

Picture Services system, eBay, 232

plain text versus HTML encoded data, 27

plus sign (+), 41

portal page, customizable, 57–58

POST request

Google transaction, 113

PayPal Instant Payment Notification, 240–243

pre-generation, feed, 74


presenting feeds, restrictions on, 10

previous character matching, regex search, 41


displaying, REST, 208–209

eBay elements, 205

monitoring, Amazon API, 168–169

primary key, 31

PrimaryCategory, eBay, 228


comments, 51

FedEx labels, 189, 190–191


process, self-registration with RSS, 327

processing date (ststrtotime() function), 31–32

processor load, 302


producing Web APIs

community considerations

described, 297

developer chats, 298–299

development forums, 298

development sandbox, 299

public documentation, 297

registrations, automating, 297

sample code, 298

described, 287

error responses

messages, 301–302

numbers, 301


caching data, 300

database queries, smarter use of, 300

described, 299

PHP accelerators, 301

response caching, 300


described, 296–297

framework limitations and notes, 307

functions, plugging in, 307–309

query limits, 303–304

request validity, 304–306

sequential steps, 302

SOAP versus, 310

user authentication, 303


CA (certificate authority), setting up, 294–296

client-side certificates, 293–294

HTTP authentication, 289–291

message-based authentication, 291–292

open, 288–289

SSL endpoint, 292–293

services to include

competitive usefulness, 302

processor load, 302


complex data types, 313–314

described, 296, 297

NuSOAP documentation pages, 310–311

request functions, creating, 310

server, creating and registering methods, 310

wsdl link, clicking, 311–313



examining in depth, 165–168

search types, 157–158

PayPal, confirming information, 243–244

sales rank, monitoring, Amazon API, 169–170

Smarty Templating System feed example, 92–94

table, retail store example, 86–87

productID, PayPal, 244

program, RSS feed generator, 327

ProPackBundle, eBay, 234

providers, list of Web feed, 59

publication date, RSS feed, 323

Professional Web APIs with PHP. eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, FedEx, Plus Web Feeds
Professional Web APIs with PHP. eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, FedEx, Plus Web Feeds
ISBN: 764589547
Year: 2006
Pages: 130

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