

Java ( see also JDBC)
case-sensitivity of, 507
DDL statements in, 498
handling null values, 495 “496
handling transactions, 497
number types, 494
prepared SQL statements, 509 “511
running SQL using, 475 “527
Java class packages, path to, 479
Java and Oracle types, 488 “490
Java SDK (Software Development Kit), 476
Java String objects, 486
Java wrapper classes, 495 “496
JAVA_HOME environment variable, 478
java.lang package, 496
java.lang.Exception class, 498
java.sql classes
Date, 492
PreparedStatement, 520 “522
ResultSet, 487, 522 “523
SQLException, 498 “499
Statement, 487
Time, 492
Timestamp, 492, 476
javax.sql.DataSource interface, 484
JDBC directory, 476
JDBC drivers for Oracle, 480 “481
four types of, 480
registering, 481
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), 4, 476
adding rows, 491 “492
computer configuration, 477 “480
connecting to the database, 482 “487
getting started, 476
JNDI with, 484
modifying rows, 492 “493
opening a database connection, 482 “483
Oracle extensions to, 514 “526
retrieving rows, 487 “491
setting environment variables , 477 “478
JDBC objects, closing, 499 “501
JDBC packages, importing, 481
JDBC result set, 487
JDBC statement object, creating, 487
JDBC statement performing an INSERT statement, 510
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), 482, 484
jobs table, 202
join syntax, 46
joins (of tables in a query), 45 “60
cross joins, 59 “60
equality operator (=) in, 49
equijoins , 49
execution plans involving, 546 “547
foreign key relationships and, 48 “49
FROM clause with, 45
of four tables, 48
full outer joins, 59
fully qualified column references and, 532 “533
inner joins, 49, 55, 57, 59
left outer joins, 51 “52, 58
vs. multiple queries, 531 “532
non-equijoins, 49 “50
order of, 532
outer joins, 49 “54, 58 “59
right outer joins, 51 “53, 58
SELECT statement for, 46, 48 “49
self joins, 49, 54 “55, 59
simplifying with the USING keyword, 56 “57
types of, 49
using SQL/92 syntax, 55 “60
WHERE clause with, 45 “46

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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