Section 11.5. One-Off Objects

11.5. One-Off Objects

In most cases, the power of OO-based development is being able to create instances of an object for various purposes. However, sometimes all you need is one object. The Prototype Ajax library uses these one-off objects quite a bit.

One way to create a one-off object is to create an associative array of properties and methods and assign the lot to a variable. Any of the following create the same object, with the same behavior; each just uses a different syntax:

var oneOff = {     variablea : "valuea",    variableb : "valueb".    method : function (  ) {        return this["variablea"] + " " + this["variableb"];    } }

All objects are functions, and all functions are objects in JavaScript. In this case, the object is an associative array with two properties and a method. Because the method is a function and an object, it can be added to the array just like any other static item. To access the members, the method uses named-array notation, but outside the object, it uses standard property access:

alert(oneOff.variablea); alert(oneOff.method(  ));

Another approach is the following:

var oneOff = new Object(  ); oneOff.variablea = "valuea"; oneOff.variableb = "valueb"; oneOff.method = function (  ) {                              return this.variablea + " " + this.variableb;                              };

You can construct a new object from the actual Object, and then add properties and methods to the object instance. You don't use prototype, because you're not adding new properties or methods to an underlying object. You're adding them to an object instance directly. The method accesses the parent object's other properties using this and just provides a named property.

Here's how to access the properties:

alert(oneOff2.variableb); alert(oneOff2.method(  ));

The last approach we'll investigate uses our old function to create an object, but this time, we're assigning it directly to a variable and using it as a one-off:

var oneOff = new function(  ) {               this.variablea = "variablea";               this.variableb = "variableb";               this.method = function (  ) {                                   return this.variablea + " " + this.variableb;                               }               }

Again, there's no difference in how the object properties are accessed.

You can use a one-off object when you need to encapsulate a group of methods and properties into one object, and then reuse this object throughout your entire application. You don't need many instances of the objectjust one.

Object Libraries: Packaging Your Objects for Reuse

Most of the examples in the book are contained within one file, and this includes the JavaScript, the CSS, and so on. The reason is to make the examples as easy to replicate as possible, and also to make the functionality currently being demonstrated easier to see.

For your applications, though, you're going to want to put your JavaScript into a separate file or files, each with a .js extension. You'll also put your CSS into a stylesheet with a .css extension, as well as restrict any script or event handlers attached directly to objects within the page.

Using this approach, it's a lot easier to make code changes, and to see what's happening in the code (as well as the CSS, because they are, for the most part, connected).

The next question then is: how many JavaScript files do you want to create? After all, each adds to the overhead of the page.

A good rule of thumb to follow when packaging your JavaScript is to isolate your objects into different layers of access, processes, or business methods. As an example, I have a set of cross-browser DHTML objects that are then used for a set of animation objects I created. The DHTML objects are in one file, the animation objects in another. With this, if you're not interested in an animation, you can just include the DHTML objects.

You can break the objects into separate files even further, but the benefits are lost if you have too many small files, each of which have to be included.

Learning JavaScript
Learning JavaScript, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0596521871
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 151 © 2008-2017.
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