

C languages, using with Web Matrix, 21

cache. See also storage and storing data

caching data during round trips, 145 46

caching data in Session objects, 218

caching quotations in Application objects, 114 16

deciding where to cache files, 114 16

overview, 114

storing customized information in Session objects, 218

calendar applications

adding controls, 262 63

adding new appointments, 265 67

creating database table for, 260 61

creating drop-down lists, 263 64

creating pages

for adding appointments, 261 67

for viewing appointment details, 272 76

for viewing appointments, 268 72

formatting elements, 262

programming date selection, 264 65

reminder feature, 267

Calendar control

changing appearance of, 261 62

creating pages

for adding appointments, 261 67

for viewing appointment details, 272 76

for viewing appointments, 269 72

overview, 259

programming date selection using, 264 65

 CalendarEntry.aspx, 261 63

caption labels showing previews of user preferences, 91 95

captions, adding to slideshows, 80 82

cascading deletes (MSDE), 256

Catch blocks. See Try-Catch blocks

CD with this book, 36 38, 66

cdosys.dll, 282 84

Cells collection, updating databases, 254

certificates and SSL, 316

Char and VarChar data types, 151 52

character columns, defining, 151

characters in strings. See also specific characters

converting to HTML, 168, 237, 312 13

delimiters, 104 5, 112

extracting, 135, 175

wildcard characters and pattern matching, 175

check box controls, 87

Checklist: Install a Firewall, 307

Choosing between NTFS, FAT, and FAT32, 308

classes of objects, 23 24

Classes tab (Properties window), overview, 47

Click event handlers


calendar records, 266 67

slides to databases, 244 45

slideshow records, 236 37

displaying slides, 247 48

e-mailing page contents, 295 96

e-mailing pictures from pages, 299 300

guestbooks, 167 70, 292 94

Next and Previous buttons, 74 77, 228

overview, 59

Preview buttons, 91 95

running slideshows, 216

sending e-mail messages, 288 91

validation testing and, 180

Click events, 59, 60

client-based programming, 10 12

closing files, after reading them, hit counters and, 128

closing objects, importance of, 109

code, repetition in, 82 83

code builders

for connection strings, 187

Query Builder dialog box, 165 66, 223

for sending e-mail messages, 288

WHERE Clause Builder dialog box, 223 24

Code view. See also hard-coding

adding captions to slideshows, 81 82

switching to, 51

coding style used in this book, 21 22

collections, 89. See also specific collections

Color objects, namespace for, 92


available choices, 90

of buttons, 55 57, 68


calendar elements, 262

data-display grids, 156

properties for, 55

slideshow pages, 68

user preferences for

adding drop-down lists to pages, 88 90

cookies and, 95 96, 97

programming Preview button, 92 93

columns in tables

binding controls to, 184, 191 94

for calendar applications, 260

default column type, 150

defining, 151 52

command objects, 143 44

CommandText property of command objects, 143

Comments fields in guestbooks, validating, 179 81

community support for Web Matrix, 19, 47 48

Community window, 47, 48

companion CD, 36 38, 66

CompareValidator control, 174

components of .NET Framework, 17 18. See also specific components

computer icon with green arrow, 147

computer IDs and computer names, locating, 324 25

conditions, 26 27. See also specific conditions

connection objects

overview, 142 43

SqlDataSourceControl and, 154, 156 57

Connection property of command objects, 143

connection strings

builders for, 187

editing when moving data tables to hosts, 333 34

security and, 314, 318 20

ConnectionString attribute of SqlDataSourceControl, 156 57, 187 88

constraints (MSDE), 256


for data (datasets), 217 18

for text, 52 53

controls. See also specific controls

adding at run time, 134 36

adding to pages, 49

binding to data

explicit, 195 96

overview, 146, 184, 191 94

syntax of, 199 201

for calendar applications, 262 63

for details pages of slideshows, 241 42

difficulty displaying in template editor, 197 98

for e-mail message pages, 286

in gray boxes, 154

groups of, 53

for guestbook pages, 163 64

for hit counters, 121, 134 36

for master pages of slideshows, 233 34

naming, 22

not visible in browsers, 154

positioning, 51 54

rendering as HTML, 61 62

for  SendPicture.aspx page, 297 98

setting properties for, 55 57

for slideshow pages, 67 68

for user preferences pages, 87 90

for user validation in guestbooks, 174 75, 177 81

Controls collection, updating databases, 254 55


characters in strings to HTML, 168, 237, 312 13

FAT to NTFS filing systems, 34

numbers to strings before displaying, 129

relative paths into full paths, 107


deleting in Internet Explorer, 130

hit counters using, 120 21, 126 28

overview, 95 96

reading, 98 100

session cookies, 96, 121

counters. See hit counters; random numbers, generating

crackers, 305, 306. See also security

Create New Table dialog box

calendar applications, 260

database-driven slideshows, 209 10

guestbooks, 161 62

illustrated, 162, 210

 CreateSlideshow.aspx, 233 40, 256, 257

credentials. See passwords


overview, 314

Rnd function and, 111

SSL and, 316

.css stylesheets, references to external stylesheets, 54

Custom Controls tab (Toolbox), 46

customized information, storing, 218

CustomValidator control

MaxLength property compared to, 234

minimum and maximum number of characters, 179 81

overview, 175

Microsoft ASP. NET Web Matrix Starter Kit
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Starter Kit (Bpg-Other)
ISBN: 0735618569
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 169
Authors: Mike Pope
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