If you tried to delete an entry from one of your lists and were prevented from doing so, it is because the entry was used at some time in the past on at least one of your company's forms. QuickBooks does not allow you to remove any member of a list that appears on a form. In lieu of deleting, you can make that list entry inactive by hiding it (see "Hiding Entries on Lists" previously in the chapter), or you can merge the entry into another entry on the same list. When you merge, you combine the unwanted entry into a different entry that you want to keep. For example, say you have a customer named Redland Farms, but when you originally set up the customer you entered the name as Redling Farms and used that name on an invoice form. Create a new customer named Redland Farms, and then merge Redling Farms into Redland Farms. All activity of Redling Farms is now part of Redland Farms, and Redling Farms no longer exists in your records. If you open the invoice that was prepared for Redling Farms, you will now see that the customer name has been changed to Redland Farms.