

Lighting Effects filter, 247
lights and lighting
ambient lights, 88-89
angles for, 89-97
attenuation of, 70
backlights, 87
candle light, 258-260
color of, 97-98
highlights, 54
main or key lights, 85
planning for, 84-85
positioning of, 89-97
reflected lights, 71
rim lights, 86
secondary or fill lights, 85-86
shadows and, 98
sunlight, 87-88
types of, 85-89
see also value
Lock Transparent Pixels, 347
look. see physical look of characters
lost edges, 103-104, 110

Digital Character Design and Painting
Digital Character Design and Painting: The Photoshop CS Edition (Graphics Series) (Charles River Media Graphics)
ISBN: 1584503408
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 112 © 2008-2017.
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