About This Book

About This Book

Welcome to MCAD/MCSD Training Kit Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET. By completing the lessons and exercises in this book, you will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to develop Web-based applications in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or Microsoft Visual C#.

This book is designed for developers interested in developing Web applications at an intermediate and advanced level. It includes developing server-based applications that use the .NET Framework to present HTML content and retrieve data from client browsers running over the Internet.

This book also addresses the objectives of the Microsoft Certified Professional Exam 70-305 and Exam 70-315. Programming is a conceptual skill that requires hands-on practice as well as familiarity with many facts. This training kit provides that practice in the form of labs at the end of each chapter. In order to be prepared for the Microsoft Certified Professional Exam 70-305 or 70-315 you must complete these labs. In some cases this will require use of additional materials in particular the Visual Studio online Help.

For more information about becoming a Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) or a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), see the section titled The Microsoft Certified Professional Program later in this introduction.

The Getting Started section of this introduction provides important setup instructions that describe the hardware and software requirements to complete the exercises in this course. It also provides information about the networking configuration necessary to complete some of the hands-on exercises. Read through this section thoroughly before you start the lessons.

Intended Audience

This book was created for software developers who need to design, plan, implement and support Web applications or who plan to take the related Microsoft Certified Professional exams:

  • Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (Exam 70-305).

  • Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (Exam 70-315).


This course requires that students meet the prerequisites that follow.

  • Be able to create Windows applications using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET in either the Visual Basic .NET or Visual C# .NET programming language.

  • Have a basic understanding of the object-oriented programming concepts including classes, properties, methods, and events.

  • Understand the fundamental elements in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) used to author Web content.

  • Understand how Web content is stored and accessed over the Internet. This includes being able to explain the roles of Web servers, Internet protocols, and Web clients (such as browsers).

Reference Materials

You might find the following reference materials useful:

  • The Visual Studio .NET online Help

  • The World Wide Web Consortium Web site (http://www.w3c.org)

  • The Microsoft ASP.NET public newsgroup (news://msnews.microsoft.com/ microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet)

About the CD-ROM

The Supplemental Course Materials CD-ROM contains a variety of informational aids that may be used throughout this book:

  • eBook.

    A complete electronic version (eBook) of this training kit.

  • Lesson samples.

    Most lessons in this training kit include sample Web forms and other files that demonstrate the code shown in the training kit. These samples are organized into two Visual Studio solutions named MCSDWebAppsVB, for the Visual Basic .NET samples, and MCSDWebAppsCS, for the Visual C# samples.

  • Completed labs.

    Each chapter in this training kit concludes with a lab containing a series of exercises that reinforce the skills you learned. Completed versions of these applications are included in the chapter folders of the MCSDWebAppsVB and MCSDWebAppsCS solutions so that you can compare your results. You can also use these completed applications as a reference if you get stuck while completing an exercise.

  • Required files.

    Practice files, such as sample databases, that are required to perform the hands-on procedures. You should use these files when indicated in the exercises.

  • Sample exam questions.

    To practice taking a certification exam, you can use the sample exam installed by the CD-ROM. The sample questions help you assess your understanding of the materials presented in this book.

About the DVD

The DVD contains a 60-day evaluation edition of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Professional.

The 60-day Evaluation Edition provided with this training is not the full retail product and is provided only for the purposes of training and evaluation. Microsoft Technical Support does not support this evaluation edition.

For additional support information regarding this book and the CD-ROM and DVD (including answers to commonly asked questions about installation and use), visit the Microsoft Press Technical Support Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/support/. You can also email tkinput@microsoft.com, or send a letter to Microsoft Press, Attn: Microsoft Press Technical Support, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98502-6399.

Features of This Book

Each chapter contains sections that are designed to help you get the most educational value from the chapter.

  • Each chapter opens with a Before You Begin section, which prepares you for completing the chapter.

  • The chapters are then divided into lessons. Each lesson contains the reference and procedural information used for a specific skill.

  • The Summary section identifies the key concepts from the lesson.

  • The Lab section provides hands-on exercises that reinforce each of the skills taught in each of the chapter lessons. The exercises give you an opportunity to use the skills being presented or explore the part of the application being described. Wherever possible, the exercises in a lab build on each other to create a complete application by the end of that lab.

  • The exercises offer step-by-step procedures that are identified with a bullet symbol like the one to the left of this paragraph.

  • At the end of each chapter is the Review section that you can use to test what you have learned.

The appendix, Questions and Answers, contains all of the questions asked in each chapter review and the corresponding answers.


Several types of Notes appear throughout the lessons.

  • Notes marked Tip contain explanations of possible results or alternative methods for performing tasks.

  • Notes marked Important contain information that is essential to completing a task.

  • Notes marked Note contain supplemental information.

  • Notes marked Caution contain warnings about possible loss of data.

Notational Conventions

The following notational conventions are used throughout this book.

  • Characters or commands that you type appear in bold type. Bold type is also used for glossary terms the first time they are defined in text.

  • Italic in syntax statements indicates placeholders for variable information. Italic is also used for book titles, elements from the .NET Framework, and programming language keywords.

  • Names of files and folders appear in initial capital letters, except when you are to type them directly. Unless otherwise indicated, you can use lowercase letters when you type a file name in a dialog box or at a command prompt.

  • Filename extensions, when they appear without a file name, are in lowercase letters.

  • Acronyms appear in all uppercase letters.

  • Monospace type represents code samples, examples of screen text, or entries that you might type at a command prompt or in initialization files.

  • Icons represent specific sections in the book as follows:



    Supplemental course materials. You will find these materials on the Supplemental Course Materials CD- ROM.

    A hands-on exercise. You should perform the exercise to give yourself an opportunity to use the skills being presented in the lesson.

Chapter and Appendix Overview

This self-paced training kit combines notes, hands-on procedures, and review questions to teach you how to create Web applications with Visual Studio .NET. It is designed to be completed from beginning to end, but you can choose a customized track and complete only the sections that interest you. (See the next section, Finding the Best Starting Point for You, for more information.) If you choose the customized track option, see the Before You Begin section in each chapter. Any hands-on procedures that require preliminary work from preceding chapters refer to the appropriate chapters.

The book is divided into the following sections and chapters:

  • The About This Book section contains an overview and introduces the components of this training kit. Read this section thoroughly to get the greatest educational value from this training kit and to plan which lessons you will complete.

  • Chapter 1, Introduction to Web Programming, introduces you to the concepts and terms used throughout this book, including how Web applications work, the parts of a Web application, how the .NET Framework is organized, and how to use the Visual Studio programming environment. The sections in this chapter are intended to provide a high-level overview of concepts that are explained in greater detail in subsequent chapters.

  • Chapter 2, Creating Web Forms Applications, teaches how to create a Web application using Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET. You learn how to start a new project, create a basic user interface, write code to respond to events, and preserve data within your application. Because ASP.NET is integrated with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), you also learn about IIS and how to use it to organize your Web application.

  • Chapter 3, Working with Web Objects, explains creating and organizing objects in Visual Studio .NET, using the objects provided by ASP.NET, and saving objects and data between requests to Web forms. Visual Basic, Visual C#, and ASP.NET are based on a common framework, so the object-oriented programming techniques you learn in this chapter apply through all aspects of .NET programming.

  • Chapter 4, Creating a User Interface, demonstrates how to use ASP.NET controls to create a user interface for a multi-page Web forms application. This chapter teaches you about different styles of Web forms, how to choose controls based on the tasks you want to perform, how to validate data fields, and how to navigate between the Web forms in your application.

  • Chapter 5, Storing and Retrieving Data with ADO.NET, shows how to use ADO.NET to access and modify data stored in SQL, OLE, and Oracle databases from Web forms. You learn about the data tools included with Visual Studio and how to use them to create connections to, get records from, and perform commands on databases. You will also learn how to display data on a Web form using either data binding or code. Finally, you learn how to use transactions to maintain the integrity of a database.

  • Chapter 6, Catching and Correcting Errors, explains how to deal with problems that may occur in your application due to external circumstances. This chapter helps you identify, anticipate, and handle these types of problems effectively within your application.

  • Chapter 7, Advanced Web Forms Programming, teaches how to perform advanced programming tasks that don t fit neatly into any other category. Although you can successfully create Web applications without knowing the topics covered in this chapter, the lessons found here are an important part of mainstream Web programming and they help complete your skill set.

  • Chapter 8, Maintaining Security, covers how to control access to your Web application using the three different techniques that ASP.NET provides for identifying and authorizing users. You also learn how to secure data transmitted across the Internet so that it cannot be read by others.

  • Chapter 9, Building and Deploying Web Applications, describes how to publish your completed Web applications on a Web server for general use. You also learn how to monitor and maintain the application once it is in use so that it continues to perform well as the demands of your users change.

  • Chapter 10, Testing Web Applications, teaches how to systematically test your Web application during development. You learn how to plan, create, run, and correct problems found by tests.

  • Chapter 11, Creating Custom Web Controls, demonstrates how to create your own, custom user-interface components. This chapter explains the different types of controls you can create, describes the relative advantages of each, and shows you how to create each different type of control.

  • Chapter 12, Optimizing Web Applications with Caching, shows how to store Web forms, parts of Web forms, and application data in cache to speed application responses and reduce the amount of processing the server must perform. This chapter also demonstrates how to monitor cache performance to determine whether or not you are using caching effectively.

  • Chapter 13, Formatting Web Application Output, teaches you how to format the user interface of a Web application using cascading style sheets (CSS) and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT). This chapter explains the best uses for each formatting technique and tells you how to combine the two techniques.

  • Chapter 14, Providing Help, discusses the different ways that you can display user assistance (Help) from within a Web application. You learn how to use the HTML Help Workshop to create compiled Help files, and how to display those files from a Web application interactively.

  • Chapter 15, Globalizing Web Applications, explains how to detect a user s culture and create appropriate responses, ranging from redirecting the user to a separate, localized Web application, to handing cultural differences within code and displaying a localized user interface.

  • The appendix, Questions and Answers, lists all of the review questions from the book, showing the page number for each question and the suggested answer.

  • The glossary provides definitions for many of the terms and concepts presented in this training kit.

Finding the Best Starting Point for You

Because this book is self-paced, you can skip some lessons and revisit them later. Use the following table to find the best starting point for you:

If you

Follow this learning path

Are preparing to take the Microsoft Certified Professional exam 70-305 or 70-315

Read the Getting Started section. Then work through Chapters 1-4. Work through the remaining chapters in any order.

Want to review information about specific topics from the exam

Use the Where to Find Specific Skills in This Book section that follows this table.

Where to Find Specific Skills in This Book

The following tables provide a list of the skills measured on certification Exam 70-305, Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, or Exam 70-315, Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. The table provides the skill, and where in this book you will find the lesson relating to that skill.

Exam skills are subject to change without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft.

Table ~missing_chapter_num~-1. Creating User Services

Skill Being Measured

Location in Book

Create ASP.NET pages:

Chapter 2, Lesson 1

  • Add and set directives on ASP.NET pages

  • Chapter 1, Lesson 3; Chapter 6, Lessons 2 and 3; Chapter 11, Lessons 1 and 2; and Chapter 12, Lesson 1

  • Separate user interface resources from business logic

  • Chapter 3, Lesson 1

Add Web server controls, HTML server controls, user controls, and HTML code to ASP.NET pages:

  • Chapter 4, Lessons 1 and 2

  • Set properties on controls

  • Chapter 4, Lesson 1

  • Load controls dynamically

  • Chapter 4, Lesson 1

  • Apply templates

  • Chapter 4, Lesson 1, and Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  • Set styles on ASP.NET pages by using cascading style sheets

  • Chapter 13, Lesson 1

  • Instantiate and invoke an ActiveX control

  • Chapter 14, Lesson 2

Implement navigation for the user interface:

Chapter 4, Lesson 3; Chapter 2, Lesson 2; and Chapter 3, Lesson 3

  • Manage the view state

  • Chapter 3, Lesson 3

  • Manage data during post-back events

  • Chapter 3, Lesson 3

  • Use session state to manage data across pages

  • Chapter 3, Lesson 3

Validate user input:

Chapter 4, Lesson 2

  • Validate non-Latin user input

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 3

Implement error handling in the user interface:

Chapter 6, Lessons 1, 2, and 3

  • Configure custom error pages

  • Chapter 6, Lesson 2

  • Implement Global.asax, application, page- level, and page event error handling

  • Chapter 6, Lesson 2

Implement online user assistance

Chapter 14, Lessons 1, 2, and 3

Incorporate existing code into ASP.NET pages

Chapter 1, Lesson 2; Chapter 7, Lessons 2 and 3

Display and update data:

Chapter 4, Lesson 1; Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  • Transform and filter data

  • Chapter 5, Lessons 1 and 2; Chapter 13, Lesson 2

  • Bind data to the user interface

  • Chapter 4, Lesson 1; Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  • Use controls to display data

  • Chapter 4, Lesson 1

Instantiate and invoke Web services or components:

Chapter 7, Lesson 5

  • Instantiate and invoke a Web service

  • Chapter 7, Lesson 5

  • Instantiate and invoke a COM or COM+ component

  • Chapter 7, Lesson 3

  • Instantiate and invoke a .NET component

  • Chapter 3, Lesson 1; Chapter 7, Lesson 3

Implement globalization:

  • Chapter 15, Lessons 1, 2, and 3

  • Implement localizability for the user interface

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 2

  • Convert existing encodings

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 3

  • Implement right-to-left and left-to-right mirroring

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 1

  • Prepare culture-specific formatting

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 1

Handle events:

Chapter 2, Lesson 2

  • Create event handlers

  • Chapter 2, Lesson 2; Chapter 3, Lesson 1

  • Raise events

  • Chapter 3, Lesson 1; Chapter 11, Lesson 2

Implement accessibility features

Chapter 13, Lesson 1

Use and edit intrinsic objects, including response, request, session, server, and application:

Chapter 3, Lesson 2

  • Retrieve values from the properties of intrinsic objects

  • Set values on the properties of intrinsic objects

  • Use intrinsic objects to perform operations

Table ~missing_chapter_num~-2. Creating and Managing Components and .NET Assemblies

Skill Being Measured

Location in Book

Create and modify a .NET assembly:

Chapter 9, Lesson 1, and Chapter 11, Lesson 3

  • Create and implement satellite assemblies

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 2

  • Create resource-only assemblies

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 2

Table ~missing_chapter_num~-3. Consuming and Manipulating Data

Skill Being Measured

Location in Book

Access and manipulate data from a Microsoft SQL Server database by creating and using ad hoc queries and stored procedures

Chapter 5, Lessons 1, 2, and 3

Access and manipulate data from a data store. Data stores include relational databases, XML documents, and flat files. Methods include XML technique and ADO.NET.

Chapter 5, Lessons 1, 2, and 3; Chapter 7, Lesson 1

Handle data errors

Chapter 6, Lesson 1

Table ~missing_chapter_num~-4. Testing and Debugging

Skill Being Measured

Location in Book

Create a unit test plan

Chapter 10, Lesson 1

Implement tracing:

  • Add trace listeners and trace switches to an application

  • Chapter 10, Lesson 3

  • Display trace output

  • Chapter 6, Lesson 3

Debug, rework, and resolve defects in code:

  • Configure the debugging environment

  • Chapter 10, Lesson 3

  • Create and apply debugging code to components, pages, and applications

  • Chapter 10, Lesson 1

  • Provide multicultural test data to components, pages, and applications

  • Chapter 15, Lesson 2

  • Execute tests

  • Chapter 10, Lesson 2

  • Resolve errors and rework code

  • Chapter 10, Lesson 3

Table ~missing_chapter_num~-5. Deploying a Web Application

Skill Being Measured

Location in Book

Plan the deployment of a Web application:

Chapter 9, Lesson 2

  • Plan the deployment of an application to a Web garden, a Web farm, or a cluster

  • Chapter 9, Lesson 5

Deploy a Web application

Chapter 9, Lessons 2 and 3

Add assemblies to the global assembly cache

Chapter 9, Lessons 2 and 3

Table ~missing_chapter_num~-6. Maintaining and Supporting a Web Application

Skill Being Measured

Location in Book

Optimize the performance of a Web application

Chapter 9, Lesson 4; Chapter 12, Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4

Diagnose and resolve errors and issues

Chapter 9, Lesson 4; Chapter 6, Lesson 3; and Chapter 10, Lesson 3

Table ~missing_chapter_num~-7. Configuring and Securing a Web Application

Skill Being Measured

Location in Book

Configure a Web application:

Chapter 9, Lesson 1

  • Modify the Web.config file

  • Chapter 9, Lesson 1; Chapter 8, Lesson 1; and Chapter 15, Lesson 3

  • Modify the Machine.config file

  • Chapter 9, Lesson 1

  • Add and modify application settings

  • Chapter 9, Lesson 1; Chapter 8, Lesson 1; and Chapter 15, Lessons 1 and 3

Configure security for a Web application:

Chapter 8, Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

  • Select and configure authentication type. Authentication types include Windows Authentication, None, forms-based, Microsoft Passport, Internet Information Services (IIS) authentication, and custom authentication.

  • Chapter 8, Lesson 1

Configure authorization. Authorization methods include file-based methods and URL-based methods:

Chapter 8, Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4

  • Configure role-based authorization

  • Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  • Implement impersonation

  • Chapter 8, Lesson 1

Configure and implement caching. Caching types include output, fragment, and data:

Chapter 12, Lessons 1, 2, and 3

  • Use a cache object

  • Chapter 12, Lesson 3

  • Use cache directives

  • Chapter 12, Lessons 1 and 2

Configure and implement session state in various topologies such as a Web garden and a Web farm:

  • Use session state within a process

  • Chapter 3, Lesson 3

  • Use session state with session state service

  • Chapter 9, Lesson 5

  • Use session state with Microsoft SQL server

  • Chapter 9, Lesson 5

Install and configure server services:

Chapter 2, Lesson 1

  • Install and configure a Web server

  • Chapter 2, Lessons 1 and 3; Chapter 6, Lesson 2; Chapter 8, Lessons 1 and 5; and Chapter 9, Lesson 2

  • Install and configure FrontPage Server Extensions

  • Chapter 2, Lesson 1

Getting Started

This self-paced training kit contains hands-on procedures to help you learn about developing Web applications.

To complete some of these procedures, you must have two networked computers or be connected to a larger network. Both computers must be capable of running Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition, Windows 2000, or later.

Several exercises require you to make changes to your servers. This might cause undesirable results if you are connected to a larger network. Check with your network administrator before attempting these exercises.

Hardware Requirements

Each computer must have the following minimum configuration. All hardware should be on the Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 2000 Hardware Compatibility List.

  • Pentium II class processor, 450 megahertz (MHz)

  • 160 MB physical memory, 256 MB recommended

  • CD-ROM or DVD drive, 12x or faster recommended

    A DVD drive is required to install the Visual Studio .NET Professional Evaluation Edition software.

  • 3.5 gigabytes (GB) on installation drive, which includes 500 megabytes (MB) on system drive.

  • Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors.

  • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

  • Internet connection and networking card (56K modem is the minimum acceptable Internet connection speed, higher speed connection is recommended)

Software Requirements

The following software is required to complete the procedures in this course.

  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition or Windows 2000.

    The default installation configuration for these operating systems includes the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) software required for developing Web applications.

  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Professional Edition or Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer. Professional Edition is recommended, and Enterprise Developer Edition is ideal.

Setup Instructions

Set up your computer according to the manufacturer s instructions.

The Lesson Files

To install the lesson files and eBook to your hard disk drive

  1. Insert the Supplemental Course Materials CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

    If AutoRun is disabled on your machine, refer to the Readme file on the CD-ROM.

  2. Run the Setup program included on the CD-ROM. Setup will automatically install the lesson files, support files, and eBook on your computer.

  3. After Setup completes, it will display a Start page in your browser. You can use the Start page to view the lesson files, eBook, Readme, and additional information.

    If you encounter problems installing any portion of this training kit, see the Readme included on the CD-ROM for Troubleshooting information and additional instructions.

To use the eBook

You can view the eBook from a number of locations:

  • From the Start page displayed at the end of Setup.

  • From links within the default pages of the MCSDWebAppsVB and MCSDWebAppsCS solutions installed by Setup.

  • From the Windows Start menu using the eBook item installed in the Microsoft Press program group.

  • From the Windows Explorer by opening the MCSDWebApps2.chm file.

Sample Exam Questions

To install the sample exam questions to your hard disk drive

  1. Insert the Supplemental Course Materials CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

    If AutoRun is disabled on your machine, refer to the Readme.txt file on the CD-ROM.

  2. Click Sample Exam Questions on the user interface menu and then select the exercise file you want to view.

The Microsoft Certified Professional Program

The Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) program provides the best method to prove your command of current Microsoft products and technologies. Microsoft, an industry leader in certification, is on the forefront of testing methodology. Our exams and corresponding certifications are developed to validate your mastery of critical competencies as you design and develop, or implement and support, solutions with Microsoft products and technologies. Computer professionals who become Microsoft certified are recognized as experts and are sought after industry wide.

The Microsoft Certified Professional program offers multiple certifications, based on specific areas of technical expertise, including:

  • Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) for Microsoft .NET.

    Qualified to develop and maintain department-level applications, components, Web or desktop clients, or back-end data services.

  • Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD).

    Qualified to design and develop custom business solutions with Microsoft development tools, technologies, and platforms and Microsoft Windows architecture.

  • Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).

    Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of at least one Microsoft Windows operating system or architecturally significant platform. An MCP is qualified to implement a Microsoft product or technology as part of a business solution for an organization.

  • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) on Windows 2000.

    Qualified to effectively analyze the business requirements and design and implement the infrastructure for business solutions based on the Microsoft Windows 2000 platform and Microsoft .NET Enterprise Servers.

  • Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) on Microsoft Windows 2000.

    Individuals who implement, manage, and troubleshoot existing network and system environments based on the Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows .NET Server operating systems.

  • Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

    Individuals who derive physical database designs, develop logical data models, create physical databases, create data services by using Transact-SQL, manage and maintain databases, configure and manage security, monitor and optimize databases, and install and configure Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT).

    Instructionally and technically qualified to deliver Microsoft Official Curriculum through a Microsoft Certified Technical Education Center (CTEC).

Microsoft Certification Benefits

Microsoft certification, one of the most comprehensive certification programs available for assessing and maintaining software-related skills, is a valuable measure of an individual s knowledge and expertise. Microsoft certification is awarded to individuals who have successfully demonstrated their ability to perform specific tasks and implement solutions with Microsoft products. Not only does this provide an objective measure for employers to consider, it also provides guidance for what an individual should know to be proficient. And as with any skills-assessment and benchmarking measure, certification brings a variety of benefits: to the individual, and to employers and organizations.

Microsoft Certification Benefits for Individuals

As a Microsoft Certified Professional, you receive many benefits:

  • Industry recognition of your knowledge and proficiency with Microsoft products and technologies.

  • A Microsoft Developer Network subscription. MCPs receive rebates or discounts on a one-year subscription to the Microsoft Developer Network (msdn.microsoft.com/subscriptions/) during the first year of certification. (Fulfillment details will vary, depending on your location; please see your Welcome Kit.)

  • Access to technical and product information direct from Microsoft through a secured area of the MCP Web site (go to http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/mcp/mcpsecure.asp).

  • Access to exclusive discounts on products and services from selected companies. Individuals who are currently certified can learn more about exclusive discounts by visiting the MCP secured Web site (go to http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/mcp/mcpsecure.asp and select the Other Benefits link).

  • MCP logo, certificate, transcript, wallet card, and lapel pin to identify you as a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) to colleagues and clients. Electronic files of logos and transcript may be downloaded from the MCP secured Web site (go to http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/mcp/mcpsecure.asp) upon certification.

  • Invitations to Microsoft conferences, technical training sessions, and special events.

  • Free access to Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online, a career and professional development magazine. Secured content on the Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online Web site includes the current issue (available only to MCPs), additional online-only content and columns, an MCP-only database, and regular chats with Microsoft and other technical experts.

  • Discount on membership to PASS (for MCPs only), the Professional Association for SQL Server. In addition to playing a key role in the only worldwide, user-run SQL Server user group endorsed by Microsoft, members enjoy unique access to a world of educational opportunities (go to http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/mcp/mcpsecure.asp/).

An additional benefit is received by Microsoft Certified System Engineers (MCSEs):

  • A 50-percent rebate or discount off the estimated retail price of a one-year subscription to TechNet or TechNet Plus during the first year of certification. (Fulfillment details will vary, depending on your location. Please see your Welcome Kit.) In addition, about 95 percent of the CD-ROM content is available free online at the TechNet Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/).

An additional benefit is received by Microsoft Certified System Database Administrators (MCDBAs):

  • A 50-percent rebate or discount off the estimated retail price of a one-year subscription to TechNet or TechNet Plus during the first year of certification. (Fulfillment details will vary, depending on your location. Please see your Welcome Kit.) In addition, about 95 percent of the CD-ROM content is available free online at the TechNet Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/).

  • A one-year subscription to SQL Server Magazine. Written by industry experts, the magazine contains technical and how-to tips and advice a must for anyone working with SQL Server.

A list of benefits for Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/mcp/mct/benefits.asp.

Microsoft Certification Benefits for Employers and Organizations

Through certification, computer professionals can maximize the return on investment in Microsoft technology. Research shows that Microsoft certification provides organizations with:

  • Excellent return on training and certification investments by providing a standard method of determining training needs and measuring results.

  • Increased customer satisfaction and decreased support costs through improved service, increased productivity, and greater technical self-sufficiency.

  • Reliable benchmark for hiring, promoting, and career planning.

  • Recognition and rewards for productive employees by validating their expertise.

  • Retraining options for existing employees so they can work effectively with new technologies.

  • Assurance of quality when outsourcing computer services.

Requirements for Becoming a Microsoft Certified Professional

The certification requirements differ for each certification and are specific to the products and job functions addressed by the certification.

To become a Microsoft Certified Professional, you must pass rigorous certification exams that provide a valid and reliable measure of technical proficiency and expertise. These exams are designed to test your expertise and ability to perform a role or task with a product, and are developed with the input of professionals in the industry. Questions in the exams reflect how Microsoft products are used in actual organizations, giving them real- world relevance.

  • Microsoft Certified Product candidates are required to pass one operating system exam. Candidates may pass additional Microsoft certification exams to further qualify their skills with other Microsoft products, development tools, or desktop applications.

  • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers are required to pass five core exams and two elective exams.

  • Microsoft Certified Systems Administrators are required to pass three core exams and one elective exam that provide a valid and reliable measure of technical proficiency and expertise.

  • Microsoft Certified Database Administrators are required to pass three core exams and one elective exam that measures technical proficiency and expertise.

  • Microsoft Certified Solution Developers are required to pass three core Microsoft Windows operating system technology exams and one BackOffice technology elective exam.

  • Microsoft Certified Trainers are required to meet instructional and technical requirements specific to each Microsoft Official Curriculum course they are certified to deliver. The MCT program requires ongoing training to meet the requirements for the annual renewal of certification. For more information about becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer, visit http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/mcp/mct/ or contact a regional service center near you.

Technical Training for Computer Professionals

Technical training is available in a variety of ways, with instructor-led classes, online instruction, or self-paced training available at thousands of locations worldwide.

Self-Paced Training

For motivated learners who are ready for the challenge, self-paced instruction is the most flexible, cost-effective way to increase your knowledge and skills.

A full-line of self-paced print and computer-based training materials is available direct from the source Microsoft Press. Microsoft Official Curriculum courseware kits from Microsoft Press are designed for advanced computer system professionals and are available from Microsoft Press and the Microsoft Developer Division. Self-paced training kits from Microsoft Press feature print-based instructional materials, along with CD-ROM- based product software, multimedia presentations, lab exercises, and practice files. The Mastering Series provides in-depth, interactive training on CD-ROM for experienced developers. They re both great ways to prepare for Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exams.

Online Training

For a more flexible alternative to instructor-led classes, turn to online instruction. It s as near as the Internet and it s ready whenever you are. Learn at your own pace and on your own schedule in a virtual classroom, often with easy access to an online instructor. Without ever leaving your desk, you can gain the expertise you need. Online instruction covers a variety of Microsoft products and technologies. It includes options ranging from Microsoft Official Curriculum to choices available nowhere else. It s training on demand, with access to learning resources 24 hours a day. Online training is available through Microsoft Certified Technical Education Centers.

Microsoft Certified Technical Education Centers

Microsoft Certified Technical Education Centers (CTECs) are the best source for instructor-led training that can help you prepare to become a Microsoft Certified Professional. The Microsoft CTEC program is a worldwide network of qualified technical training organizations that provide authorized delivery of Microsoft Official Curriculum courses by Microsoft Certified Trainers to computer professionals.

For a listing of CTEC locations in the United States and Canada, visit the Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/ctec/.

Technical Support

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book and the contents of the companion disc. If you have comments, questions, or ideas regarding this book or the companion disc, please send them to Microsoft Press using either of the following methods:


Postal Mail:
Microsoft Press
Attn: MCAD/MCSD Training Kit: Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET Editor
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399

The Microsoft Press Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/support/) provides corrections for books. Please note that product support is not offered through this Web site. For further information regarding Microsoft software support options, please connect to http://www.microsoft.com/support/ or call Microsoft Support Network Sales at (800) 936-3500.

For information about ordering the full version of any Microsoft software, please call Microsoft Sales at (800) 426-9400 or visit http://www.microsoft.com.

MCAD(s)MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit(c) Developing Web Applications With Microsoft Visual Basic. Net and Microsoft V[.  .. ]0-315
MCAD(s)MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit(c) Developing Web Applications With Microsoft Visual Basic. Net and Microsoft V[. .. ]0-315
Year: 2003
Pages: 118

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