By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner 1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
DocBook: The Definitive Guide | ||
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The %isoamsr; parameter entity includes the ISO character entities with the public identifier:
ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN
The following character entities are defined in this entity set:
Entity | Unicode # | Glyph | ISO Description |
ape | 224A | Almost equal or equal to | |
asymp | 224D | Equivalent to | |
bcong | 224C | All equal to | |
bepsi | such that | ||
bowtie | 22C8 | Bowtie | |
bsim | 223D | Reversed tilde | |
bsime | 22CD | Reversed tilde equals | |
bump | 224E | Geometrically equivalent to | |
bumpe | 224F | Difference between | |
cire | 2257 | Ring equal to | |
colone | 2254 | Colon equals | |
cuepr | 22DE | Equal to or precedes | |
cuesc | 22DF | Equal to or succeeds | |
cupre | 227C | Precedes or equal to | |
dashv | 22A3 | Left tack | |
ecir | 2256 | Ring in equal to | |
ecolon | 2255 | Equals colon | |
eDot | 2251 | Geometrically equal to | |
esdot | 2250 | Approaches the limit | |
efDot | 2252 | Approximately equal to or the image of | |
egs | 22DD | Equal to or greater-than | |
els | 22DC | Equal to or less-than | |
erDot | 2253 | Image of or approximately equal to | |
fork | 22D4 | Pitchfork | |
frown | 2322 | Frown | |
gap | 2273 | Greater-than or equivalent to | |
gsdot | 22D7 | Greater-than with dot | |
gE | 2267 | Greater-than over equal to | |
gel | 22DB | Greater-than equal to or less-than | |
gEl | 22DB | Greater-than equal to or less-than | |
ges | gt-or-equal, slanted | ||
Gg | 22D9 | Very much greater-than | |
gl | 2277 | Greater-than or less-than | |
gsim | 2273 | Greater-than or equivalent to | |
Gt | 226B | Much greater-than | |
lap | 2272 | Less-than or equivalent to | |
ldot | 22D6 | Less-than with dot | |
lE | 2266 | Less-than over equal to | |
lEg | 22DA | Less-than equal to or greater-than | |
leg | 22DA | Less-than equal to or greater-than | |
les | less-than-or-eq, slant | ||
lg | 2276 | Less-than or greater-than | |
Ll | 22D8 | Very much less-than | |
lsim | 2272 | Less-than or equivalent to | |
Lt | 226A | Much less-than | |
ltrie | 22B4 | Normal subgroup of or equal to | |
mid | 2223 | Divides | |
models | 22A7 | Models | |
pr | 227A | Precedes | |
prap | 227E | Precedes or equivalent to | |
pre | precedes, equals | ||
prsim | 227E | Precedes or equivalent to | |
rtrie | 22B5 | Contains as normal subgroup or equal to | |
samalg | 2210 | N-ary coproduct | |
sc | 227B | Succeeds | |
scap | 227F | Succeeds or equivalent to | |
sccue | 227D | Succeeds or equal to | |
sce | 227D | Succeeds or equal to | |
scsim | 227F | Succeeds or equivalent to | |
sfrown | small down curve | ||
smid | |||
smile | 2323 | Smile | |
spar | short parallel | ||
sqsub | 228F | Square image of | |
sqsube | 2291 | Square image of or equal to | |
sqsup | 2290 | Square original of | |
sqsupe | 2292 | Square original of or equal to | |
ssmile | small up curve | ||
Sub | 22D0 | Double subset | |
subE | 2286 | Subset of or equal to | |
Sup | 22D1 | Double superset | |
supE | 2287 | Superset of or equal to | |
thkap | thick approximate | ||
thksim | thick similar | ||
trie | 225C | Delta equal to | |
twixt | 226C | Between | |
vdash | 22A2 | Right tack | |
Vdash | 22A9 | Forces | |
vDash | 22A8 | True | |
veebar | 22BB | Xor | |
vltri | 22B2 | Normal subgroup of | |
vprop | 221D | Proportional to | |
vrtri | 22B3 | Contains as normal subgroup | |
Vvdash | 22AA | Triple vertical bar right turnstile |
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Added Math Symbols: Ordinary Character Entities (%isoamso;) | Up | Box and Line Drawing Character Entities (%isobox;) |
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