The BevelFilter Class

The BevelFilter Class

The BevelFilter class is designed to create bevel-image effects on objects.

It is important when using this class to import it first at the beginning of your script, like this:

 import flash.filters.BevelFilter; 

To instantiate a new instance of the BevelFilter class, use this code as a template:

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var myFilter:BevelFilter = new BevelFilter(dist, angle, highlightColor, highlightAlpha, shadowColor, shadowAlpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, type, knockout);

  • dist The distance in pixels for the bevel to be offset. Default value of 4.0.

  • angle The bevel's angle between 0 and 360. Default value of 45.

  • highlightColor The highlight ARGB color of the bevel. Default value of 0x00ffffff.

  • highlightAlpha The alpha of the highlight color in the bevel from 0 to 1. Default value of 1.0.

  • shadowColor The shadow ARGB color of the bevel. Default value of 0x00000000.

  • shadowAlpha The alpha of the shadow color in the bevel from 0 to 1. Default value of 1.0.

  • blurX The total amount of horizontal blur from 0255. Default value of 4.0.

  • blurY The total amount of vertical blur from 0255. Default value of 4.0.

  • strength This number represents the strength of the bevel's imprint. From 0255, the higher this number, the more contrast there will be. Default value of 1.

  • quality This number represents the number of times to apply the filter, ranging from 015. Default value of 1.

  • type This string represents the type of bevel to apply: "inner," "outer," or "full." Default value of "inner."

  • knockout The Boolean value controls whether the object having the filter applied to it will be transparent, true, or not, false.


This example will create a small blue square using the drawing API and apply the filter to it:

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import flash.filters.BevelFilter; //create the movie clip to display the filter var rec_mc:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("rec_mc", 1); //move the rectangle towards the center of the stage rec_mc._x = rec_mc._y = 200; //draw a squar inside the movie clip rec_mc.lineStyle(0,0x000000,0); rec_mc.beginFill(0x397dce, 100); rec_mc.lineTo(100,0); rec_mc.lineTo(100,100); rec_mc.lineTo(0,100); rec_mc.lineTo(0,0); rec_mc.endFill(); //create the filter var myFilter:BevelFilter = new BevelFilter(5, 45, 0x00ccff, 1, 0x000033, 1, 5, 5, 2, 3, "inner", false); //apply the filter rec_mc.filters = new Array(myFilter);

Because the properties of this object match the parameters identically, they will be skipped.



Availability:2 FP:8, AS:1.0

Generic Template: myFilter.clone()

Returns: BevelFilter

An exact copy of the BevelFilter will be returned.


This method will create a duplicate copy of the BevelFilter it is called on.


This example will create a filter, clone it, and then walk through all the properties to see that they match:

[View full width]

import flash.filters.BevelFilter; //create the filter var myFilter:BevelFilter = new BevelFilter(5, 45, 0x00ccff, 1, 0x000033, 1, 5, 5, 2, 3, "inner", false); //create a copy var myNewFilter:BevelFilter = myFilter.clone(); //walk through and display each property for(each in myNewFilter){ trace(each + ": " + myNewFilter[each]); } //output:clone: [type Function] //type: inner //blurY: 5 //blurX: 5 //knockout: false //strength: 2 //quality: 3 //shadowAlpha: 1 //shadowColor: 51 //highlightAlpha: 1 //highlightColor: 52479 //angle: 45 //distance: 5

Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Unleashed
Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672327619
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 319 © 2008-2017.
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