E.6. Web Interface Configuration

 < Day Day Up > 


This defines the directory name to be used for images in RT web documents.

If you've configured your webserver to have the path to RT somewhere other than at the root of your server, $WebPath requires a leading / (slash) but no trailing /.

     Set($WebPath, ""); 


This is the scheme, server, and port for constructing URLs to RT. $WebBaseURL doesn't need a trailing /.

 Set($WebBaseURL, "http://RT::WebBaseURL.not.configured:80"); 


$WebImagesURL points to the base URL where RT can find its images.

 Set($WebImagesURL, $WebPath . "/NoAuth/images/"); 


$LogoURL points to the URL of the RT logo displayed in the web interface.

 Set($LogoURL, $WebImagesURL . "bplogo.gif"); 


$WebNoAuthRegex matches the portion of RT's URL space that should not require authentication.

 Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr!^(?:/+NoAuth/|                            /+REST/\d+\.\d+/NoAuth/)!x ); 


For message boxes, set the entry box width and what type of wrapping to use. Defaults to 72.

 Set($MessageBoxWidth, 72); 


Choose between HARD wrapping and SOFT wrapping. The default is HARD.

 Set($MessageBoxWrap, "HARD"); 


If $TRustHTMLAttachments is not defined, RT displays attachments as text. This prevents malicious HTML and Javascript from being sent in a request (although there is more to it than that).

 Set($TrustHTMLAttachments, undef); 


A true value (the default) tells RT to redistribute correspondence that it identifies as machine generated. Setting this to 0 tells RT not to redistribute such messages. You also can set it to privileged, which redistributes only to privileged users. This is useful if you get malformed bounces caused by autocreated requestors with bogus addresses.

 Set($RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages, 1); 


If $PreferRichText is set to a true value, RT shows HTML/rich text messages in preference to their plain text alternatives. RT scrubs the HTML to show only a minimal subset of HTML to avoid possible contamination by cross-site scripting attacks.

 Set($PreferRichText, undef); 


If $WebExternalAuth is defined, RT defers to the environment's REMOTE_USER variable.

 Set($WebExternalAuth, undef); 


If $WebFallbackToInternalAuth is undefined, the user is allowed a chance of fallback to the login screen, even if REMOTE_USER failed.

 Set($WebFallbackToInternalAuth, undef); 


$WebExternalGecos means to match the gecos field as the user identity; useful with mod_auth_pwcheck and IIS Integrated Windows logon.

 Set($WebExternalGecos, undef); 


$WebExternalAuto creates users under the same name as REMOTE_USER upon login, if it's missing in the Users table.

 Set($WebExternalAuto, undef); 


$WebSessionClass is the class you wish to use for managing sessions. It defaults to use your SQL database, but if you are using MySQL 3.x and plan to use non-ASCII queue names, add the following line to RT_SiteConfig.pm to prevent session corruption.

 Set($WebSessionClass, 'Apache::Session::File'); 


By default, RT clears its database cache after every page view. This ensures that you've always got the most current information when working in a multi-process environment (mod_perl or FastCGI). Setting $WebFlushDbCacheEveryRequest to 0 turns this off, which speeds RT up a bit, at the expense of some data accuracy.

 Set($WebFlushDbCacheEveryRequest, '1'); 


$MaxInlineBody is the maximum attachment size that RT uses to display inline when viewing a transaction. 13456 is a semi-random but sane default.

 Set($MaxInlineBody, 13456); 


$MyTicketsLength is the length of the owned tickets table on the front page. For some people, the default of 10 isn't big enough to get a feel for how much work needs to be done before you get some time off.

 Set($MyTicketsLength, 10); 


$MyRequestsLength is the length of the requested tickets table on the front page.

 Set($MyRequestsLength, 10); 


@MasonParameters is a list of parameters for the constructor of HTML::Mason's Apache or CGI Handler. This is normally only useful for debugging, for example, profiling individual components with:

 use MasonX::Profiler; # available on CPAN @MasonParameters = (preamble => 'my $p = MasonX::Profiler->new($m, $r);');   @MasonParameters = (  ) unless (@MasonParameters); 


$DefaultSearchResultFormat is the default format for RT search results:

 Set ($DefaultSearchResultFormat, qq{   '<B><A HREF="$RT::WebPath/Ticket/Display.html?id=_ _id_ _">_ _id_ _</a></B>/TITLE:#',   '<B><A HREF="$RT::WebPath/Ticket/Display.html?id=_ _id_ _">_ _Subject_ _</a></B>/TITLE:Subject',   Status,   QueueName,   OwnerName,   Priority,   '_ _NEWLINE_ _',   '',   '<small>_ _Requestors_ _</small>',   '<small>_ _CreatedRelative_ _</small>',   '<small>_ _ToldRelative_ _</small>',   '<small>_ _LastUpdatedRelative_ _</small>',   '<small>_ _TimeLeft_ _</small>'}); 

     < Day Day Up > 

    RT Essentials
    RT Essentials
    ISBN: 0596006683
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 166

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