| < Day Day Up > |
The Portal Content Publishing environment variables should be set up and agreed upon prior to the actual installation process. Table B-1 shows the variables that were being set for the redbook project's environment, in bold.
Variable Name | Description | Required | Sample Value |
WCP_CONVNAME | Name of the conversation used for configuration of WebSphere Portal Content Publishing | No | Portal content publishing |
WCP_PATH | Installation path of WebSphere Portal Content Publishing | YES | /usr/lpp/PortalServer/wcp |
WCP_PUB_DIR | Installation path of the publish directory of WebSphere Portal Content Publishing. Must be the same directory as that entered in the script. installwcp.sh | YES | /PortalServer/publish |
WCP_RESORUCE_ID | User ID for the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal Content Publishing | YES | JAVA3 (this is the TSO user session ID we used in the redbook project environment) |
WCP_RESOURCE_PW | Password for the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal Content Publishing. | YES | JAVA3 (this is the TSO user session ID we used in the redbook project environment) |
WCP_RESOURCE_LOCATION | Location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal Content Publishing. | No | DSN7LOC1 |
WCP_RESOURCE | Name of the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal Content Publishing. Do NOT edit this name | YES | persDS |
WCP_RESOURCE_DEMO | Name of the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal Content Publishing. Do NOT edit this name | YES | wcpdemo |
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