

GenDBC and GenDBCx utilities, 71, 208
General Information page (WfWI), 372
General Information view (InstallExpress IDE), 344
generating database backend, 71, 208
generating the setup
InstaFox installer for, 89, 405 ‚ 428
copy file behavior, 428
customizing, 425 ‚ 428
Setup Wizard, 406, 409 ‚ 425
InstallShield Express (ISX), 335 ‚ 360
building setup package, 356 ‚ 358
creating new projects, 335 ‚ 342
deploying application, 358 ‚ 360
IDE for. See IDE, InstallShield Express testing, 358
process of, 6 ‚ 7, 184 ‚ 198, 223 ‚ 230
1- organizing the setup, 185, 224
2- specifying files to deploy, 187, 225 ‚ 228
3- configuring target computer, 191, 228
4- customizing the setup, 192, 229
5- defining target computer requirements, 195, 229
6- building install package, 196, 229
Wise for Windows Installer for, 369 ‚ 394
creating new projects, 370
data files, handling, 381
Installation Expert view, 371 ‚ 403
testing, 398
generic program code, 314
GenMenuX utility, 274 ‚ 275
GetFileVersion( ) method, 49
Ghost Installer Studio tool, 86
Ghost utility, 458
GIF files, 47
governing laws, defining in contracts, 321
graphics and images, 46 ‚ 48
editors for, list of, 456 ‚ 458
where to install, 67
guarantees (in contracts), 318
GUIDs, 115, 129 ‚ 133
setting, 132

Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
ISBN: 1930919328
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 232 © 2008-2017.
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