Finalizing the Order

I l @ ve RuBoard

With the promotion, tax, and shipping building blocks in place, you can create a checkout page to capture the shipping address and credit card information and then display a final confirmation page that can include the shipping and tax. To begin, you need to create a JSP that combines the previously written address book and wallet functionality.

A good start in building this page is to see what the finished product will look like (see Figure 12.2). This will serve as a good roadmap to the underlying code.

Figure 12.2. The order information page.


Things are a bit trickier than with NewAddress or NewCreditCard because you need to capture two different addresses. This means that you can't use jsp:setProperty to set both of them ”they would have to use the same field names in the form, which doesn't work.

Start with your normal JSP header boilerplate . Remember that the user is allowed to make purchases without logging in, so you can't assume that the customer has any valid values. You can use setProperty to fill in the shipping address and credit card information. You also need to set up a second address object called ccaddr . The page is shown in Listing 12.9.

Listing 12.9 Checkout.jsp
 <%@ include file="/jsp/cust/AutoLogin.jsp" %> <%@ page import="com.bfg.customer.Customer" %> <%@ page import="com.bfg.customer.Address" %> <%@ page import="com.bfg.customer.CreditCard" %> <%@ page import="java.text.NumberFormat" %> <jsp:useBean id="customer" class="com.bfg.customer.Customer" scope="session"/> <jsp:useBean id="orderaddr" class="com.bfg.customer.Address" scope="session"/> <jsp:useBean id="ordercredit" class="com.bfg.customer.CreditCard" scope="session"/> <jsp:setProperty name="orderaddr" property="*"/> <jsp:setProperty name="ordercredit" property="*"/> <% Address ccaddr = new Address(); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); boolean loggedInUser = (customer.getEmail() != null); String selectedCCId = request.getParameter("selectedCCId"); String selectedAddrId = request.getParameter("selectedAddrId"); if (selectedCCId == null) {     selectedCCId = "NEW"; } if (selectedAddrId == null) {     selectedAddrId = "NEW"; } if (request.getParameter("SUBMITTED") != null) {     ccaddr.setFirstName(request.getParameter("ccFirstName"));     ccaddr.setLastName(request.getParameter("ccLastName"));     ccaddr.setStreet1(request.getParameter("ccStreet1"));     ccaddr.setStreet2(request.getParameter("ccStreet2"));     ccaddr.setCity(request.getParameter("ccCity"));     ccaddr.setState(request.getParameter("ccState"));     ccaddr.setPostalCode(request.getParameter("ccPostalCode"));     Integer ccId;     if (!selectedCCId.equals("NEW")) {      try {          Number num = nf.parse(selectedCCId);          Integer CCId = new Integer(num.intValue());          if (customer.getWallet().get(CCId) != null) {              ordercredit = (CreditCard) customer.getWallet().get(CCId);              ccaddr = ordercredit.getAddress();              pageContext.setAttribute("ordercredit", ordercredit,                                        PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);      }      }  catch (Exception e) {           response.sendRedirect("general_error.jsp");           return;      }     }     if (!selectedAddrId.equals("NEW")) {      try {          Number num = nf.parse(selectedAddrId);          Integer AddrId = new Integer(num.intValue());          if (customer.getAddressBook().get(AddrId) != null) {              orderaddr = (Address) customer.getAddressBook().get(AddrId);              pageContext.setAttribute("orderaddr", orderaddr,                                        PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);      }      }  catch (Exception e) {          response.sendRedirect("general_error.jsp");          return;      }     }     boolean goodAddress = orderaddr.validateAddress();     boolean goodCCAddress = ccaddr.validateAddress();     boolean goodCard = ordercredit.validateCreditCard();     if (goodAddress && goodCCAddress && goodCard) {      if ((request.getParameter("createShip") != null) &&          (request.getParameter("createShip").equals("yes"))) {          orderaddr.createAddress();          customer.addAddress(orderaddr);      }      if ((request.getParameter("createCC") != null) &&          (request.getParameter("createCC").equals("yes"))) {          ccaddr.createAddress();          ordercredit.setAddress(ccaddr);          ordercredit.setCustomer(customer);          ordercredit.createCreditCard();          customer.getWallet().put(new Integer(ordercredit.getCardID()),                                    ordercredit);      }      response.sendRedirect("finalConfirm.jsp");      return;     } } else {     orderaddr = new Address();     pageContext.setAttribute("orderaddr", orderaddr,                            PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);     ordercredit = new CreditCard();     pageContext.setAttribute("ordercredit", ordercredit,                            PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);     ccaddr = new Address();     pageContext.setAttribute("ccaddr", ccaddr,                            PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE); } if (orderaddr.getLastName() == null) {     orderaddr.setLastName(""); } if (orderaddr.getFirstName() == null) {     orderaddr.setFirstName(""); } if (orderaddr.getStreet1() == null) {     orderaddr.setStreet1(""); } if (orderaddr.getStreet2() == null) {     orderaddr.setStreet2(""); } if  (orderaddr.getCity() == null) {     orderaddr.setCity(""); } if (orderaddr.getState() == null) {     orderaddr.setState(""); } if (orderaddr.getPostalCode() == null) {     orderaddr.setPostalCode(""); } if (ccaddr.getLastName() == null) {     ccaddr.setLastName(""); } if (ccaddr.getFirstName() == null) {     ccaddr.setFirstName(""); } if (ccaddr.getStreet1() == null) {     ccaddr.setStreet1(""); } if (ccaddr.getStreet2() == null) {     ccaddr.setStreet2(""); } if  (ccaddr.getCity() == null) {     ccaddr.setCity(""); } if (ccaddr.getState() == null) {     ccaddr.setState(""); } if (ccaddr.getPostalCode() == null) {     ccaddr.setPostalCode(""); } if (ordercredit.getCardOwner() == null) {     ordercredit.setCardOwner(""); } if (ordercredit.getCardType() == null) {     ordercredit.setCardType(""); } if (ordercredit.getCardNumber() == null) {     ordercredit.setCardNumber(""); } <HEAD><TITLE>Enter Purchase Information</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <%@ include file="/jsp/includes/bfgheader.jsp" %> <CENTER><H1>Enter Purchase Information</H1></CENTER> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="checkout.jsp"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="SUBMITTED" VALUE="T"> <H2>Credit Card</H2> <% if (loggedInUser) {     if (customer.getWallet().size() > 0) { %> if (ordercredit.getFieldError("cardOwner") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ordercredit.getFieldError("cardOwner")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> Name on Card: <INPUT NAME="cardOwner" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=50        VALUE="<%= ordercredit.getCardOwner() %>"><BR> <% if (ordercredit.getFieldError("cardType") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ordercredit.getFieldError("cardType")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> Card Type: <SELECT NAME="cardType"> <OPTION VALUE="">-SELECT- <OPTION VALUE="VISA"     <%= (ordercredit.getCardType().equals("VISA"))?" SELECTED":"" %>>Visa <OPTION VALUE="MC"     <%= (ordercredit.getCardType().equals("MC"))?" SELECTED":"" %>>MasterCard <OPTION VALUE="AMEX"     <%= (ordercredit.getCardType().equals("AMEX"))?" SELECTED":"" %>>American Express <OPTION VALUE="DISC"     <%= (ordercredit.getCardType().equals("DISC"))?" SELECTED":"" %>>Discover </SELECT><BR> <% if (ordercredit.getFieldError("cardNumber") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ordercredit.getFieldError("cardNumber")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (ordercredit.getFieldError("expMonth") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ordercredit.getFieldError("expMonth")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (ordercredit.getFieldError("expYear") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ordercredit.getFieldError("expYear")%></FONT><BR> <% } int expMonth = ordercredit.getExpMonth(); int expYear = ordercredit.getExpYear(); %> Card Number: <INPUT NAME="cardNumber" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=25        VALUE="<%= (!selectedCCId.equals("NEW"))?ordercredit. getObscuredNumber(): graphics/ccc.gif ordercredit.getCardNumber() %>"><BR> Expires: <SELECT NAME="expMonth">   <OPTION VALUE="">SELECT   <OPTION VALUE="1" <%= (expMonth == 1)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Jan   <OPTION VALUE="2" <%= (expMonth == 2)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Feb   <OPTION VALUE="3" <%= (expMonth == 3)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Mar   <OPTION VALUE="4" <%= (expMonth == 4)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Apr   <OPTION VALUE="5" <%= (expMonth == 5)?" SELECTED":"" %>>May   <OPTION VALUE="6" <%= (expMonth == 6)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Jun   <OPTION VALUE="7" <%= (expMonth == 7)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Jul   <OPTION VALUE="8" <%= (expMonth == 8)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Aug   <OPTION VALUE="9" <%= (expMonth == 9)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Sep   <OPTION VALUE="10" <%= (expMonth == 10)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Oct   <OPTION VALUE="11" <%= (expMonth == 11)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Nov   <OPTION VALUE="12" <%= (expMonth == 12)?" SELECTED":"" %>>Dec </SELECT> / <SELECT NAME="expYear">   <OPTION VALUE="">SELECT   <OPTION VALUE="2002" <%= (expYear == 2002)?" SELECTED":"" %>>02   <OPTION VALUE="2003" <%= (expYear == 2003)?" SELECTED":"" %>>03   <OPTION VALUE="2004" <%= (expYear == 2004)?" SELECTED":"" %>>04   <OPTION VALUE="2005" <%= (expYear == 2005)?" SELECTED":"" %>>05   <OPTION VALUE="2006" <%= (expYear == 2006)?" SELECTED":"" %>>06   <OPTION VALUE="2007" <%= (expYear == 2007)?" SELECTED":"" %>>07   <OPTION VALUE="2008" <%= (expYear == 2008)?" SELECTED":"" %>>08   <OPTION VALUE="2009" <%= (expYear == 2009)?" SELECTED":"" %>>09   <OPTION VALUE="2010" <%= (expYear == 2010)?" SELECTED":"" %>>10   <OPTION VALUE="2011" <%= (expYear == 2011)?" SELECTED":"" %>>11   <OPTION VALUE="2012" <%= (expYear == 2012)?" SELECTED":"" %>>12<P> </SELECT><P> <H3>Credit Card Billing Address</H3><P> <% if (ccaddr.getFieldError("firstName") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ccaddr.getFieldError("firstName")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (ccaddr.getFieldError("lastName") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ccaddr.getFieldError("lastName")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> First Name: <INPUT NAME="ccFirstName" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=30        VALUE="<%= ccaddr.getFirstName() %>"> Last Name: <INPUT NAME="ccLastName" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=40        VALUE="<%= ccaddr.getLastName() %>"><BR> <% if (ccaddr.getFieldError("street1") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ccaddr.getFieldError("street1")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> Street Addr 1: <INPUT NAME="ccStreet1" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=80        VALUE="<%= ccaddr.getStreet1() %>"><BR> Street Addr 2: <INPUT NAME="ccStreet2" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=80        VALUE="<%= ccaddr.getStreet2() %>"><BR> <% if (ccaddr.getFieldError("city") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ccaddr.getFieldError("city")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (ccaddr.getFieldError("state") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ccaddr.getFieldError("state")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (ccaddr.getFieldError("postalCode") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= ccaddr.getFieldError("postalCode")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> City: <INPUT NAME="ccCity" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=50        VALUE="<%= ccaddr.getCity() %>"> State: <INPUT NAME="ccState" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=2        VALUE="<%= ccaddr.getState() %>"> Postal Code: <INPUT NAME="ccPostalCode" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=10        VALUE="<%= ccaddr.getPostalCode() %>"><P> Select Card From Wallet: <SELECT NAME="selectedCCId"> <OPTION VALUE="NEW">New Card <% Iterator it = customer.getWallet().keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {     CreditCard cc = (CreditCard) customer.getWallet().get((Integer); %>     <OPTION VALUE="<%= cc.getCardID() %>"><%= cc.getCardType() %>: <%= cc. graphics/ccc.gif getObscuredNumber() %> <% } %> </SELECT><P>  or  <P> <% } else { %> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="selectedCCId" VALUE="NEW"> <% } } <% if (loggedInUser) { %> <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="createCC" VALUE="yes"> Add to Wallet<P> <% } %> <H2>Shipping Address</H2> <% if (loggedInUser) {     if (customer.getAddressBook().size() > 0) { %> Select Address from Address Book: <SELECT NAME="selectedAddrId"> <OPTION VALUE="NEW">New Address <% Iterator it = customer.getAddressBook().keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {     Address ad = (Address) customer.getAddressBook().get((Integer); %>     <OPTION VALUE="<%= ad.getAddressID() %>"><%= ad.getFirstName() %>                 <%= ad.getLastName() %> (<%= ad.getCity() %>,                 <%= ad.getState() %>) <% } %> </SELECT><P>  or  <P> <% } else { %> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="selectedAddrId" VALUE="NEW"> <% } } if (orderaddr.getFieldError("firstName") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= orderaddr.getFieldError("firstName")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (orderaddr.getFieldError("lastName") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= orderaddr.getFieldError("lastName")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> First Name: <INPUT NAME="firstName" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=30        VALUE="<%= orderaddr.getFirstName() %>"> Last Name: <INPUT NAME="lastName" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=40        VALUE="<%= orderaddr.getLastName() %>"><BR> <% if (orderaddr.getFieldError("street1") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= orderaddr.getFieldError("street1")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> Street Addr 1: <INPUT NAME="street1" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=80        VALUE="<%= orderaddr.getStreet1() %>"><BR> Street Addr 2: <INPUT NAME="street2" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=80        VALUE="<%= orderaddr.getStreet2() %>"><BR> <% if (orderaddr.getFieldError("city") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= orderaddr.getFieldError("city")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (orderaddr.getFieldError("state") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= orderaddr.getFieldError("state")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> <% if (orderaddr.getFieldError("postalCode") != null) { %> <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><%= orderaddr.getFieldError("postalCode")%></FONT><BR> <% } %> City: <INPUT NAME="city" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=50        VALUE="<%= orderaddr.getCity() %>"> State: <INPUT NAME="state" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=2        VALUE="<%= orderaddr.getState() %>"> Postal Code: <INPUT NAME="postalCode" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=10        VALUE="<%= orderaddr.getPostalCode() %>"><P> <% if (loggedInUser) { %> <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="createShip" VALUE="yes"> Add to Address Book<P> <% } %> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> </FORM> <%@ include file="/jsp/includes/bfgfooter.jsp" %> 

The page begins by getting a few useful values, such as whether the user is logged in and whether he has selected an existing credit card or address.

If the form has been submitted, the page needs to place the credit card address information in the associated values in ccaddr . This has the effect of doing a jsp:setProperty .

If you were passed a selected credit card ID, turn it from a String to an Integer and check to see whether that ID exists in the customer's wallet (of course, if the customer didn't log in, the wallet is empty). Because the code checks for the ID in the wallet, customers are prevented from specifying credit cards that they don't own. The same deal applies with the address. Note that you need to set the session-scoped variable to the new value, or it won't be updated on the next page.

If you just did test1 && test2 && test3 , the second and third validations would not be run if the first one failed because of the way && works. So, you should run the validations individually and then check the results.

If everything is okay with the validations, the page checks to see if it's supposed to create a new entry in the address book or wallet. If so, it creates the entries and inserts them. Finally, it moves the user to the final confirmation page with a redirect.

If this is the customer's first time in the form (not submitted), the code needs to clear out any old session-scoped order information so that it isn't displayed. And, ah yes, as usual, the page clears out the nulls so that they don't appear on the form.

The actual form starts at this point. Have the page check to see whether there are any entries in the wallet. If not, there's no sense in displaying the pull-down menu of choices.

If there is something in the wallet and you want the customer to have choices, have the page exhibit a pull-down menu with the default NEW item. The customer can fill in the form and choose from a list of existing credit cards (with numbers obscured, of course.)

Assuming that the customer isn't picking from an existing card in the wallet, he'll fill in the field for the credit card. Note that you have to name the fields with the names similar to ccFirstName so they don't conflict with the shipping address fields.

You also need to have the page to offer the customer a check box to save the credit card to his wallet. Now you need to write a similar code for the shipping address. See if the customer is logged in. If so, offer a list of addresses to choose from.

If the customer successfully fills in the checkout form, the page should give a final confirmation, as shown in Figure 12.3.

Figure 12.3. The final confirmation page.


I l @ ve RuBoard

MySQL and JSP Web Applications. Data-Driven Programming Using Tomcat and MySQL
MySQL and JSP Web Applications: Data-Driven Programming Using Tomcat and MySQL
ISBN: 0672323095
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 203
Authors: James Turner © 2008-2017.
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