Section 4.2. Using Spring JDBC Templates

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4.2. Using Spring JDBC Templates

Although persistence frameworks like EJB container-managed persistence, JDO, and Hibernate have attracted fans at various times, JDBC remains the bread-and-butter of database development with Java. You can write it all yourself, or you can use some frameworks to help manage the details. Spring lets you do JDBC development in a variety of ways. In this example, you'll use JDBC templates.

If Spring offered nothing more than a little configuration, a smattering of user interface development, and a slightly different programming model, then this book would be done, but Spring offers much more, including tremendous advantages over roll-your-own JDBC:

Resource management

Spring will open and close connections for you, so you won't have to write that tedious code, and you won't have leaks.

Unchecked exceptions

Spring will not force you to use checked exceptions, so you won't have to make those tedious checks for errors that you can't recover from anyway. Instead, you can catch the right exception at the right level.

Inversion of control

Spring will iterate your result set for you, saving effort and keeping your approach consistent.


Spring will let you configure and exchange out resources like data sources and connections, without changing code.

In short, you'll write less code, and build programs that are easier to maintain and read. You'll let Spring, instead of tedious, handwritten code do the heavy lifting.

4.2.1. How do I do that?

Spring uses a concept called templates. You'll pass each template an SQL query, and a method that will process each row in a result set. Normally, that code, in an inner class, will map the results from a query onto objects. Spring will do the rest.

You'll put the template code into an implementation of our façade layer. Since you've already got an interface, a test implementation and the object model for the application, you'll create the JDBC implementation, which extends a Spring-provided class called JdbcDaoSupport that makes life easier (Example 4-6).

Example 4-6.
public class JDBCRentABike extends JdbcDaoSupport implements RentABike {    private String storeName;    private static final int MANUFACTURER = 2;    private static final int MODEL = 3;    private static final int FRAME = 4;    private static final int SERIALNO = 5;    private static final int WEIGHT = 6;    private static final int STATUS = 7;    public List getBikes( ) {       final ArrayList results = new ArrayList( );       JdbcTemplate template = getJdbcTemplate( );       template.query("SELECT * FROM bikes",          new RowCallbackHandler( ) {             public void processRow(ResultSet rs)                 throws SQLException {                   Bike bike = new Bike(rs.getString(MANUFACTURER),                    rs.getString(MODEL), rs.getInt(FRAME),                    rs.getString(SERIALNO), rs.getDouble(WEIGHT),                    rs.getString(STATUS));                   results.add(bike);                }          });       return results;    }    public Bike getBike(String serialNo) {       final Bike bike = new Bike( );       JdbcTemplate template = getJdbcTemplate( );       template.query("SELECT * FROM bikes WHERE bikes.serialNo = '"           + serialNo + "'",          new RowCallbackHandler( ) {             public void processRow(ResultSet rs)                 throws SQLException {                   bike.setManufacturer(rs.getString(MANUFACTURER));                   bike.setModel(rs.getString(MODEL));                   bike.setFrame(rs.getInt(FRAME));                   bike.setSerialNo(rs.getString(SERIALNO));                   bike.setWeight(rs.getDouble(WEIGHT));                   bike.setStatus(rs.getString(STATUS));             }          });       return bike;    }    //etc...

This may look a bit muddy, until you compare it to a traditional JDBC method. The inner class syntax is a little awkward, but you'll learn it quickly.

Next, add the data source and the JDBC connection to the context. Also, we need to point the application to the new façade implementation (Example 4-7).

Example 4-7. RentABikeApp-Servlet.xml
<bean      >    <property name="driverClassName">       <value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value>    </property>    <property name="url">       <value>jdbc:mysql://localhost/bikestore</value>    </property>    <property name="username"><value>bikestore</value></property> </bean> <bean  >    <property name="storeName"><value>Bruce's Bikes</value></property>    <property name="dataSource"><ref bean="dataSource"/></property> </bean>

Don't forget to wrap any calls to the JdbcTemplate in appropriate error handling. Any time you invoke your own or somebody else's code to access a database, things can go wrong (failed connection, invalid permissions, locked data, etc.). You should have a plan for dealing with these kinds of exceptions and treat any call to the JdbcTemplate as a potential for failure.

4.2.2. What just happened?

For the code that sits above the façade, you're not seeing much of a difference between the test version and the database version. That's the beauty of the test façade that you built early in Chapter 1. However, now multiple applications can share the database, and it will retain changes between invocations, just as you'd expect.

In the façade, we used a JDBC template. We provide three pieces of data to the JDBC template:

The query

The first parameter specifies a raw query.

The parameters

If the statement is a parameterized query, you can specify all of the variable parameters that the statement requires.

A callback class

We can also specify an inner class, with one method, to match the RowCallbackHandler interface. The method will fire for each line in the result set.

Notice that all of the code that we specify is necessary. These are the things that change from one JDBC invocation to the next. Instead of specifying the control structures (like a while loop) to iterate through the result set, we hand control to Spring. It then does the grunt work:

  1. Spring gets a connection from a data source.

  2. Spring specifies (and potentially prepares) the SQL statement.

  3. Spring then iterates through the result set.

  4. For each line in the statement, Spring calls the callback that we specify.

  5. Spring then closes down the connection.

  6. If there's an exception, Spring folds it to an unchecked, common exception.

But what happened is not nearly as important as how it happened. Go back and read the code in the façade once again. Think again about all of the things that Spring does for us:

Exception management at low levels

While there might be some JDBC errors within the façade layer, it's probably not the best place to deal with the problem. Instead, the client of the façade is probably in a much better place to deal with the problem. I'd go as far as saying that checked exceptions in Java were a mistake. Spring helps to rectify that mistake.

Exception folding

Databases bury a SQL code into SQLExceptions. Even though this application may run on multiple databases, we don't see the application react in different ways to the different exceptions thrown by different databases. Spring folds exceptions onto a common set.

Resource management

We don't have to open or close the connection. The framework does this for us. We don't have to worry about leaks, because the Spring developers have already released the connection appropriately, and tested the results.

Iteration through the result set

This is the centerpiece of inversion of control. Spring iterates through the result set, and calls the template for each row in the result set.


We could simply set the JDBC to auto-commit, as in this example. If we were to change our minds, the application would have to change. Spring lets us specify a transaction strategy in the configuration, as you'll see in Chapter 7.

Other services

Spring will let you attach other services to the façade through configuration instead of code.

Figure 4-1 shows the work that nearly all JDBC programs must do. The blocks in grey show the operations that Spring handles for you. You've got to do the rest yourself.

Figure 4-1. JDBC requires all of these operations, but Spring handles the ones in grey automatically

4.2.3. What about...

...persistence frameworks? We introduce a few in the next chapter. With the advent of Hibernate and the resurgence of JDO, you might be convinced that there's never any reason to use JDBC, but remember, you don't need a flamethrower to swat a fly. Like that flamethrower in the living room, your persistence framework may have some unintended consequences. If you've got a flyweight problem, grab a flyswatter.

On the other hand, the previous code tied the object fields to specific database datatypes. If a developer is supporting both Oracle and MySql, and a field might grow longer than Oracle's VARCHAR will handle, it must be defined as a CLOB. JDBC's CLOB handling does not match VARCHAR handling at all. MySQL doesn't present this problem. You'd either need to handle the difference yourself, or reach for a more robust persistence solution.

    team bbl

    Spring. A developer's Notebook
    Spring: A Developers Notebook
    ISBN: 0596009100
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 90 © 2008-2017.
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