Par. 4.2.1: General Documentation Requirements, 248–50
Paragraphs, 265
Paraphrasing, 251–57
adverse effects of, 251–57
classes of, 251–52
class I characteristics, 252–53
class II characteristics, 253–55
compromise position, 257
conclusions, 255–57
direct method, 252–53
direct restatement, 252
intellectual dishonesty, 256
practice, 68
SHALLS and, 68
table of contents list, 252
third-party impact, 256–57
Planning (Section 5.4 GCQMS manual), 310
Power Supply Test Plan, 36
Prescriptive language, 235
Present tense, 269
Preventative action, 347
Procedures, 163–65
contents, 30
corrective action, 168
defined, 36, 153
design, 163–65
documentation and, 153
GCQMS, 303
as mandatory documents, 163–64
need for, 163
optional, 164–65
process document links, 156
tier III, 156
transfer to operations, 157
work instructions, 164–65
See also Documentation; Documents
Process documents, 147–62
applications, 148–51
customer service, 150
defined, 30
design, 147–62
expression links, 150
formats, 154–56
as "homework," 148
importance, 147
integrated work instruction, 165
marketing and sales, 150
role, 147
subphases, 154
tier III procedure links, 156
types of, 147
See also Documentation; Documents
audit, 151–53
business, 152
continual improvement, 300
critical development of, 147–48
defining, 297
engineering design, 155
executive, 153
monitoring and measurement of, 300, 341
operational, 151
quality plan as, 156–58
sequence and interaction, 297–99
Process flow charts, 160–62
illustrated, 162
imports, 161
informational document, 161
primary information, 160–61
structure, 161
Process-flow method, 247
Production and Service Provision (Section 7.5 GCQMS manual), 329–35
control of, 329–32
customer property, 334
identification and traceability, 333–34
preservation of product, 334–35
validation, 332–33
See also GCQMS manual
Product Realization (Section 7 GCQMS manual), 320–37
control of monitoring and measuring devices, 335–37
customer-related processes, 322–24
design and development, 324–28
planning, 320–22
production and service provision, 329–35
purchasing, 328–29
See also GCQMS manual
characteristics, 180–81
delivery, 335
handling, 334–35
inspection and testing process, 322
manufacturing process, 330
monitoring and measurement of, 341–43
nonconforming, control, 343–44
packaging procedure, 335
preservation of, 335
purchased, verification of, 329
realization planning, 320–22
requirements determination, 322–23
requirements review, 323–24
storage, 335
Proprietary information, 63–64
Provision of Resources (Section 6.1 GCQMS manual), 317–18
Publication media, 259–63
choice example, 261–62
control issue, 260–61
documentation form, 260
generic numbering format, 262–63
selection of, 259–62
types, 259–60
Purchasing (Section 7.4 GCQMS manual), 328–29
information, 329
process, 328
verification, 329
See also GCQMS manual