QMS 328–29
at 90% point, 207
baselines, 7–8
benefits, 276–78
characteristics, 14
continuous improvement framework, 17–30
deficiencies, root causes, 275
design rules, 280–82
design structure, 275
documentation recommendation, 35–46
documented, 42–46
effectiveness, 55, 62–63, 235, 237
foundations, 3–8
fully responsive, 14, 54
functional model, 4
issue resolution, 273–78
as living organism, 42
mastery, 11–12
methods, 28–30
process, 12
three pillars of, 7
total strategic enterprise position, 276
QS-9000, 117
quality plans, 156
quality policy statements, 133
SHALL, 134
QSR, 117–20, 158
quality policy statements for, 118–20
relationship with ISO 9001:1994 and ISO
9001:2000, 119–20
sections, 118
template manual in, 118
assurance (QA), 255, 263
degree, 19
improvement team (QIT), 217
as iterative process, 19
management principles, 13, 296
as philosophy, 18
planning, 310
process, 19
as scientific measure, 19
Quality management system. See QMS
Quality manual
1994 upgrade creation, 93
another Standard's sequence, 90, 117–21
auditing against Standard, 93
concomitance, 73–80
configurations, 91–92, 123–29
content issue, 54–55
contents for construction company, 115
control, 201
controversy, 54–59
corporate, 130
corporate/divisional, 131
cover sheet, 86
cross-functional action teams, 66–67
cut-and-paste technique, 93–105
defined, 30, 49
descriptive requirement, 74
design, 49–142
detail level, 82–85
direct sequence, 90–112
distribution, 202
divisional, 130
elements, 50–51
estimates, 193–94
Excellent Corporation's, 139–40
fill-in process, 106–7
GCQMS manual, 301–3
ground floor creation, 92
hard-copy, issues, 201–2
ineffective, rationale for, 58
ineffectiveness, 66–67
issues, 201–3
labels, 90–91
length, 73
links, 86
as major effectiveness driver, 57
as major gate, 56–57
as mandatory document, 49–54
manual:1994 configuration, 91
manual:2000 configuration, 92–93
multidivisional, 129–32
new customers and, 142
objectives, 140–42
online, issues, 202–3
operational sequence, 90, 114–17
overall objectives, 140–41
proprietary information and, 63–64
pyramid, 87–89
readership, potential, 138–40, 141
responses, 40–41
revisions, 201
scope of effort, 193–95
section experts, 66
sector-specific, 132–38
seen by registrar's auditors, 57
sequences, 89–123
SHALLS and, 67–73, 81–82
Shewhart sequence, 90, 112–14
status, 111–12
strategic framework, 60–66
table of contents pages, 86
thesis, 66
unified approach, 60
upgrading, 104
user friendly, 50–51
value, 55–56, 65
See also Documentation
Quality objectives, 51, 237–44
associated, 52
components, 238–41
components by site size, 239
consistency, 240
defined, 238
framework for, 241–42
GCQMS, 310
global approach, 238
issue, 237–38
location, within imperatives, 241
matrix, 311–12
measurable, 64
metrics, 53, 54
multilevel, 206–7
primary, 239
TQM and, 242
universal, process, 242–43
Quality objective statements, 239
flow downs, 239
as mandatory documents, 51
metrics, 239
presentation by champion, 239
target, 239
Quality plans, 156–60
bubble flow charts, 156
creation with DMR, 158
example illustration, 158
for new construction project, 159–60
as optional requirement, 156
as process, 156–58
in QS-9000 requirements, 156
Quality policies, 50, 87
communication of, 308, 310
defined, 88
in procedural documents, 85
time independence, 88
total, 88
unified business and, 60–63
Quality Policy (Section 5.3 GCQMS manual), 309–10
Quality policy statements
attributes summary, 85–86
broad, 83–84
definitive, 83, 84
design of, 64–65
detail examples, 82–84
detail in practice, 85–86
detail level, 82–85
detail rule, 84–85
examples, 88, 89, 357–58
five W's and an H, 84–85
integrated manual configuration, 126
as mandatory document, 51
paraphrased, 83
prescriptive, 65
prescriptive vs. paraphrased methods, 65–66
QSR, 118–20
required additional, 94–103
sector-specific manuals, 133–34
stand-alone manuals, 124
summary, 85–86
typical, 61–62
Quality system record. See QSR
Quality Systems Update, 80
Quantitative analysis, 236