1.6. Host ConnectivityDB2 Connect is the software product containing the licensed files required to communicate from a DB2 distributed client, also known as the DRDA Application Requester, to a host DB2 server, a DRDA Application Server. (DRDADistributed Relational Database Architectureis the standard that defines formats and protocols for providing transparent access to remote data.) Host DB2 servers include DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, DB2 UDB for VM/VSE, and DB2 UDB for iSeries. DB2 Connect also includes a DB2 runtime client. As indicated earlier, if you install DB2 UDB ESE there is no need to install DB2 Connect since DB2 UDB ESE comes with a DB2 Connect component. NOTE DB2 Connect software is only required when communicating from a workstation to a host; it is not required in the other direction (from a host to a workstation). DB2 Connect comes in two main flavors.