Content Connector Framework API

Content Connector Framework API

The following table lists the objects available in the Content Connector Framework API and provides a brief description of each object.

Object Description
NRCSSession The NRCSSession object is the root object of the Content Connector Framework object model and is automatically available in all templates that include the file ConnectorApp_include.asp, which creates an instance of this object called pNRCSSession.

This object's SelectContent method is the normal way in which content is selected for display in a Content Management Server Web site.

NRCSPosting The NRCSPosting object extends the functionality of the associated Content Management Server Posting object where the posting represents a non-profiled, non-product page.
NRCSProfiledPosting The NRCSProfiledPosting object extends the functionality of the associated Content Management Server Posting object, where the posting represents a profiled, non-product page.
NRCSSimpleProductPosting The NRCSSimpleProductPosting object extends the functionality of the associated Content Management Server Posting object, where the posting represents a simple product page. Although such postings do not have a profile, they do have access to the current product (through the query string in the URL) and to all of the catalog, category, and property information for that product.
NRCSRichProductPosting The NRCSRichProductPosting object extends the functionality of the associated Content Management Server Posting object, where the posting represents a rich product page. Rich product pages have a page profile, and can therefore participate in PCOs. They also have access to the current product (through the query product and profile mapping) and to all of the catalog, category, and property information for that product.
NRCSProductContainerRoot The NRCSProductContainerRoot object provides access to all of the catalogs in a site, as well as to an initialized Commerce Server CatalogManager object.
NRCSCatalog The NRCSCatalog object extends the functionality of the associated Commerce Server ProductCatalog object.
NRCSCategory The NRCSCategory object extends the functionality of the associated Commerce Server Category object.
NRCSFactory The NRCSFactory object is used to create and transform Content Connector framework objects and Commerce Server objects.
NRCSPersonalizedContentObjectSelector The NRCSPersonalizedContentObjectSelector object provides more control (sort order and filtering of results) over the execution of a PCO pipeline than is provided by the more common call to the SelectContent method of the NRCSSession object.

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Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft. Net Server Solutions for the Enterprise
Microsoft .NET Server Solutions for the Enterprise
ISBN: 0735615691
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 483 © 2008-2017.
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