

Bad rule application, 404–7

formerly effective rules, 405–6

frequently ineffective rules, 405

incorrect rule actions, 405

incorrect rule conditions, 404–5

occasionally effective rules, 406–7

See also Rules

Basic blocks, 190

Belief systems, 185

Binary search strategy, 190–91

assumptions, 190

choosing, 197

control structure, 190–91

defined, 190

linear ordering requirement, 197

See also Debugging strategies

Binary trees, 64

Binding errors, 372–73

BoundsChecker, 493–95

analysis comparison, 504, 505

API errors, 494

defined, 493

features, 493–94

technology, 494–95

usage, 495

See also Dynamic-analysis tools

Breadth-first search strategy, 192–93

assumptions, 192

choosing, 198

control structure, 192–93

defined, 192

See also Debugging strategies


before trace output, 313

at remove function entry, 119

results, 93

setting, 92

Bucket2 variable, 309

Buckets variable, 267

Bug 1 (case study I), 78–83

evidence, 78–79

fault and correction, 82–83

investigation, 79–82

Bug 1 (case study II), 262–65

evidence, 262–63

fault and correction, 264–65

investigation, 263–64

Bug 1 (case study III), 303–7

evidence, 303–5

fault and correction, 306–7

investigation, 305–6

Bug 2 (case study I), 83–89

evidence, 83

fault and correction, 88–89

investigation, 83–88

Bug 2 (case study II), 265–67

evidence, 265

fault and correction, 266–67

investigation, 266

Bug 2 (case study III), 307–11

evidence, 307–8

fault and correction, 310–11

investigation, 309–10

Bug 3 (case study I), 89–94

evidence, 89–91

fault and correction, 93–94

investigation, 92–93

Bug 3 (case study II), 267–68

evidence, 267

fault and correction, 267–68

investigation, 267

Bug 3 (case study III), 311–16

evidence, 311–12

fault and correction, 315–16

investigation, 312–15

Bug 4 (case study I), 94–111

evidence, 94–95

fault and correction, 99–111

investigation, 95–99

Bug 4 (case study II), 268–79

evidence, 268

fault and correction, 269

investigation, 268

Bug 4 (case study III), 316–17

evidence, 316

fault and correction, 317

investigation, 316–17

Bug 5 (case study I), 111–14

evidence, 111–12

fault and correction, 114

investigation, 112–13

Bug 5 (case study III), 317–19

evidence, 317–18

fault and correction, 318–19

investigation, 318

Bug 6 (case study I), 115–17

evidence, 115

fault and correction, 116–17

investigation, 115–16

Bug 6 (case study III), 319–22

evidence, 319–20

fault and correction, 322

investigation, 320–21

Bug 7 (case study I), 117–22

evidence, 117–18

fault and correction, 121–22

investigation, 118–20

Bug 7 (case study III), 323–25

evidence, 323

fault and correction, 325

investigation, 323–25

Bug 8 (case study I), 122–26

evidence, 122–24

fault and correction, 125–26

investigation, 124–25

Bug 8 (case study III), 326–28

evidence, 326–27

fault and correction, 328

investigation, 327

Bug 9 (case study I), 126–32

evidence, 126–28

fault and correction, 132

investigation, 128–32

Bug 9 (case study III), 328–31

evidence, 328–29

fault and correction, 330–31

investigation, 329–30

Bug 10 (case study I), 133–36

evidence, 133–34

fault and correction, 135–36

investigation, 134–35

Bug 10 (case study III), 331–34

evidence, 331–33

fault and correction, 333–34

investigation, 333

Bug 11 (case study I), 136–43

evidence, 136–38

fault and correction, 139–43

investigation, 138–39

Bug 12 (case study I), 143–45

evidence, 143–44

fault and correction, 145

investigation, 144–45

Bug 13 (case study I), 145–53

evidence, 145–51

fault and correction, 152–53

investigation, 151–52

Bug 14 (case study I), 153–54

evidence, 153

fault and correction, 154

Bug 15 (case study I), 155–74

evidence, 155–57

fault and correction, 158–74

investigation, 157–58

Bugs. See Defects

Burton, Leone, 180–81

Debugging by Thinking. A Multidisciplinary Approach
Debugging by Thinking: A Multidisciplinary Approach (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555583075
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 172 © 2008-2017.
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