6.3 Components of Large Systems


6.3 Components of Large Systems

For the purposes of this discussion, there are two styles of development popular today: the free software model and the commercial development model.

In the free software model, each developer is largely on his own. A project has a makefile and a README and developers are expected to figure it out with only a small amount of help. The principals of the project want things to work well and want to receive contributions from a large community, but they are mostly interested in contributions from the skilled and well-motivated. This is not a criticism. In this point of view, software should be written well, and not necessarily to a schedule.

In the commercial development model, developers come in a wide variety of skill levels and all of them must be able to develop software to contribute to the bottom line. Any developer who can't figure out how to do their job is wasting money. If the system doesn't compile or run properly, the development team as a whole may be idle, the most expensive possible scenario. To handle these issues, the development process is managed by an engineering support team that coordinates the build process, configuration of software tools, coordination of new development and maintenance work, and the management of releases. In this environment, efficiency concerns dominate the process.

It is the commercial development model that tends to create elaborate build systems. The primary reason for this is pressure to reduce the cost of software development by increasing programmer efficiency. This, in turn , should lead to increased profit. It is this model that requires the most support from make . Nevertheless, the techniques we discuss here apply to the free software model as well when their requirements demand it.

This section contains a lot of high-level information with very few specifics and no examples. That's because so much depends on the language and operating environment used. In Chapter 8 and Chapter 9, I will provide specific examples of how to implement many of these features.

6.3.1 Requirements

Of course requirements vary with every project and every work environment. Here we cover a wide range that are often considered important in many commercial development environments.

The most common feature desired by development teams is the separation of source code from binary code. That is, the object files generated from a compile should be placed in a separate binary tree. This, in turn, allows many other features to be added. Separate binary trees offer many advantages:

  • It is easier to manage disk resources when the location of large binary trees can be specified.

  • Many versions of a binary tree can be managed in parallel. For instance, a single source tree may have optimized, debug, and profiling binary versions available.

  • Multiple platforms can be supported simultaneously . A properly implemented source tree can be used to compile binaries for many platforms in parallel.

  • Developers can check out partial source trees and have the build system automatically "fill in" the missing files from a reference source and binary trees. This doesn't strictly require separating source and binary, but without the separation it is more likely that developer build systems would get confused about where binaries should be found.

  • Source trees can be protected with read-only access. This provides added assurance that the builds reflect the source code in the repository.

  • Some targets, such as clean , can be implemented trivially (and will execute dramatically faster) if a tree can be treated as a single unit rather than searching the tree for files to operate on.

Most of the above points are themselves important build features and may be project requirements.

Being able to maintain reference builds of a project is often an important system feature. The idea is that a clean check-out and build of the source is performed nightly, typically by a cron job. Since the resulting source and binary trees are unmodified with respect to the CVS source, I refer to these as reference source and binary trees. The resulting trees have many uses.

First, a reference source tree can be used by programmers and managers who need to look at the source. This may seem trivial, but when the number of files and releases grows it can be unwieldy or unreasonable to expect someone to check-out the source just to examine a single file. Also, while CVS repository browsing tools are common, they do not typically provide for easy searching of the entire source tree. For this, tags tables or even find / grep (or grep -R ) are more appropriate.

Second, and most importantly, a reference binary tree indicates that the source builds cleanly. When developers begin each morning, they know if the system is broken or whole. If a batch-oriented testing framework is in place, the clean build can be used to run automated tests. Each day developers can examine the test report to determine the health of the system without wasting time running the tests themselves. The cost savings is compounded if a developer has only a modified version of the source because he avoids spending additional time performing a clean check-out and build. Finally, the reference build can be run by developers to test and compare the functionality of specific components.

The reference build can be used in other ways as well. For projects that consist of many libraries, the precompiled libraries from the nightly build can be used by programmers to link their own application with those libraries they are not modifying. This allows them to shorten their develoment cycle by omiting large portions of the source tree from their local compiles. Of course, easy access to the project source on a local file server is convenient if developers need to examine the code and do not have a complete checked out source tree.

With so many different uses, it becomes more important to verify the integrity of the reference source and binary trees. One simple and effective way to improve reliability is to make the source tree read-only. Thus, it is guaranteed that the reference source files accurately reflect the state of the repository at the time of check out. Doing this can require special care, because many different aspects of the build may attempt to causally write to the source tree. Especially when generating source code or writing temporary files. Making the source tree read-only also prevents casual users from accidentally corrupting the source tree, a most common occurrence.

Another common requirement of the project build system is the ability to easily handle different compilation, linking, and deployment configurations. The build system typically must be able to manage different versions of the project (which may be branches of the source repository).

Most large projects rely on significant third-party software, either in the form of linkable libraries or tools. If there are no other tools to manage configurations of the software (and often there are not), using the makefile and build system to manage this is often a reasonable choice.

Finally, when software is released to a customer, it is often repackaged from its development form. This can be as complex as constructing a setup.exe file for Windows or as simple as formatting an HTML file and bundling it with a jar. Sometimes this installer build operation is combined with the normal build process. I prefer to keep the build and the install generation as two separate stages because they seem to use radically different processes. In any case, it is likely that both of these operations will have an impact on the build system.

Managing Projects with GNU make
Managing Projects with GNU Make (Nutshell Handbooks)
ISBN: 0596006101
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 131

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