sanity checking, 271

with estimation software, 162

scale, diseconomies of, 70

scaling factors, Cocomo II, 70

schedules (calendar)

allocating to various activities, 238–239

budget-driven, 261

buffers for risk contingency, 245–247

quantifying risk, 251–252

comparing to past projects, 223–224

data on calendar time measures, 95

estimating, 221–232

basic equation for, 221–223

comparing estimates, 231–232

Jones's first-order estimation, 224–225

reestimation, 177–178

with software, 225

ownership of, 268

predictability of, 29


coarse dates and time periods, 255

confidence factors, 252–254

plus-or-minus qualifiers, 251

recalibrating after missed milestones, 175–179

shortest possible schedules, 226–228

staffing constraints and, 230

tradeoffs with effort, 227, 228–230

science of estimation. See estimation software

Scrum development style, 79

SDLC (software development life cycles). See stage-gate processes

SEER tool, 163

sequential development, 78, 79

stages of development, 80

standardized estimation procedure for, 185–187

shortest possible schedules, 226–228

similar projects, comparing. See analogy, estimation by

simple standard deviation formula, 121–122

Simple Standard Deviation Formula (Equation #4), 121

simplified function-point techniques, 203–205

simulating project outcomes, 157

single-point estimates, 6, 107–108, 176–177

size, project, 25, 55–61

choosing as estimation technique, 78

collecting historical data on, 95

comparing similar projects, 129

counting and, 85

error density and, 242

estimating, 197–206

by function points, 200–205

with fuzzy logic, 136–138, 205

by LOC. See lines of code (LOC)

measures for, 197

standard components, 138–141

summary of techniques for, 205–206

estimating effort from, 209–210

estimation flow and (reestimating), 174

estimation software and, 162

schedule breakdown, 238

total effort and, 235

size, team. See project effort

skills at estimation, testing, 15–19, 273

SLIM-Estimate tool, 163

small projects, 78. See also project size

estimation flow (reestimating), 175

schedule estimates, 223

software development style, 78–79

software estimates. See entries at estimate

software for estimation, 157–164

calibrating, 162

computing effort with, 210

computing schedule with, 225

estimating project size with, 205

list of, 163–164

software functionality. See functionality, program

software industry track record, 24, 27

software negotiations, 263–270

attributes of executives and, 259–260

estimates vs. commitments, 261

software product. See products

software quality

accuracy estimates and, 27

defect production and removal, 241–245

sources of estimation error, 33–53. See also accuracy of estimates; accuracy of estimation method

chaotic development processes, 41

Cone of Uncertainty, 35–41

reestimating throughout project, 173–175

schedule estimates and, 222

miscellaneous other sources, 52

off-the-cuff estimates, 49–51

omitted activities, 44–46

politics, 259–270

attributes of executives, 259–260

avoiding with historical data, 93–95

influences on estimates, 260–263

negotiation and problem solving, 259–260, 261, 263–270

subjectivity and bias, 47–49

unfounded optimism, 46

unstable project requirements, 42, 247

requirements omitted from estimates, 44–46, 110

software to account for, 160

unwarranted precision, 51–52

staffing constraints and schedule estimates, 230. See also project effort

stage-gate processes, 182–185

staged delivery, 79

stages of development, 80

counting, 85

stage-gate processes, 182–185

standard components approach, 145–146

estimating project size with, 205

with percentiles, 140–141

standard deviation, 121–126, 256

complex formula for best/worst cases, 122–124

simple formula for best/worst cases, 121–122

squared (variance), 122

standardized estimation procedures, 173, 181–193, 269. See also well-estimated projects

documenting assumptions, 249–251

elements of, 181

example from advanced organization, 190

how to improve, 192

for iterative projects, 188–189

for sequential projects, 185–187

stage-gate processes, 182–185

Standish Group's Chaos Report, 24

status visibility, 27

story points, 142–144, 205

structured expert judgment, 106–110, 149–155. See also expert judgment

estimating project size with, 205

Wideband Delphi technique, 150–155

Student Syndrome, 22, 23

style of software development, 78–79

subjectivity and bias, 47–49

avoiding with historical data, 93

with estimation software, 162

expert judgment, 89

organizational influences, 92

politics. See also politics

support needs, effort for, 247

support, programming, 65

Software Estimation. Demystifying the Black Art
Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art (Best Practices (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735605351
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 212

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