3.3. Adding and Moving Columns or RowsThe cut-and-paste and copy-and-paste operations let you move data from one cell (or group of cells ) to another. But what happens if you want to make some major changes to your worksheet itself? For example, imagine you have a spreadsheet with 10 filled columns (A to J) and you decide you want to add a new column between columns C and D. You could cut all the columns from D to J, and then paste them starting at E. That would solve the problem, and leave the C column free for your new data. But the actual task of selecting these columns can be a little awkward , and it only becomes more difficult as your spreadsheet grows in size . A much easier option is to use two dedicated Excel commands designed for inserting new columns and rows into an existing spreadsheet. If you use these features, you won't need to disturb your existing cells at all. 3.3.1. Inserting ColumnsTo insert a new column, follow these steps:
3.3.2. Inserting RowsInserting rows is just as easy as inserting new columns. Just follow these steps:
Note: In the unlikely event that you have data at the extreme right edge of the spreadsheet, in column XFD, Excel doesn't let you insert a new column anywhere in the spreadsheet because the data would be pushed off into the region Beyond The Spreadsheet's Edges. Similarly, if you have data in the very last row (row 1,048,576), Excel doesn't let you insert more rows. If you do have data in either of these spots and try to insert a new column or row, Excel displays a warning message. 3.3.3. Inserting Copied or Cut CellsUsually, inserting entirely new rows and columns is the most straightforward way to change the structure of your spreadsheet. You can then cut and paste new information into the blank rows or columns. However, in some cases, you may simply want to insert cells into an existing row or column. To do so, begin by copying or cutting a cell or group of cells, and then select the spot you want to paste into. Next, choose Home
You need to be careful when you use the Insert Copied Cells feature. Because you're shifting only certain parts of your worksheet, it's possible to mangle your data, splitting the information that should be in one row or one column into multiple rows or columns! Fortunately, you can always back out of a tight spot using Undo (Section 2.2.5). Figure 3-12 shows the sort of problem you could encounter.
3.3.4. Deleting Columns and RowsIn Chapter 1, you learned that you can quickly remove cell values by moving to the cell and hitting the Delete key. You can also delete an entire range of values by selecting multiple cells, and then hitting the Delete key. Using this technique, you can quickly wipe out an entire row or column. However, using delete simply clears the cell content. It doesn't remove the cells or change the structure of your worksheet. If you want to simultaneously clear cell values and adjust the rest of your spreadsheet to fill in the gap, you need to use the Home For example, if you select a column by clicking the column header, you can either clear all the cells (by pressing the Delete key), or remove the column by choosing Home Usually, you'll use Home |