
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

wait queue
Wait( )
     Monitor class 2nd
     Rendezvous class
     WorkerThread class
waitable events
     monitors vs.
WaitAll( ) (WaitHandle) 2nd
WaitAny( ) (WaitHandle) 2nd
WaitCallback delegate
WaitForMultipleObjects( )
WaitHandle class 2nd
     apartment threading models and
     ManualResetEvent class
     Monitor vs.
     Mutex class derived from
     Semaphore class derived from
     signal-and-wait methods
     SignalAndWait( )
     signaled and non-signaled states
     single and multiple handles waiting
     WaitAny( )
waiting for asynchronous call completion
waiting thread, awakening by calling Interrupt( )
WaitOne( ) (WaitHandle) 2nd 3rd
     specifying a timeout
web services 2nd
     .NET support
     asynchronous call with completion callback
     asynchronous methods
     client-side steps
     problem statement
     proxy classes
     remoting vs.
     server-side steps
     UserManager (example)
web.config file
WebMethod attribute
WebServiceBinding attribute
well-known objects
     client-side type registration
WellKnownObjectMode enum type
white-box reuse of code 2nd
Win32 APIs
     CreateWaitableTimer( )
     WaitForMultipleObjects( )
     asynchronous COM, Windows 2000
     debugging, thread IDs and
     role-based security in
     security model, Windows NT
     user groups
     Win32 native waitable handle
Windows Forms
     asynchronous calls and
     client using SponsorshipManager (example)
     custom authentication and authorization
     ISynchronizeInvoke and
         thread-safe access to label
     LoginControl class
     LoginDialog class (example)
     partial classes
     singleton application
     STAThread attribute
     System.Timers.Timer used in
     TestClient project
     using BackgroundWorker for asynchronous call to web service
         code access security and
         MDI application using (example)
Windows Forms EXE, LogbookHost project
WindowsBuiltInRole enum type
WindowsIdentity objects
WindowsPrincipal class
WindowsPrincipal value (PrincipalPolicy)
WM_TIMER Windows message
work unit, dispatching to thread pool
worker threads
WorkerThread class 2nd
     creating and starting worker thread
     joining with thread handle
     terminating worker threads
WorkItem class
Write( ) (Stream)
WSDL.exe command-line utility
     code access security and
     Windows Forms application using

Programming. NET Components
Programming .NET Components, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0596102070
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 145
Authors: Juval Lowy

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