34.9. Sending Images from Servlets

[Page 1055 ( continued )]

31.4. Case Study: Modifying Rows and Columns

This case study demonstrates the use of table models, table column models, list-selection models, and the TableColumn class. The program allows the user to choose selection mode and selection type, the add or remove rows and columns, and save, clear, or restore the table, as shown in Figure 31.11(a).

Figure 31.11. You can add, remove, and modify rows and columns in a table interactively.

The Add New Row button adds a new empty row before the currently selected row, as shown in Figure 31.11(b). If no row is currently selected, a new empty row is appended to the end of the table.

When you click the Add New Column button, an input dialog box is displayed to receive the title of the column, as shown in Figure 31.12(a). The new column is appended in the table, as shown in Figure 31.12(b).

Figure 31.12. You can add a new column in a table.
(This item is displayed on page 1056 in the print version)

The Delete Selected Row button deletes the first selected row. The Delete Selected Column button deletes the first selected column.

[Page 1056]

The Save button saves the current table data and column names . The Clear button clears the row data in the table. The Restore button restores the save table.

Listing 31.5 gives the program.

Listing 31.5. TableModelDemo.java
(This item is displayed on pages 1056 - 1059 in the print version)
 1   import   java.awt.*; 2   import   java.awt.event.*; 3   import   javax.swing.*; 4   import   javax.swing.table.*; 5   import   java.io.*; 6   import   java.util.Vector; 7 8   public class   TableModelDemo   extends   JApplet { 9  // Create table column names  10   private    String[] columnNames =  11  {   "Country"   ,   "Capital"   ,   "Population in Millions"   ,   "Democracy"   };  12 13  // Create table data  14   private    Object[][] rowData = {  15  {   "USA"   ,   "Washington DC"   ,   280   ,   true   },  16 {   "Canada"   ,   "Ottawa"   ,   32   ,   true   }, 17 {   "United Kingdom"   ,   "London"   ,   60   ,   true   }, 18 {   "Germany"   ,   "Berlin"   ,   83   ,   true   }, 19 {   "France"   ,   "Paris"   ,   60   ,   true   }, 20 {   "Norway"   ,   "Oslo"   ,   4.5   ,   true   }, 21 {   "India"   ,   "New Deli"   ,   1046   ,   true   } 22  };  23 24  // Create a table model  25   private    DefaultTableModel tableModel =   new   DefaultTableModel(  26  rowData, columnNames);  27 28  // Create a table  29   private    JTable jTable1 =   new   JTable(tableModel);  30 31  // Create buttons  32   private   JButton jbtAddRow =   new   JButton(   "Add New Row"   ); 33   private   JButton jbtAddColumn =   new   JButton(   "Add New Column"   ); 34   private   JButton jbtDeleteRow =   new   JButton(   "Delete Selected Row"   ); 35   private   JButton jbtDeleteColumn =   new   JButton( 36   "Delete Selected Column"   ); 

[Page 1057]
 37   private   JButton jbtSave =   new   JButton(   "Save"   ); 38   private   JButton jbtClear =   new   JButton(   "Clear"   ); 39   private   JButton jbtRestore =   new   JButton(   "Restore"   ); 40 41  // Create a combo box for selection modes  42   private   JComboBox jcboSelectionMode = 43   new   JComboBox(   new   String[] {   "SINGLE_SELECTION"   , 44   "SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION"   ,   "MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION"   }); 45 46  // Create check boxes  47   private   JCheckBox jchkRowSelectionAllowed = 48   new   JCheckBox(   "RowSelectionAllowed"   ,   true   ); 49   private   JCheckBox jchkColumnSelectionAllowed = 50   new   JCheckBox(   "ColumnSelectionAllowed"   ,   false   ); 51 52   public   TableModelDemo() { 53 JPanel panel1 =   new   JPanel(); 54 panel1.setLayout(   new   GridLayout(   2   ,   2   )); 55 panel1.add(jbtAddRow); 56 panel1.add(jbtAddColumn); 57 panel1.add(jbtDeleteRow); 58 panel1.add(jbtDeleteColumn); 59 60 JPanel panel2 =   new   JPanel(); 61 panel2.add(jbtSave); 62 panel2.add(jbtClear); 63 panel2.add(jbtRestore); 64 65 JPanel panel3 =   new   JPanel(); 66 panel3.setLayout(   new   BorderLayout(   5   ,     )); 67 panel3.add(   new   JLabel(   "Selection Mode"   ), BorderLayout.WEST); 68 panel3.add(jcboSelectionMode, BorderLayout.CENTER); 69 70 JPanel panel4 =   new   JPanel(); 71 panel4.setLayout(   new   FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); 72 panel4.add(jchkRowSelectionAllowed); 73 panel4.add(jchkColumnSelectionAllowed); 74 75 JPanel panel5 =   new   JPanel(); 76 panel5.setLayout(   new   GridLayout(   2   ,   1   )); 77 panel5.add(panel3); 78 panel5.add(panel4); 79 80 JPanel panel6 =   new   JPanel(); 81 panel6.setLayout(   new   BorderLayout()); 82 panel6.add(panel1, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 83 panel6.add(panel2, BorderLayout.CENTER); 84 85 add(panel5, BorderLayout.NORTH); 86 add(    new   JScrollPane(jTable1)  , 87 BorderLayout.CENTER); 88 add(panel6, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 89 90  // Initialize table selection mode  91  jTable1.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);  92 93 jbtAddRow.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 94   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 95   if   (  jTable1.getSelectedRow() >=      ) 96  tableModel.insertRow (jTable1.getSelectedRow()  , 

[Page 1058]
 97   new   java.util.Vector()); 98   else   99  tableModel.addRow(   new   java.util.Vector());  100 } 101 }); 102 103 jbtAddColumn.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 104   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 105 String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(   "New Column Name"   ); 106  tableModel.addColumn(name,   new   java.util.Vector());  107 } 108 }); 109 110 jbtDeleteRow.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 111   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 112   if   (  jTable1.getSelectedRow() >=      ) 113  tableModel.removeRow(jTable1.getSelectedRow());  114 } 115 }); 116 117 jbtDeleteColumn.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 118   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 119   if   (  jTable1.getSelectedColumn() >=      ) { 120 TableColumnModel columnModel = jTable1.getColumnModel(); 121 TableColumn tableColumn = 122  columnModel.getColumn(jTable1.getSelectedColumn());  123  columnModel.removeColumn(tableColumn);  124 } 125 } 126 }); 127 128 jbtSave.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 129   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 130   try   { 131 ObjectOutputStream out =   new   ObjectOutputStream( 132   new   FileOutputStream(   "tablemodel.dat"   )); 133 out.writeObject(tableModel.getDataVector()); 134 out.writeObject(getColumnNames()); 135 out.close(); 136 } 137   catch   (Exception ex) { 138 ex.printStackTrace(); 139 } 140 } 141 }); 142 143 jbtClear.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 144   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 145  tableModel.setRowCount(     );  146 } 147 }); 148 149 jbtRestore.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 150   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 151   try   { 152 ObjectInputStream in =   new   ObjectInputStream( 153   new   FileInputStream(   "tablemodel.dat"   )); 154 Vector rowData = (Vector)in.readObject(); 155 Vector columnNames = (Vector)in.readObject(); 156 tableModel.setDataVector(rowData, columnNames); 157 in.close(); 

[Page 1059]
 158 } 159   catch   (Exception ex) { 160 ex.printStackTrace(); 161 } 162 } 163 }); 164 165 jchkRowSelectionAllowed.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 166   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 167  jTable1.setRowSelectionAllowed  ( 168 jchkRowSelectionAllowed.isSelected()); 169 } 170 }); 171 172 jchkColumnSelectionAllowed.addActionListener( 173   new   ActionListener() { 174   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 175  jTable1.setColumnSelectionAllowed  ( 176 jchkColumnSelectionAllowed.isSelected()); 177 } 178 }); 179 180 jcboSelectionMode.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 181   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 182 String selectedItem = 183 (String) jcboSelectionMode.getSelectedItem(); 184 185   if   (selectedItem.equals(   "SINGLE_SELECTION"   )) 186  jTable1.setSelectionMode  ( 187 ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); 188   else if   (selectedItem.equals(   "SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION"   )) 189 jTable1.setSelectionMode( 190 ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); 191   else if   (selectedItem.equals(   "MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION"   )) 192 jTable1.setSelectionMode( 193 ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); 194 } 195 }); 196 } 197 198   private   Vector getColumnNames() { 199 Vector<String> columnNames =   new   Vector<String>(); 200 201   for   (   int   i =     ; i < jTable1.getColumnCount(); i++) 202 columnNames.add(  jTable1.getColumnName(i)  ); 203 204   return   columnNames; 205 } 206 } 

A table model is created using DefaultTableModel with row data and column names (lines 25 “26). This model is used to create a JTable (line 29).

The GUI objects (buttons, combo box, check boxes) are created in lines 32 “50 and are placed in the UI in lines 53 “88.

The table-selection mode is the same as the list-selection mode. By default, the selection mode is MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION . To match the initial value in the selection combo box ( jcboSelectionMode ), the table's selection mode is set to SINGLE_SELECTION .

The Add New Row button action is processed in lines 93 “101. The insertRow method inserts a new row before the selected row (lines 95 “96). If no row is currently selected, the addRow method appends a new row into the table model (line 99).

[Page 1060]

The Add New Column button action is processed in lines 103 “108. The addColumn method appends a new column into the table model (line 106).

The Delete Selected Row button action is processed in lines 110 “115. The removeRow(rowIndex) method removes the selected row from the table model (line 113).

The Delete Selected Column button action is processed in lines 117 “126. To remove a column, you have to use the removeColumn method in TableColumnModel (line 123).

The Save button action is processed in lines 128 “141. It writes row data and column names to an output file using object stream (lines 133 “134). The column names are obtained using the getColumnNames() method (lines 198 “205). You may attempt to save tableModel , because tableModel is an instance of DefaultTableModel (lines 25 “26) and DefaultTableModel is serializable. However, tableModel may contain non-serializable listeners for TableModel event.

The Clear button action is processed in lines 143 “147. It clears the table by setting the row count to 0 (line 145).

The Restore button action is processed in lines 149 “163. It reads row data and column names from the file using object stream (lines 154 “155), and sets the new data and column names to the table model (line 156).


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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