34.7. Database Programming in Servlets

[Page 1046 ( continued )]

31.2. JTable

JTable is a Swing component that displays data in rows and columns in a two-dimensional grid, as shown in Figure 31.1.

Figure 31.1. JTable displays data in a table.

JTable doesn't directly support scrolling. To create a scrollable table, you need to create a JScrollPane and add an instance of JTable to the scroll pane. If a table is not placed in a scroll pane, its column header will not be visible, because the column header is placed in the header of the view port of a scroll pane.

JTable has three supporting models: a table model, a column model, and a list-selection model. The table model is for storing and processing data. The column model represents all the columns in the table. The list-selection model is the same as the one used by JList for selecting rows, columns, and cells in a table. JTable also has two useful supporting classes, TableColumn and JTableHeader . TableColumn contains the information on a particular column. JTableHeader contains the information on the header of a JTable . Each column has a default editor and renderer. You can also create a custom editor by implementing the TableCellEditor interface, and create a custom renderer by implementing the TableCellRenderer interface. The relationship of these interfaces and classes is shown in Figure 31.2.

Figure 31.2. JTable contains many supporting interfaces and classes.


All the supporting interfaces and classes for JTable are grouped in the javax.swing.table package.

Figure 31.3 shows the constructors, properties, and methods of JTable .

Figure 31.3. The JTable class is for creating, customizing, and manipulating tables.
(This item is displayed on page 1047 in the print version)

The JTable class contains seven constructors for creating tables. You can create a table using its no-arg constructor, its models, row data in a two-dimensional array, and column header names in an array, or row data and column header names in vectors. Listing 31.1 creates a table with the row data and column names (line 20) and places it in a scroll pane (line 24). The table is displayed in Figure 31.1.

[Page 1047]
Listing 31.1. TestTable.java
(This item is displayed on pages 1047 - 1048 in the print version)
 1   import   javax.swing.*; 2 3   public class   TestTable   extends   JApplet { 4  // Create table column names  5 String[] columnNames = 6 {   "Country"   ,   "Capital"   ,   "Population in Millions"   ,   "Democracy"   }; 7 

[Page 1048]
 8  // Create table data  9 Object[][] data = { 10 {   "USA"   ,   "Washington DC"   ,   280   ,   true   }, 11 {   "Canada"   ,   "Ottawa"   ,   32   ,   true   }, 12 {   "United Kingdom"   ,   "London"   ,   60   ,   true   }, 13 {   "Germany"   ,   "Berlin"   ,   83   ,   true   }, 14 {   "France"   ,   "Paris"   ,   60   ,   true   }, 15 {   "Norway"   ,   "Oslo"   ,   4.5   ,   true   }, 16 {   "India"   ,   "New Deli"   ,   1046   ,   true   } 17 }; 18 19  // Create a table  20  JTable jTable1 =   new   JTable(data, columnNames);  21 22   public   TestTable() { 23  add(   new   JScrollPane(jTable1));  24 } 25 } 


Primitive type values such as 280 and true in line 10 are autoboxed into new Integer(280) and new Boolean(true) .

JTable is a powerful control with a variety of properties that provide many ways to customize tables. All the frequently used properties are documented in Figure 31.3. The autoResizeMode property specifies how columns are resized (you can resize table columns but not rows). Possible values are:


The default mode is JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS . Initially, each column in the table occupies the same width (75 pixels). With AUTO_RESIZE_OFF , resizing a column does not affect the widths of the other columns. With AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN , resizing a column affects the width of the last column. With AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS , resizing a column affects the widths of all the subsequent columns. With AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN , resizing a column affects the widths of the next columns. With AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS , resizing a column affects the widths of all the columns.

Listing 31.2 gives an example that demonstrates the use of several JTable properties. The example creates a table and allows the user to choose an Auto Resize Mode, specify the row height and margin, and indicate whether the grid is shown. A sample run of the program is shown in Figure 31.4.

Figure 31.4. You can specify an auto-resizing mode, the table's row height and row margin, and whether to show the grid in the table.
(This item is displayed on page 1050 in the print version)

Listing 31.2. TablePropertiesDemo.java
(This item is displayed on pages 1048 - 1050 in the print version)
 1   import   java.awt.*; 2   import   java.awt.event.*; 3   import   javax.swing.*; 4   import   javax.swing.event.*; 5 6   public class   TablePropertiesDemo   extends   JApplet { 7  // Create table column names  8   private    String[] columnNames =  9  {   "Country"   ,   "Capital"   ,   "Population in Millions"   ,   "Democracy"   };  10 

[Page 1049]
 11  // Create table data  12   private    Object[][] rowData = {  13  {   "USA"   ,   "Washington DC"   ,   280   ,   true   },  14 {   "Canada"   ,   "Ottawa"   ,   32   ,   true   }, 15 {   "United Kingdom"   ,   "London"   ,   60   ,   true   }, 16 {   "Germany"   ,   "Berlin"   ,   83   ,   true   }, 17 {   "France"   ,   "Paris"   ,   60   ,   true   }, 18 {   "Norway"   ,   "Oslo"   ,   4.5   ,   true   }, 19 {   "India"   ,   "New Deli"   ,   1046   ,   true   } 20  };  21 22  // Create a table  23   private    JTable jTable1 =   new   JTable(rowData, columnNames);  24 25  // Create two spinners  26   private   JSpinner jspiRowHeight = 27   new   JSpinner(   new   SpinnerNumberModel(   16   ,   1   ,   50   ,   1   )); 28   private   JSpinner jspiRowMargin = 29   new   JSpinner(   new   SpinnerNumberModel(   1   ,   1   ,   50   ,   1   )); 30 31  // Create a checkbox  32   private   JCheckBox jchkShowGrid =   new   JCheckBox(   "showGrid"   ,   true   ); 33 34  // Create a combo box  35   private   JComboBox jcboAutoResizeMode =   new   JComboBox(   new   String[]{ 36   "AUTO_RESIZE_OFF"   ,   "AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN"   , 37   "AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS"   ,   "AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN"   , 38   "AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS"   }); 39 40   public   TablePropertiesDemo() { 41 JPanel panel1 =  new  JPanel(); 42 panel1.add(   new   JLabel(   "rowHeight"   )); 43 panel1.add(jspiRowHeight); 44 panel1.add(   new   JLabel(   "rowMargin"   )); 45 panel1.add(jspiRowMargin); 46 panel1.add(jchkShowGrid); 47 48 JPanel panel2 =   new   JPanel(); 49 panel2.add(   new   JLabel(   "autoResizeMode"   )); 50 panel2.add(jcboAutoResizeMode); 51 52 add(panel1, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 53 add(panel2, BorderLayout.NORTH); 54 add(   new   JScrollPane(jTable1)); 55 56  // Initialize jTable1  57  jTable1.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);  58  jTable1.setGridColor(Color.BLUE);  59  jTable1.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);  60  jTable1.setSelectionBackground(Color.RED);  61  jTable1.setSelectionForeground(Color.WHITE);  62 63  // Register and create a listener for jspiRowHeight  64 jspiRowHeight.addChangeListener(   new   ChangeListener() { 65   public void   stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { 66  jTable1.setRowHeight  ( 67 ((Integer)(jspiRowHeight.getValue())).intValue()); 68 } 69 }); 70 

[Page 1050]
 71  // Register and create a listener for jspiRowMargin  72 jspiRowMargin.addChangeListener(   new   ChangeListener() { 73   public void   stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { 74  jTable1.setRowMargin  ( 75 ((Integer)(jspiRowMargin.getValue())).intValue()); 76 } 77 }); 78 79  // Register and create a listener for jchkShowGrid  80 jchkShowGrid.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 81   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 82  jTable1.setShowGrid  (jchkShowGrid.isSelected()); 83 } 84 }); 85 86  // Register and create a listener for jcboAutoResizeMode  87 jcboAutoResizeMode.addActionListener(   new   ActionListener() { 88   public void   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 89 String selectedItem = 90 (String)jcboAutoResizeMode.getSelectedItem(); 91 92   if   (selectedItem.equals(   "AUTO_RESIZE_OFF"   )) 93  jTable1.setAutoResizeMode  (JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); 94   else if   (selectedItem.equals(   "AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN"   )) 95 jTable1.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN); 96   else if   (selectedItem.equals 97 (   "AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS"   )) 98 jTable1.setAutoResizeMode( 99 JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS); 100   else if   (selectedItem.equals(   "AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN"   )) 101 jTable1.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN); 102   else if   (selectedItem.equals(   "AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS"   )) 103 jTable1.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); 104 } 105 }); 106 } 107 } 

If you know the row data in advance, creating a table using the constructor JTable(Object[][] rowData, Object[] columnNames) is convenient . As shown in line 23, a JTable is created using this constructor.

Two JSpinner objects ( jspiRowHeight , jspiRowMargin ) for selecting row height and row margin are created in lines 26 “29. The initial value for jspiRowHeight is set to 16 , which is the default property value for rowHeight . The initial value for jspiRowMargin is set to 1 , which is the default property value for rowMargin . A check box ( jchkShowGrid ) is created with label showGrid and initially selected in line 32. A combo box for selecting autoResizeMode is created in lines 35 “38.

[Page 1051]

The values of the JTable properties ( autoResizeMode , gridColor , selectionMode , selectionBackground , and selectionForeground ) are set in lines 57 “61.

The code for processing spinners, check boxes, and combo boxes is given in lines 64 “105.


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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