8.8. Text I-O

[Page 277 ( continued )]

8.5. Command-Line Arguments

Perhaps you have already noticed the unusual declarations for the main method, which has parameter args of String[] type. It is clear that args is an array of strings. The main method is just like a regular method with a parameter. You can call a regular method by passing actual parameters. Can you pass arguments to main ? Of course, yes. For example, the main method in class B is invoked by a method in A , as shown below.

A main method is just a regular method. Furthermore, you can pass arguments from the command line.

8.5.1. Passing Strings to the main Method

You can pass strings to a main method from the command line when you run the program. The following command line, for example, starts the program TestMain with three strings: arg0 , arg1 , and arg2 :

 java TestMain arg0 arg1 arg2 

arg0 , arg1 , and arg2 are strings, but they don't have to appear in double quotes on the command line. The strings are separated by a space. A string that contains a space must be enclosed in double quotes. Consider the following command line:

 java TestMain "First num" alpha 53 

[Page 278]

It starts the program with three strings: "First num" and alpha , and 53 , a numeric string. Note that 53 is actually treated as a string. You can use "53" instead of 53 in the command line.

When the main method is invoked, the JVM creates an array to hold the command-line arguments and pass the array reference to args . For example, if you invoke a program with n arguments, the Java interpreter creates an array like this one:

 args =   new   String[n]; 

The Java interpreter then passes args to invoke the main method.


If you run the program with no strings passed, the array is created with new String[0] . In this case, the array is empty with length . args references to this empty array. Therefore, args is not null , but args.length is .

8.5.2. Example: Processing Command-Line Arguments

The strings passed to the main program are stored in args , which is an array of strings. The first string is stored in args[0] , and args.length is the number of strings passed.

This example presents a program that performs binary operations on integers. The program receives three arguments: an integer followed by an operator and another integer. For example, to add two integers, use this command:

 java Calculator 2 + 3 

The program will display the following output:

 2 + 3 = 5 

Figure 8.10 shows sample runs of the program.

Figure 8.10. The program takes three arguments (operand1 operator operand2) from the command line and displays the expression and the result of the arithmetic operation.

Here are the steps in the program:

Use args.length to determine whether three arguments have been provided in the command line. If not, terminate the program using System.exit(0) .

Perform a binary arithmetic operation on the operands args[0] and args[2] using the operator specified in args[1] .

The program is shown in Listing 8.4.

[Page 279]
Listing 8.4. Calculator.java
 1   public class   Calculator {  2  /** Main method */  3   public static void   main(String[] args) {  4  // Check number of strings passed  5   if   (  args.length  !=   3   ) {  6        System.out.println(  7   "Usage: java Calculator operand1 operator operand2"   );  8        System.exit(     );  9      } 10 11  // The result of the operation  12   int   result =     ; 13 14  // Determine the operator  15   switch   (  args[   1   ].charAt(      )) { 16   case   '+'   : result = Integer.parseInt(  args[     ]  ) + 17                        Integer.parseInt(  args[   2   ]  ); 18   break   ; 19   case   '-'   : result = Integer.parseInt(  args[     ]  ) - 20                        Integer.parseInt(  args[   2   ]  ); 21   break   ; 22   case   '*'   : result = Integer.parseInt(  args[     ]  ) * 23                        Integer.parseInt(  args[   2   ]  ); 24   break   ; 25   case   '/'   : result = Integer.parseInt(  args[     ]  ) / 26                        Integer.parseInt(  args[   2   ]  ); 27     } 28 29  // Display result  30     System.out.println(  args[     ]  +   ' '   +  args[   1   ]  +   ' '    args[   2   ]  31       +   " = "   + result); 32   } 33 } 

Integer.parseInt(args[0]) (line 16) converts a digital string into an integer. The string must consist of digits. If not, the program will terminate abnormally.

In the sample run, "*" had to be used instead of * for the command

 java Calculator 63 "*" 40 

In JDK 1.1 and above, the * symbol refers to all the files in the current directory when it is used on a command line. Therefore, in order to specify the multiplication operator, the * must be enclosed in quote marks in the command line. The following program displays all the files in the current directory when issuing the command java Test * :

   public class   Test {   public static void   main(String[] args) {   for   (   int   i =     ; i < args.length; i++)       System.out.println(args[i]);   } } 


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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