

RaiseEvent statements, 278

Rammer, Ingo, 24

RangeValidator, 524

RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), concurrency issues, 4

redundant code, reducing, 273–276

References node, 38

reflection, 403–437

creating attribute class, 407–408

creating ComputerList class, 408–410

definition of, 17

deploying Windows forms with, 18

examining property attributes in code, 410–419

implementing business rules using custom attributes, 420–437

assigning data-centric business rule attributes, 427

checking business rules with custom attributes, 432–435

creating BusinessRules project, 420–421

creating DisplayNameAttribute class, 424

creating ITest interface, 421–422

creating MaxLengthAttribute class, 426

creating NotEmptyAttribute class, 425

creating NotNullAttribute class, 422–424

implementing user-centric business rule attribute classes, 435–437

overview, 420

retrieving list of business rules, 427–432

overview, 403

setting up project, 406

setting up scenario, 405

Reflection.Emit namespace, 404

Region class, 69–72

creating relation with Territory class, 248

determining if going to perform save or update, 241

GetBusinessRules method of, 278–279

implementing BrokenRules class in, 173

inheriting BusinessBase class, 277

LoadRecord method of, 74–75

Region collections, 83

Region Edit form, 113–119

Region interface, 279

Region List, 95

Region objects, 52, 55, 274

Region Stored Procedures, 58–59

RegionDC class

adding attributes to, 61–62

change to Save method, 434

Delete method of, 65–66

LoadRecord method of, 64–65

MarshalByRefObject of, 60

RegionDescription attribute, 62

RegionDescription field, 117

RegionDescription property

checking for business rule violations, 167

editing to implement Loading property in Region class, 71–72

tagging with business rule attributes, 437

trapping business rule violations, 175–176

RegionList form, 91–93

RegionMgr class, 77

implementing, 80–85

Load method of, 81–82

RegionMgr object, 92, 120, 254–255, 258

Regions, for sections of code, 61

Registry Editor, 494–495

registry, setting up, 494–495

RegReader class, 499

regular expressions, 96, 527

Regular Expressions with .NET (Appleman), 96, 527

Regular Expression Validator, 526–539

property settings, 528

Save method, Employee Details, 531–532

ShowErrors method, 533–534

validation expression for, 528, 529

validators for Employee Details Page, 529

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), concurrency issues, 4

relationships, database

one-to-many or many-to-many, 51

one-to-one, 50–51

types of, 51–52

.rem extension, 33

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), 19, 439


channels for, 23–24, 93–94

configuration information, 32–35

how objects communicate using, 45–47

Remove method, 78

RemoveAt method, 78

Replace dialog box, 527

"replay" attack, 502

Report Errors menu item, 155, 234

requestEncoding attribute, 559

RequiredFieldValidator, 524–526

ResGen, 544–545, 546

resource creation tools, 544–547

ResourceManager class, 556

.resources file, 544

responseEncoding attribute, 559

.resx file, 544, 545

RetrieveErrors method, 140

reusing code, 273–306

See also enterprise templates, creating

adding configuration file, 282–283

consolidating user-centric classes, 276–282

overview, 273

reducing redundant code, 273–276

reverse engineering into a UML diagram, 40

richtextboxes, 212, 382

RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls), 19, 439

Rule value, 182

Building Client/Server Applications with VB. NET(c) An Example-Driven Approach
Building Client/Server Applications Under VB .NET: An Example-Driven Approach
ISBN: 1590590708
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 148
Authors: Jeff Levinson © 2008-2017.
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